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This guy goes over to his buddies house and knocks on the door, it opens

and there stands his friends wife. 'Is John home?' he asks. She replies

'No I'm sorry he's gone out to run a few errands.' 'Would you mind if I

came in and waited for a few minutes?' She opens the door and he follows

her down the hall and into the kitchen. 'I can't help to notice how

beautiful your breasts look in that robe. I will pay you $100 if I could

just see one of them.' The woman thinks it over for a moment and figures

why not, it is a $100. She opens her robe exposing one of her breasts as

the man reaches for his wallet, pulls out a $100 bill and throws it on

the table. Shortly there after while drinking his coffee he asks 'Your

breast was so beautiful, I've got to see them both at the same time, I

will pay you another $100 if you will show me them both. 'She once again

thinks for a moment and decides, what the hell and opens her robe giving

him a good long look. He then opens his wallet, grabs another $100

throws it on the table and says, 'I can't wait any longer, I must get

going. Please tell John I came by.' About ten minutes pass and John

comes home. His wife meets him in the hall and says 'Your friend came

by, you just missed him, he left ten minutes ago.' John replies, 'Did he

drop off the $200 bucks he owes me?'


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