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Interview with Kimbo Slice: Miami Street Fighting Legend

By A.I.

1. Kimbo are you a boxing fan? If so, who are your favorite fighters now and of all-time?

Yes, I’m a boxing fan. I watch it from time to time. My all-time favorites are Joe Frazier and Mike Tyson.

2. You are a big guy, exactly how tall are you and how much do you weigh?

I’m roughly 6’3, 240 pounds.

3. Have you ever lost a fight underground? What is your record if you know?

I’ve lost my share in the pen. I don’t keep track but I’ve won much more than I’ve lost. Since I was released almost one year ago, I’ve gone 9-1. My only loss was to a punk that brought mace to the dance. I was kicking his ass and he used the mace as I went in for the kill. I accept the loss. I’m a man. Before the fight we said no weapons but we didn’t say no mace. He regretted doing that. I knocked him out within ten seconds in our rematch and pounded on him five more times for insurance. He lost all his front teeth but we’re good friends now. It’s about respect.

4. What tools do you posess and what tools are you working on that you think will make you a professional threat?

I’ve got a powerful left hook and a lot of intensity. The intensity comes from the anger within. The establishment took ten years of my life and now I’m gonna take it back.

5. Are you in training right now to polish your boxing skills and if so how is that going?

I recently started training at a local gym here in Miami. I’m working on my conditioning and defense. I feel I done created a great offense from my days in the pen. That was Education 101.

6. Can you make noise in the heavyweight division? How long will it take?

That’s what my trainers think. They say the division is open and I might as well take a crack at it. We’ll see what happens. I’ll probably only need about ten pro fights before I’m ready to knock all them fools out.

7. Can you tell us about your time spent incarcerated and if that would pose a problem getting you licensed in any state professionally?

I was incarcerated for some bulls*** I didn’t do. Let’s leave it at that. I hope my past don’t come back to haunt me. This ****a gotta keep eatin.

8. Alot of people who will watch the tape of one of your fights will say you are an ultimate fighter not a boxer and that your a freak show not worth our time, what would you like to say to them?

I am a freak and that’s why people should pay to see me. I don’t box and do that pansy boy s***. I like to run this like Iron Mike.

9. Are there any plans for you to fight professionaly against a specific opponent any time soon?

We’re working on getting me licensed here in Miami. I might turn pro within a few months.

10. Do you want to be a champion or a freak puncher just to make some money? How commited are you to becoming a complete boxer?

I’m 32 years old dawg. I gots to make the dough to support myself and my disabled moms. God bless her soul. I live to bleed for that woman. I want to go as far as my power will take me.

11. How long will it take you after turning pro to become a good slugger-boxer and become a championship level fighter?

I have a lot of respect for the game. I know many of these fighters have been putting in their work for years. But they ain’t never been in the pen as long as I have. I have skills you can’t learn on the outside. I feel I’ll be ready for anyone within ten fights.

12. What would you like to say to our readers and hopefully your future fans?

I’d like to thank everyone who has sent me emails. If you liked what you saw in that short clip, come out and support me when I turn pro. I’m ready to run this. I’m out.

Id like to thank Marcos Rivera for setting up this interview"

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Here's our boy Kimbo getting some sweet white pussy! They know they are in the presence of a future champ...



"ummm, excuse me big scary black man, but, ummm, that's my girlfriend..."


"oh nevermind, lets share her..."


"Look ma! I got me two!"

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  • 6 months later...
im surprised reality tv hasnt hit the boxing circuit... i think it could really work out... you take two guys/girls... tell us what theyre beef is and let em at each other in a controlled environment... some dudes sleepin with your girl, take it to the square-circle and settle up... your friend owes fifty bucks for last months phone bill~!? ding ding... toe to toe with your friend or foe... live on fox, from your head to sox its time to box... in this corner skinny vinny weighing in at 122lbs in the soiled trunks and in this corner heavy hands murphy weighing in at 190lbs fighting in a jockstrap and berkenstocks... lets get it on~!

fineprint: if this takes off and actually becomes a show i want royalties...

how do i go about collecting my royalties~!? (well kind of a different storyline and show but still...)


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