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Us/Israel in denial even.........


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after the world community (UN) claims that the Israeli Wall that is being built is unlawful and should be torn down immediatly .

..it's news like this that fortifies my belief even more that this "alliance" is the biggest cause of unstablility in the mid east .


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the world court decision will mean nothing to Israel, nor will a U.N. General Assembly resolution; which naturally the US will oppose. Israel will claim they are protecting themselves from terrorists; which is nonsense. they want isolation and control. people will say the Palestinians are thief's, terrorists, and stubborn. I would say Israel shares some of same characteristics. it's a never ending battle of stupidity, which will continue to lead to death and despair in that region of the middle east. the US position on these matters is deplorable, and embarrassing.

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the world court decision will mean nothing to Israel, nor will a U.N. General Assembly resolution; which naturally the US will oppose. Israel will claim they are protecting themselves from terrorists; which is nonsense. they want isolation and control. people will say the Palestinians are thief's, terrorists, and stubborn. I would say Israel shares some of same characteristics. it's a never ending battle of stupidity, which will continue to lead to death and despair in that region of the middle east. the US position on these matters is deplorable, and embarrassing.

i would not call the Isareli gov't a bunch of terrorists....but definitely stubborn. And given the corruption probes into Sharon's family....i would not object to calling them theives.

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i would not call the Isareli gov't a bunch of terrorists....but definitely stubborn. And given the corruption probes into Sharon's family....i would not object to calling them theives.
I would consider some of the actions of the mossad, deliberate acts of violence, intimdation, and murder against a group of people terrorism. however justified the actions may be, they still amount to terrorism IMO.
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They are both terrorists ....one does so with suicide bombers and stones while the other does so with a modern day army and incursions .

The prob I really have with the WALL is that it is being used to steal/intrude on even more palestinian lands.....and yet israel's response to that "it's for our safety" ..


...for me it's simple THEFT .

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Close to 1,000 Israelis have been murdered by Palestinian terrorist attacks in the past 4 years. Since the walls initial construction, attacks have drastically gone down.

The wall works assholes.

you have a count on how many palestinians, have been murdered by Israel in the past 4 years??
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our biased american media makes it seem like it's a tooth for a tooth type fight , but in reality it's nothing more than a massacre ....for every israeli killed , 10 palestinians take up the slack .

pathetic & cowardess if you ask me .

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first ask yourself y the palestinians r dying to kill israelis?? maybe its cause they have taken up their land, most of the settlers in israel today are imports from russia, US and germany.

Wait till the palestinians develop ways to throw stuff over the wall to kill isrealis...this wall is not the answer...its sad that isrealis cannot see that long lasting peace with their neighbors is the only way to go....

if history is a lesson the great wall of china was built to keep the mongilian invaders from entering peiking, but it only delayed the mongolian invasion, but it did not deter gengis khan's followers from destroying the xiang dynasty...

history has lessons....learn from it!

Close to 1,000 Israelis have been murdered by Palestinian terrorist attacks in the past 4 years. Since the walls initial construction, attacks have drastically gone down.

The wall works assholes.

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so you're equating the ancient mongolians to the present day palestinians?

stop posting..you are a fuckin idiot...he never equated that..

so where are your facts to back up the drastic decline in Israeli deaths from the wall..fuckin troll..

people dont waste time on this asshole

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all you people are forgeting that the opinion of the world court means nothing... want to know why ? because they don't have an army to back thier shit up.

Army? It was a request for an advisory opinion by the UN.

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all you people are forgeting that the opinion of the world court means nothing... want to know why ? because they don't have an army to back thier shit up.

world opinion?? world opinion would have exterminated the jews many times over during the course of history... they have survived because they have defended themselves.. in the past, and now- the wall is just a small tiny piece of their ways to defend themselves. arafat and his hoodlums are in the process now of imploding..like I have always said... let the palestinians negotiate a peace plan- and execute it.. is the answer.. i agree, the wall is not an answer...but a band aid to keep as many urderes out of israel as possible... get reid of arafat, the terrorists, and replace them with peace makers..israel will make peace- with peace makers- not murderers

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the world in particular the US ,has defended Israel ,and provided financial assistance to them. Israel has survived because of its allies. the sympathy card is over played by Israel. Israelis and Palestinians have both committed murders. Israel wants peace on their terms; sorry it doesn’t work that way. get rid of Sharon and Arafat, remove the US from the peace process (Israel’s largest financial and military supporter should not be involved in the peace process); then perhaps peace could be achieved.

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the world in particular the US ,has defended Israel ,and provided financial assistance to them. Israel has survived because of its allies. the sympathy card is over played by Israel. Israelis and Palestinians have both committed murders. Israel wants peace on their terms; sorry it doesn’t work that way. get rid of Sharon and Arafat, remove the US from the peace process (Israel’s largest financial and military supporter should not be involved in the peace process); then perhaps peace could be achieved.

yea im for peace- get some peace makers to the table- got any suggestions?? palestinian have already missed many many opportunities to make peace- and compromise- they want it on their terms

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it's the same spin wheel and point the finger nonsense. how does Israel develop a plan, to leave the area without having Palestinians involved in the process?? why is Israel breaking international laws?? doesn’t sound like Israel is too interested in peace to me. you have two stubborn leaders in both Arafat and Sharon. remove them from the process, and there maybe some hope. a multi national peace group would be a beginning.

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it's the same spin wheel and point the finger nonsense. how does Israel develop a plan, to leave the area without having Palestinians involved in the process?? why is Israel breaking international laws?? doesn’t sound like Israel is too interested in peace to me. you have two stubborn leaders in both Arafat and Sharon. remove them from the process, and there maybe some hope. a multi national peace group would be a beginning.

remove arafat-= agreed- remove sharon- ok- I'll agree no problem- now- do you want to remove the hundreds of thousands-if not millions of muslims- who want to kill every jew and american on the planet- for a true peace- how do you handle that issue....

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let's be realistic here. the world is full of hatred. you are not going to remove hatred. the best you can do is lead by setting a positive example, and defend yourself against those who attack you. also defending ones self should not include intimidation and/or murder.

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let's be realistic here. the world is full of hatred. you are not going to remove hatred. the best you can do is lead by setting a positive example, and defend yourself against those who attack you.

I agree!!!!

I also disagree with "the wall" 100%

This is big huh????

Good day

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our biased american media makes it seem like it's a tooth for a tooth type fight , but in reality it's nothing more than a massacre ....for every israeli killed , 10 palestinians take up the slack .

pathetic & cowardess if you ask me .

you stupid piece of shit, that's cause these subhuman cowards the "palestinians" hide behind their children & the hamas members take take cover in crowded places

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do you want to remove the hundreds of thousands-if not millions of muslims- who want to kill every jew and american on the planet- for a true peaceQUOTE]

oh how i wish there was a way

well...youre getting youre wish..it is a war...many will die..many innocent victims on both sides as well...

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