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MORE concerning developments in Florida!!

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OVERNIGHT, SEVERAL developments suggested that even with the recount results, expected by 5 p.m. ET Thursday, Americans will still not know whether Vice President Al Gore or Texas Gov. George W. Bush is their next president:

- 35 of 67 Florida counties had recounted by late Thursday morning, with Bush leading Gore by 799 votes in an unofficial tally. Before the recount, Bush was ahead by 1,784 votes, more than twice as much.

- Florida’s Pinellas County launched a second recount of votes Thursday after a first recount produced a swing of more than 400 votes to Gore. The large swing, which would reduce Bush’s lead to some 500 votes, was due in part to around 400 ballots that workers failed to count on election night.

- The undetermined number of overseas ballots yet to be counted could affect the outcome if the recount is within 2,000 or so votes. Florida allows 10 days after the election for the ballots to come in. The state counted about 2,300 overseas ballots in the 1996 election.

- 19,000 ballots in Palm Beach County were tossed out before they were counted because they had more than one vote for president. The double voting is seen by Democrats as evidence of confusion about the ballot layout that they fear caused hundreds of Gore voters to choose the Reform Party’s Pat Buchanan by mistake. They also note that only 3,783 voters in the county double voted on the U.S. Senate portion of the ballot.

Buchannan told NBC "Today" show on Thursday that he agreed the ballot was confusing and that many of his votes there were meant for Gore — enough, he added, that had they gone to Gore he would have won the presidential election.

(reported by MSNBC)



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 11-09-2000).]

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Yeah, that dumping 19,000 ballots is kinda sketchy. Some folk and I hear at work were talking about it. We thought that they should let that county re-vote. If it was just a few ballots that were jacked like that, it would be no big deal, but 19,000?

It would make sense for both candidates to support something like that, maybe for different reasons, but it's just such a large number that yes, it could swing more votes to gore, but also, if Bush were to be elected there is a chance that a lot of people would believe that had it not been for those 19,000 omissions, he should not be President, which would come out as a lack of faith...

This thing is going to go on endlessly


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