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Question For the Ladies

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If a guy shows too much interest in you, Is it a turn off?

Situation:I meet this girl like 3 or 4 weeks ago. It turns out I know her best friend kinda well, So we start hanging out after like 2 weeks we hook up. So now am kinda seeing this girl. Shes great We get along, I like her, she likes me we both care about each other. How can i show her how much I like her without overdoing it? We both agree that being in a relationship is something that neither of us want right now butyou never know. She is a great girl....



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Ohh John!!!!!!! Im all smiles for you...cuz thats all Ive been doing hehe. Show ur feelings babe. If she makes you happy dont hold in...that would be the worst thing you could possibly do!!! Just be true to yourself and her. Noone ever wants a relationship but the best ones come up when your not looking! cwm38.gif



"ShAke YoUR FaCE"

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I say just be yourself. If you feel like buying her flowers, or writting little notes and leaving them for her do it. If she gets freaked out-then she does. If you just be yourself you can't loose.


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Originally posted by saynotodrama:

Just something to keep in mind: Feelings in the beginning are ALWAYS stronger, if not the strongest because of everything being so new.

that i don't agree with . . . i thought it was true . . . but my feelings for rob weren't half as strong when i first met him as they are now . . . but that could just be me personally. smile.gif

my advice:

just act exactly as you really are . . . acting different from who you are is the biggest mistake you can make. if you're naturally affectionate, and romantic, etc, then like cathy said, show her exactly how you feel . . .

it seems like you could be that kinda person . . . because you did ask for advice in the first place! smile.gif

good luck!




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Originally posted by enyce2000:

If a guy shows too much interest in you, Is it a turn off?


Ahhh...Be very careful guy...

In my experiences, if I like a guy, and he kinda sort of gives me the cold shoulder--it drives me insane. I get frustrated, and want him to want me just as much, so he'll always be on my mind, and I won't be able to stop thinking about him.

On the other hand, if I like a guy, but he constantly professess (sp) his adoration for me, I can get a little turned off.

Reverse psychology--go figure...

Just be yourself, and keep your head (the one on your shoulders) on straight...Try not to loose yourself completely, cause you sound like a genuinly good guy, and I would hate to see you get hurt... cwm38.gif



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yeah dude .. watch out .,..showing a girl how much u like her at teh beginning of a relationship could be detrimental ... so take it easy ... once your into the relationship longer you'll be able to show how much u like her , she'll expect it by then and be happy with you .. but at first u have kinda play that whole i dont really care that much game bullcrap .. it sucks for us guy sto have to know all these rules not to make girls dislike us .. =) specially when girls can change the rules at anytime with no notice at all .. we're supposed to catch on quick so pay attention .. good luck ... ope everything works out ... maybe u got one of those rare girls u can just be honest with , good job by you , if you did ...




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It depends on exactly HOW strong your feelings are...I wouldn't suggest overdoing it, but if she can't handle flowers and romantic feelings coming her way, then she doesn't deserve you anyway. Some girls fall for the reverse psychology play beautious1 was talking about, but not all...you have to know what kind of girl this one is. Good luck. cwm38.gif



[This message has been edited by ReginaP (edited 11-06-2000).]

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Me personally-

Don't drive your self crazy over it! Act like you always act...

However- I must admit games can be a little fun.

I think it's human nature to want something more especially when it's a challenge...at least for me it is. It drives me crazy (in a good way)...

Do the coy little flirting thing.

As beautious said you seemed to be a good guy....

Who knows she could be reading this thread as we speak!!



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Show her how your feeling with reckless abandon. If you feel like showering her with attention then do it. If you hold back what's inside just to play by the "rules" then you are not letting her see the real you and it won't work out in the long run when your true self comes out.

If she can't deal with that much attention then she might not be your type. Not saying either of you is right or wrong but it is important that you are on the same wave length as far as time together goes.

"Free spirits" don't usually mix with the "hold them close" for long.

Just my .02



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I am all for being open and honest about your feelings, but the truth is some people can not handle it. I know that there was a point in my life when I was not ready for a relationship and I would date people here and there until I started seeing someone that I was friends with and had really strong feelings for me - the minute thins started moving too fast I freaked and shut him out. I am not saying that everyone is like that, but it is too early to be able to read the situation. I would give it a little time until you won't have to ask what to do - you will just know.

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Just something to keep in mind: Feelings in the beginning are ALWAYS stronger, if not the strongest because of everything being so new. Someone new to learn things about, etc., interest in anything new is always peaked at first. Kind of like a new toy (kind of sad, but it's true). Just a word of advice...don't show TOO much at first. Just try to keep in mind that the feelings you are having are so strong becuase you are in the beginning stages of a new relationship. I only say this because it will only lead to let down for her later because, although you may feel the same way, you will probably end up not showing it as much as you did from the start. She may not understand that.


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

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