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why doesent temptations ever have free night

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I think one of the reasons is that maybe GREED has to be played into the part. This mite one of the contributing factors as to why people think tempts is not doin as well as they have in previous summers. I think alot of people are intimidated by a $20 cover, $10 wit VIP. Why not make it free wit a VIP like it says on the back of the card? Yea i know on the back it says free or reduced by why not just make it free? Same goes for Xs. Bamboo is the only club in seaside that gives free admission for the VIP card holder and a friend, doesn't matter if its a holiday weekend or not. Speakin of Holiday weekends, i was very upset that July 4th weekend Tempts was chargin $20 both sat & sun nite but MDW, they were charging $10 the sat of MDW wit VIP card and $20 the sunday of MDW, wich i don't get.

Everyone knows the econmy is bad these days and the only club really doin anything bout it is Surf Club. This is the 1st time in several years that i seen Sergio type up a thread for free admission at Surf Club...

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yeah that pretty much sums it up. I can't believe the owners let saturday night turn to shit this year (I can't speak for sundays, but saturdays other than holidays and classics have sucked). If they knew anything about supply and demand, they would let people in for free and make money off alcohol on off nights, or maybe actually get a promotional team to promote saturdays!! What an idea!! :rolleyes:

I was really pissed off when I heard Denny was considering leaving after this year, but after seeing how empty the saturday parties have been and how much less fun than it was than last year, I hope he does leave and go to somewhere else where the ownership will actually promote his party and make it good times like it used to be. I'm fuckin wasted right now (I can type only if I have one eye closed) but I stand by the fact that non holiday or non special event saturdays at tempts have sucked. I looked forward to tempts all winter, only to be let down by the weak ass crowd it's been drawing. Don't get me wrong, muscially, Denny has been as good as ever this summer - it's just that it isn't the same unless the place draws a decent crowd. :mad:

So back to the original topic of this thread, tempts doesn't have a free night cuz they're unwilling to sacrifice profit. They're unwilling to spend $$ to promote the party in the first place, unwilling to discount at the door in order to get people in there, basically they're not willing to do anything to promote or keep the party the way it used to be, and thus it is dead as fuck on saturdays. They've basically been relying solely on Tsettos to pull a crowd, but as as good as Tsettos is, it takes at least some promotion to pull a crowd. And with the upcoming of the XS party, people are going there and not to Tempts. :(

I can never make in on sundays due to work, but I've heard sundays are going decently well - so I can't judge sunday night.

I'm just extremely pissed that the one party I looked forward to for nine months of winter now sucks, because of lack of promotion. :mad:

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Intresting question.....

I think one of the reasons is that maybe GREED has to be played into the part. This mite one of the contributing factors as to why people think tempts is not doin as well as they have in previous summers. I think alot of people are intimidated by a $20 cover, $10 wit VIP. Why not make it free wit a VIP like it says on the back of the card? Yea i know on the back it says free or reduced by why not just make it free? Same goes for Xs. Bamboo is the only club in seaside that gives free admission for the VIP card holder and a friend, doesn't matter if its a holiday weekend or not. Speakin of Holiday weekends, i was very upset that July 4th weekend Tempts was chargin $20 both sat & sun nite but MDW, they were charging $10 the sat of MDW wit VIP card and $20 the sunday of MDW, wich i don't get.

Everyone knows the econmy is bad these days and the only club really doin anything bout it is Surf Club. This is the 1st time in several years that i seen Sergio type up a thread for free admission at Surf Club...

we are free till 12am all summer...and girls free all night...and guys are only $10.00 after 12.....the days of high cover charges are done....

people leave weekly so drunk its not funny...

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