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I've always dreamed of...


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Last night I dreamt that I was at some type of outdoor festival thing and then someone was talking ab a giant scorpian type bug that they'd seen and then all of a sudden, of course, the bug reaappears. Then we all start running and I go to kill it bc it was ab to get my BF as he bent to get some type of weapon and I refused to let that happen and I attacked it & then as it is dyiing...it's giant stinger cuts both my ankles. So everyone is freaking out that I'm going to die bc of the poison...so they take my to the hospital..and i'm feeling a lil' woosy, but okay..and I end up being fine. However, I end up seeing a young couple crying and crying and then when I asked them what happened it was that their lil' girl "M" (yup, just M??) had been stung by the same scorpian, but she didn't make it =( So I offer them my condolances and then they tell me that I have to keep her spirit/memories alive...SO I tel them I will try my best to do so. Then, I take a ride in an ambulance back to some type of carnival and everyone is very happy that I'm back and okay and as I'm playing Skeetball with my nephew...i wake up.

Now, analyze that! Wtf was that all ab!??!

I always have veeery odd and vivid dreams...

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That def sounds like it has meaning. Most of the timeits best to interpret dreams yourself, because usually the way you interpret them is what they usually mean, afterall its your subconsciouss. not someone elses, using the symbols , etc.

It sounds like it might be a problem that you are going through or have. Maybe a drug problem, or your doing something that can harm you, and has already gotten ahold of your boyfriend. The girl that already died was to show you that you can prevent it. It sounds like there is some time of problem with you and your boyfriend, but its already gotten him more than you. This would be my guess, but like I said, you know your problems and the things going on in your life, don't look at the insects and weird characters in the dreams, they are just random symbols, but the actions going on are what the meaning is.

I had a dream the other day that i was looking in the mirror and my skin was peeling on my back. I went to peel some off and it was coming off in sheets, I notcied when I peeled it off that it was flesh underneath. I took this as needing to stay out of the sun more, I have only lived here a year and my back already has alot of those sun freckles.

Just my 2 cents

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That def sounds like it has meaning. Most of the timeits best to interpret dreams yourself, because usually the way you interpret them is what they usually mean, afterall its your subconsciouss. not someone elses, using the symbols , etc.

It sounds like it might be a problem that you are going through or have. Maybe a drug problem, or your doing something that can harm you, and has already gotten ahold of your boyfriend. The girl that already died was to show you that you can prevent it. It sounds like there is some time of problem with you and your boyfriend, but its already gotten him more than you. This would be my guess, but like I said, you know your problems and the things going on in your life, don't look at the insects and weird characters in the dreams, they are just random symbols, but the actions going on are what the meaning is.

I had a dream the other day that i was looking in the mirror and my skin was peeling on my back. I went to peel some off and it was coming off in sheets, I notcied when I peeled it off that it was flesh underneath. I took this as needing to stay out of the sun more, I have only lived here a year and my back already has alot of those sun freckles.

Just my 2 cents

Oh Good Grief!! Drug Problem?!?! No Way! :nono: :nono:

Hmm...maybe I could use a lil' less alcohol though...not that either of us are alki's, but we did drink a lot this weekend...hmmmm

Oh well..its some food for thought!

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Yea, for certain dreams, most reoccuring ones. A real famous one is loosing all your teeth, I forget what it means, but ALOT of people have it. But if you interpret yourself it is going to be much more accurate.

I have had that dream so many times and it actually hurts..... Ouch!

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For the most part I never remember my dreams but one dream I do have alot is that I'm in some type of situation that I'm fighting with someone but everytime I try to punch or kick my arms and legs go in slow motion and I can never hurt the person I'm fighting???

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For the most part I never remember my dreams but one dream I do have alot is that I'm in some type of situation that I'm fighting with someone but everytime I try to punch or kick my arms and legs go in slow motion and I can never hurt the person I'm fighting???

That happens to me aswell but when I punch, I punch with all my strength but i feel like i'm not hitting the person hard enough, like i'm weak...

Another dream is i'm falling and I wake up real sudden and scared.

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I've heard it been said b4 that we dream in black and white only, but I bed to differ...I swear I see all colors! Especially when I'm on some tropical island sipping lil' umbrealla drinks in my dreams :laugh2: I just hate when I'm on this beautiful island and then a plane falls in the damn water...ugh :splat:

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I've heard it been said b4 that we dream in black and white only, but I bed to differ...I swear I see all colors! Especially when I'm on some tropical island sipping lil' umbrealla drinks in my dreams :laugh2: I just hate when I'm on this beautiful island and then a plane falls in the damn water...ugh :splat:

I think I dream in color to and sometimes I speak spanish in my dreams.

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Sunnyhost - I am not sure EXACTLY what that dream means for you the thing you need to figure out is what the plane itself, the plane crashing , and the people all mean, they are symbols, so it most likely has nothing to do with a place crash. The plane crash could represent your relationship w/ your bf crashing,or you thinking it is, and you are trying to save it.

sotuorlando- I have had the EXACT same dream many times in my life, and it seems alot of other people have it too. I found this interpretation from dreammoods.com, I think it hits the nail on the head for me, and the slow motioness probably indicates that we are having a tough time with our struggle or innre conflict and we are unable to fight it off.


To dream that you participate in a fight, indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life.

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Sunnyhost - I am not sure EXACTLY what that dream means for you the thing you need to figure out is what the plane itself, the plane crashing , and the people all mean, they are symbols, so it most likely has nothing to do with a place crash. The plane crash could represent your relationship w/ your bf crashing,or you thinking it is, and you are trying to save it.


Sheesh...can't the dreams be ab something besides my boyfriend?!? Lol..I should've never told u ab him bc now u connect everything with him. Just a lil' FYI-I've been having this dream since b4 I met him.

Thanks for trying to interpret though!

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Just giving you an example of how to interpret, didn't think I was right. Plus, I am trying to clear him out of the way so I have a shot ;) Heres another example of how to interpret, once you get the hang of it its pretty easy.

I am swimming with killer whales and I am actually speaking to them, and I can sense we are friends. Then for some reason one of them jsut turns on me and bites me really hard, not letting go, I actually felt the pain, it was very strange. I took this as a possible betrayl by a friend or family member in the past or future..... could have been something to do with money I recently disocvered my mother was keeping from me that was mine from what my father left me.... and I felt betrayed by her.

I actually know why the symbols in my dreams were killer whales.... its because I saw a news story a few days before about this guy getting attaked by one at seaworld, just to show you that the the actual symbols themselves usually means nothing.

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I am swimming with killer whales and I am actually speaking to them, and I can sense we are friends. Then for some reason one of them jsut turns on me and bites me really hard, not letting go, I actually felt the pain, it was very strange. I took this as a possible betrayl by a friend or family member in the past or future..... could have been something to do with money I recently disocvered my mother was keeping from me that was mine from what my father left me.... and I felt betrayed by her.

I actually know why the symbols in my dreams were killer whales.... its because I saw a news story a few days before about this guy getting attaked by one at seaworld, just to show you that the the actual symbols themselves usually means nothing.

Oh yeah I saw that too! that guy got lucky!

Yeah I see what you are getting at with the dreams...seems your actually pretty into it! Future Dream Dr. perhaps?? lol.

I once had a dream where I was swimming with dolphins under water and we were all happy and doing flips and stuff and then I realized I hadn't gone up to take a breath, but it was okay bc even though the dolphins had to go up to breathe I could breathe under water..and then I became conscious of the fact that I was dreaming and I could kinda control my dream...it was very cool. When I woke up I was completely under the sheets with the pillow in my face...maybe that's why I thought i was under water! lolol

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