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So, the Shaq deal...


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no to be a southern version of the knicks they would have to sign 8 people who play the same position - power forward.

All i am saying is there was no way they would win the title the way they were, and really getting rid of grant and his contract was a good thing. Shaq is 32 but playing in the east it is like he is 30. Look how long mutumbo hung around. He does not have to give all out efforts like he would in the west.They have a better chance now then when the did at the end of last year, and that is all you can ask for.

The celts are a big question mark. They could be a 5 seed or they could get the most ping pong balls. The celts are my team also and i would rather of play the shaq-less miami then the shaq-full miami.

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There is a snag in the deal.

In Odom's contract, it says he must receive a lump sum at one time (around 8.5 million), so this may be a problem if Jerry Buss does not wanna pay this.

Not to say the deal will not happen still, but this may be a potential problem

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Here you go again taking everything literally again. Did you do enough research before you make your last post? How miserable are you?

Exactly, in my opinion, average role players!

We'll see how the season plays out, as far as I know, your celts are going to be the garbage of the league for years to come.

FYI...don't bark up the wrong tree dickhead! And Jack, why the fuck are you always using the word son?

average in todays standards but horace grant was in his prime winning all nba defensive team awards, andersen was a 3 point shooting lock as well as scott, my whole point is that they really need more talent there, did they become better? its yet to be seen ...they could flop like the lakers did this year or they could truly dominate but realistically you need to admit that there just ain't enough there yet and unless they sign another odom/butler type of player they ain't gonna win...plus the east is a lot more guards and running and shaq's getting old and injury prone, how is his body gonna handle that and now shaq has to learn new defensive and offensive schemes...and yes my celts are miserable i admitted that and said even with shaq they are shit but they are still my team and ill still go to the games in the jungle...you seem like a nice guy so lets call a truce for a year and pick this argument up again around the all star break or some shit, sound good...SON

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the reason why the magic lossed with those players was because shaq actually faced a center that was better. Hakeem. He was unstoppable. Shaq would not run into anyone even close to that now.

I also would not wory about all the running in the east the court is still the same length, and it is not like the west are full of teams like the late 90's heat and knicks.Phoinix, golden state, seattle, the clippers all ran small.So did dallas and how did that work out for them almost everytime the played the lakers. The east does not even have any team like dallas in terms of running and shooting, or even sacramento ran small with brad miller as center.

I mean the knicks and philly really do not have speed demon centers. if you go small and try to run shaq will destroy you on offence and if you start missing your jump shots you are done. Shaq will make the three and four spots better no matter who plays them.

Odom was great this year but knowing his past and seeing how he was on south beach chances are he would of screwed shit up within the next couple years. Shit he will probably screw shit up in LA again.Caron butler really is not that good, you will see. He shot 36% and averaged 9 points a game.And grant was well grant.

Now unless that pick turns into an allstar, which i doubt because unless shaq is hurt there is no way the heat do not make the playoffs.Shit the celts made it and they were trying not to. Trade is good for heat bad for LA.

Oh and it is done

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average in todays standards but horace grant was in his prime winning all nba defensive team awards, andersen was a 3 point shooting lock as well as scott, my whole point is that they really need more talent there, did they become better? its yet to be seen ...they could flop like the lakers did this year or they could truly dominate but realistically you need to admit that there just ain't enough there yet and unless they sign another odom/butler type of player they ain't gonna win...plus the east is a lot more guards and running and shaq's getting old and injury prone, how is his body gonna handle that and now shaq has to learn new defensive and offensive schemes...and yes my celts are miserable i admitted that and said even with shaq they are shit but they are still my team and ill still go to the games in the jungle...you seem like a nice guy so lets call a truce for a year and pick this argument up again around the all star break or some shit, sound good...SON

:werd: Truce.....Good Argument!

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