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9/11 Panel Is Said to Sharply Fault Role of Congress


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According to the beloved 9/11 commission, congress holds the ultimate blame for failing America and world...........Congress was privy to the SAME EXACT info Bush and the admin had and all came to the same conclusion.........If it's blame that tickles one pickle,,,,,then congress is in deep doo-doo..


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how can we blame congress when they admitingly say they dont read a thing that crosses their tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:

i laugh cuz american politics is a joke, and for those of u that believe this system of doing things is worth standing up for....deserves everything that this country is becoming!!!!!!!!!!!!! go u.s.a.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Don't shoot the messenger. Congress is the one admitting they are at fault. Anyone wants to argue this can contact them.


Who has lied?









N. Korea?


Richard Clark?

Amb. Joseph Wilson?

Nat. Security Advisor Sandy Berger?

Did they all lie?

Where they all misled?

Did they all mislead?

Are we undermining the war on terror (which we did not start) or are we defending tyrannical leaders and terrorist sympathizers? Does anyone here have a better plan for dealing w/ terrorist/ism? Do we just keep beating ourselves to death crying "mea culpa, mea culpa" or do we worry more about understanding why terrorist hate us? Do we put understanding "terrorists hate" above defeating them? Do we play politrix w/ our national security? Do we seek a cure or a band-aid? Do we even really care? Do we trivialize the sacrifices made by our soldiers to feed our gluttonous appetite for ideological righteousness? Do we bury our heads in the sand, cross our fingers and hope for the best? Do we worry about what European socialists think about us or do we do what's needed to protect our livelihood? Have we all forgotten how we felt on 9/11? The threat is real. This enemy has been at war w/ us since 1993.

I know how I feel. Freedom ain't free. Never has been. I've personally lost a cousin in Iraq and understand the sacrifices. I'm sorry to read so many posts from people who either cannot or will not face the threat our generation has been handed. I thank God for all the sacrifices made by all Americans.

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no one party, person,agency, etc is to blame. we where ill prepared to handle terrorism on 9/11 and it is really as simple as that. we will NEVER defeat terrorism that is a reality. at best we can strengthen our relationship with our allies, better prepare ourselves, understand the past, and have a leader who can unite... with the previously mentioned foundations, we at least stand a chance at curbing terrorism.

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this country needs a serious civics lesson on how to reclain the country for the people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...this country is a paranoid/prudish mess , best advice is having Good time with Good people and fuck the rest ! . :beer::)

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We will never defeat terrorism? That's just brilliant! (I want you on my team) I guess we would never learn to fly or get to outer space, or land on the moon or land on mars or defeat the Nazi's and communism. While we're at it, let's be consistent, shall we? If we'll never defeat terrorism, then we'll never cure world hunger, aids, disease, etc....


I'm done with your logic. Hope you enjoy my future posts. Hope you find them entertaining to your brain .

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We will never defeat terrorism? That's just brilliant! (I want you on my team) I guess we would never learn to fly or get to outer space, or land on the moon or land on mars or defeat the Nazi's and communism. While we're at it, let's be consistent, shall we? If we'll never defeat terrorism, then we'll never cure world hunger, aids, disease, etc....


I'm done with your logic. Hope you enjoy my future posts. Hope you find them entertaining to your brain .

since you didn’t have the audacity to quote my response, I can only assume this is directed to me.

instead of trying to be witty and condescending.read what I wrote below carefully.

no one party, person,agency, etc is to blame. we where ill prepared to handle terrorism on 9/11 and it is really as simple as that. we will NEVER defeat terrorism that is a reality. at best we can strengthen our relationship with our allies, better prepare ourselves, understand the past, and have a leader who can unite... with the previously mentioned foundations, we at least stand a chance at curbing terrorism.

we need to deal with reality!! We Can Not Defeat Terrorism.

terrorism has hatred as its foundation; you can not wipe away peoples hatred. what you can do is protect your citizens, and weaken the base of terrorism which is hatred. there will always be terrorism in some shape or form; history has proven that time and time again...

your reference to hunger, aids, etc is irrelevant to this conversation. those are ills we have the ability to address, and wipe out completely. ... clearly terrorism has more complexities.

friendly words of advice THINK before you write... it’s obvious you didn’t understand what I wrote, nor did you ask me to explain what I wrote. instead you try to be witty and condescending.

you efforts where futile.. :)

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this country needs a serious civics lesson on how to reclain the country for the people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this country was a true democracy alot of the things you like to do I.E. club, watch porn, eat shitty food, or what ever would probably be outlawed. Democracy with out wisdom and restraint is MOB RULE

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