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5 tips for first phone calls


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1. Fire up

First, before you pick up that phone, look at yourself in the mirror and say to your reflection, "Well, hello there, gorgeous!" Give yourself a pep talk about what a great catch you are. Don't get all cocky — but remember, a little self-confidence can be very alluring. Done that? Okay, now go ahead and dial.

2. 'Fess up

After an initial friendly hello, be forthcoming and admit that you're a tad nervous and not sure what to say. Your honesty will help break the ice. Besides, chances are they're feeling a few jitters, too.

3. Follow up

Think back through his or her messages for things you could ask conversational questions about. Did she write that she's in training for a marathon? Ask her what she did for today's workout regimen. Didn't he mention he's been compiling chapters for his book of travel essays? Ask what his favorite exotic destination is at this time of year.

4. Free up

Relax, already! Take a deep breath, and remember that you two have had quite a bit of conversation already, if online. Tell him you loved his description of the disastrous family dinner when his Aunt Dottie's banana cream pie ended up in Uncle Dick's lap, and have a good laugh.

5. Face up

Tune into your intuition as the phone conversation unfolds. Even if you two had great e-chemistry, it may or may not translate to real time. Better to find this out now before kicking it up yet another notch with a big-time date. If the conversation feels stilted or awkward, think about scheduling another call before taking it to the next level. But if the groove is good and your gut says this is a go, then be bold and ask when you might have the pleasure of meeting face to face.

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