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thats just one of those things that will just always be like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

humans....interesting creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol if i didnt know you better id say you are gonna have a hard time getting this outta your head dawg :laugh:

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infatuation stems from admiration, but is more of a surface feeling, you have strong feelings about what you think you know or what you think you see. it's living only in the initial happy, butterflies in your stomache stage and not allowing growth past it. Obsession is a deeper form of admiration where you yourself build the person up to be what you want them to be, or what you subconciously need. Obsession is more focused on the idea of an object, rather than the object itself. and love, is the feeling of acceptance for what someone actually truly is. its knowing all faults, all imperfections, all the mistakes, but completely accepting them as part of the package.

im high if none of that made sense

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actually that was a pretty decent rundown roxy..

thing that was getting me was that you could be in love with someone, and be infatuated with them, and possibly obsessed all at the same time. i guess its really different degrees of an unexplainable emotion. cept' that it might go from healthy, to borderline, to psycho status pretty quickly

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some of that sounded pretty cool.

i used to fall in infatuated love every week, geez it was alot of fun, too....yeah, surface kinda thing.

Obcession thing can be scary.

and love, well.....that one is kinda strange one, too.....personally, at this point in time....balanced kinda love is what I'm lookin'--sorta--for....

people can get possessive--controling--emotionally dependant etc.....at times it's not quite visible...and then that isn't healthy, at all.

I don't know....but, it's a freaken project. Flings was alot more fun....

not having to be emotionally responsible for someones emotional needs...

well, it's a free spirited thing.....love is binding.

I'm a confused girl, don't mind me.

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thing that was getting me was that you could be in love with someone, and be infatuated with them, and possibly obsessed all at the same time. i guess its really different degrees of an unexplainable emotion. cept' that it might go from healthy, to borderline, to psycho status pretty quickly

Very true...its all about levels

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it's addicting

i guess you like getting obcessed over people? i guess an emotion that gives you some sort of high.

hmmm, i like the infatuation part....when it gets more involved, it makes me a tad bit nervous.

i'm a freedom addict, actually. have to find some balance here. don't get me wrong, there are people i love, and i love to love...it's a great feeling to love someone for whomever they are.....but, once it puts some sort of "restictions" on me......the issues creep up.

I have some issues....obviously.

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addiction is def not something i like. addiction is like the exact opposite is freedom isnt it? it consumes you and eats away at you. its a craving that leaves you powerless. i dont like not being in control, of myself, you know? Perhaps you are lucky and you can channel and feed the obsession you have. im too weak for that. it over powers me.

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I have some issues....obviously.

lol, i wouldnt go that far hun, i cant think of one person i know who's got the whole emotional roller coaster on lock. ive been through all sorts of levels with different people, and even after all the experience of getting hurt and hurting, i cant even really say that i know whats right and wrong and how to prevent it.

love can be sensational and tramatic, just depends on where things are and if they fluctuate. infatuation can be nice, if you're outside looking in and dont have too many real emotions involved, so hit or miss you'll be ok. obsession though i dont think is healthy one way or another. unless you can town down the feelings after its been recipriated or not then you're almost doomed to get upset and emotionally scared. flings i cant seem to do, ive never been able to just hook up with someone and not develop feelings. i get attached, sometimes too easily and from my experience it doesnt always end up on the greener side of the fence. the only real surefire way to dabble and not get hurt is not to do it at all im convinced. but someone once said its better to have loved and lost than to never love at all. and i agree 100%

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well, i had a really long relationship that turned psycho in the end, I thought I knew this person....you have no clue. WACKO, he actually wished death on me, so that "atleast he would knwo where i was"....yeah, I can say...i never want to experience that again. it got really ugly.....yeah, this is how "crimes of passion" happen.....nasty, nasty nasty...business....

.........and the funny thing is...I left my "suppressive euro" community for this "American" type relationship which was supposed to be more "equal".....well, unfortunately I learned the hard way....he wasn't all that much different....as a matter of fact he was even more jealous than the dude my dad set me up with before him.

i suppose why i preffered short term thingies.......

i believe in fate and destiny......and things should feel "natural" when the right one comes along......................

don't u think?

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i believe in fate and destiny......and things should feel "natural" when the right one comes along......................

don't u think?

absolutely. i believe fully that when the right one comes along that for the most part if you are compatable you'll just 'work together'. if relationships become more work than enjoyment its time to dead it.


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i believe in fate and destiny......and things should feel "natural" when the right one comes along......................

don't u think?

true...right one will come along one day, i hope lol.

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that there's a very thin line that distinguishes the difference between love, infatuation and obsession. really, if you think about it, where does one start and the other begin? just curious, popped into my head just now..

:love: , :makeout: , :bowdown:

good thinking, philosophy, yums

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hmm yeah, when it becomes more "work"....I totally agree.

well, not that he was "bad" to me.....I can't say that....BUT, when I was just sick of the relationship...which just was stale.....grown apart, totally...he was a jock....and I was not, and deff not a mornign person....no communication...different levels mentally....couldn't see myself happy with this person in like 40 years...which is how i think u should look at things.......

i think it was he was just more used to me, than that he was in love.....i don't know--I wasn't in his head....but, all the ugliness certainly came out in the end.....brutal. and all i kept thinking was....does he actually think this psychotic behavior is ganna make me change my mind or something? i mean, what are guys thinking when they do shit like that?

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good thinking, philosophy, yums

is that gir in ur avi? :bowdown:

muzik - ive come to notice that some guys when they feel they are losing control in the relationship use anger and violence in a sense, verbal or physical to get the upper hand back. it may tend to work, for a while, but in the longrun its the insecurity and incopentant nature that allowed those actions to transgress in the first place that will ultimately get the better of you. not to say if some sort of agressive actions take place that you cant work toward a stable and fulfilling relationship, but at least from personal experience i find that when a partnership has come to that, then it's almost better to move on than wonder if there's something worth working on.

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thats just one of those things that will just always be like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

humans....interesting creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fliptoniaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do!!!!!!!!!!!!! you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always!!!!!!!!!!!!! type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :laugh: :laugh:

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hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fliptoniaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do!!!!!!!!!!!!! you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always!!!!!!!!!!!!! type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :laugh: :laugh:

its just one of the wonders of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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