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this is from the Anti Defamation League

"New Osama bin Laden Video Contains Anti-Israel and Anti-American Statements "

read it and educate yourself.

scroll down on that page you just linked me to and read the info about Osama Bin Laden

" His militancy is traced back to the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Bin Laden's avowed goal from that time is to remove Western "infidels" from Muslim countries - the Russians from Afghanistan, the American military from Saudi Arabia and other points in the Gulf - the downfall of many government of Muslim states, and for the destruction of the United States and its allies.

Bin Laden is the son of the Yemeni-born owner of a leading Saudi construction company. Born into great wealth, he is believed to have inherited as much as $300 million when his father died in the 1960's. From 1979, bin Laden began raising money for the Mujahadeen forces fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, and gradually became more and more affiliated with Egyptian Islamic extremist groups, such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad. From the mid-1980's bin Laden began to establish training camps in Afghanistan, initially for the war in Afghanistan, but later to fight against other targets worldwide. He has attracted thousands of recruits from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan and Sudan.

Reportedly, bin Laden's anti-Americanism intensified during the Gulf War, when U.S. troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. According to The New York Times: "The presence of American soldiers in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the home of the two holiest Muslim shrines, enraged Mr. bin Laden and other Arab militants."

9/11 would have happened with or without our gallant siding with Israel.

Our support of Israel should be unwavering and eternal.

I do not think that we should hate all muslims. The only muslims I hate are the ones that hate jews. And there are way too many of them. I will not lie and say I have scores of arabic moslem friends but I do have a few good acquaintances and trusting coworkers of islamic faith from the middle east who do not exude the ignorance and anti-semitism of their a startling proportion of the Arabic world. We have sincerely spoken about this topic and they don't blindly hate and believe in all the jew hating bullshit as many of their peers do.

What's funny to me is that jews and muslims lived peacefully in that region before Stalin began heavily funding islamic terrorists after Israel initially sided with the U.S. around the middle of the 20th century.

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scroll down on that page you just linked me to and read the info about Osama Bin Laden

" His militancy is traced back to the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Bin Laden's avowed goal from that time is to remove Western "infidels" from Muslim countries - the Russians from Afghanistan, the American military from Saudi Arabia and other points in the Gulf - the downfall of many government of Muslim states, and for the destruction of the United States and its allies.

Bin Laden is the son of the Yemeni-born owner of a leading Saudi construction company. Born into great wealth, he is believed to have inherited as much as $300 million when his father died in the 1960's. From 1979, bin Laden began raising money for the Mujahadeen forces fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, and gradually became more and more affiliated with Egyptian Islamic extremist groups, such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad. From the mid-1980's bin Laden began to establish training camps in Afghanistan, initially for the war in Afghanistan, but later to fight against other targets worldwide. He has attracted thousands of recruits from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan and Sudan.

Reportedly, bin Laden's anti-Americanism intensified during the Gulf War, when U.S. troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. According to The New York Times: "The presence of American soldiers in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the home of the two holiest Muslim shrines, enraged Mr. bin Laden and other Arab militants."

9/11 would have happened with or without our gallant siding with Israel.

Our support of Israel should be unwavering and eternal.

I do not think that we should hate all muslims. The only muslims I hate are the ones that hate jews. And there are way too many of them. I will not lie and say I have scores of arabic moslem friends but I do have a few good acquaintances and trusting coworkers of islamic faith from the middle east who do not exude the ignorance and anti-semitism of their a startling proportion of the Arabic world. We have sincerely spoken about this topic and they don't blindly hate and believe in all the jew hating bullshit as many of their peers do.

What's funny to me is that jews and muslims lived peacefully in that region before Stalin began heavily funding islamic terrorists after Israel initially sided with the U.S. around the middle of the 20th century.

you conveniently left out the important parts such as this quote from Bin laden "Our terrorism is a good accepted terrorism because it's against America, it's for the purpose of defeating oppression so America would stop supporting Israel, who is killing our children." a quote which would have naturally lent credence to bassboy's comments.
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Right !!!!!!!


lets see- when its all over- who do you think will watch your back- palestinian/ muslim- or an israeli- who you gonna trust when the shit hits the fan-

cant wait to see the responses

btw what seems to be the problem in paradise this week??? plo imploding- arafat losing contol- maybe a peace maker will finally emerge thru the chaos

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how come if israel is the U.S's biggest ally, how come they have no troops in Iraq now and are not part of the coalition?



--as far as playing that 9/11 handing out cake and candy roll....don't dare push that button...that's an asshole button.

Button pushed!!

This is something which should not even need to be explained...The fact that I must, really has me scratching my head as to why? Then again, it really does confirm my opinion that some people just don't get it. Some by choice, others by language barrier and others by pure ignorance,,,,,

Why Israel doesn't have any troops (boots on the ground) in this coalition of the willing for the WAR ON TERROR?

Okay, this brilliant question (NOT) will require clear thinking logic, not conspiracy kookiness. There is one thing in the mid-east which unifies the Arab world, their hatred of the Jews. Now, w/ this common understanding, it would be insane to have Jewish troops on the ground fighting and killing other Arabs. This would only hamper the effort we are doing there. Whatever cooperation we are getting from locals would essentially end and we could just forget about any assistance from surrounding Arab countries (Intel, freezing funds of suspects, etc..). Israelis would be more of a liability in our war on terror than an asset. If this war were being fought in America, make no mistake, Israeli troops would be there. They are currently helping us in what they can,,which probably is Intel.

Now, the fact that someone actually found logic in this question about Jews and their support of the coalition really boggles the mind(aka- psycho-babble). Exactly who's side are you on? Are you trying to undermine the sacrifices the coalition has made and continues to make or are you defending terrorists (aka- THE ENEMY)? Pick your poison Einstein!

Recent history refresher:

Axis of evil: Iran, Iraq & N. Korea

What countries border Iran? Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan (and 2 large bodies of water)

We've liberated Afghanistan and Iraq. Pakistan is working w/ us more than they ever have. Are you starting to see the bigger picture yet? I sure hope so. Yes, N. Korea is still out there, but they've got China and S. Korea to deal w/. Now, does this help clear up our strategy against the AXIS OF EVIL? It does for me. This vision Bush has laid out is bold and after 9/11, NECESSARY if we intend of defeating our enemy in the hope of maintaining our way of life while planting the seed of freedom. This is a clear example of LEADERSHIP. Learn it, Live it, Love it!


Class dismissed.

Good day

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