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Do You Like GHB

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Originally posted by nickfire:

I do it before i go to sleep..i get nice healthy rest-wake up the next feeling fresh, rejunivated. does anyone do GHB while at the CLUB---?

i love ghb it is my favorite i do it everywhere and anywhere my routine usually is i wake up in the morning i brush my teeth then i do a scoop of ghb then i have my protein shake which is 4 scoops of ghb 12 egg whites and some lowfat milk then i go to the gym i drink a scoop on the way sometimes i fall out but the people at my gym know i like to fall out so they let me sleep i usually get back up then i do ghb in between every set and then on the ride home and all through dinner i also do cap before i go to bed ghb is good it helps me get rem sleep which helps me get big and it is very safe to mix with special k and alcohol but i dont drink alcohol cause it gives me roid rages and i punch people and things i heard about this new drug called pvd is it good



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Njguido where ya been?

i like ghb, thought i never too crazy w/ it , and havent' done anh in a while. I saw a friend of mine get really fucked up off it though, tot the point where he thought he was different animals and they had to strap him down in a bed and really haven't done it since.



"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:


Njguido where ya been?

i like ghb, thought i never too crazy w/ it , and havent' done anh in a while. I saw a friend of mine get really fucked up off it though, tot the point where he thought he was different animals and they had to strap him down in a bed and really haven't done it since.


i have been around just working out flexing tanning drinking ghb if you saw my message yesterday i crashed my monte carlo so i have to run everywhere now but i am looking to get a new monte carlo i just have to save some money selling steroids and ghb just got the new denny tsettos remix of relentless its really good



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Originally posted by njguido69:

i have been around just working out flexing tanning drinking ghb if you saw my message yesterday i crashed my monte carlo so i have to run everywhere now but i am looking to get a new monte carlo i just have to save some money selling steroids and ghb just got the new denny tsettos remix of relentless its really good



good shit bro




"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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g is cool if u know what u're doing. what most people dont know cuz of all the bad press and propoganda is that g is actually beneficial to your health. it was used for many years to help insomniacs and manic depressives. the rem sleep u get off it is unmatched. oh and g+e=yummy deep space meditation. check yoselfs fools...


chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:



good shit bro



haha I am dying of laughter smile.gif You are so funny ! smile.gifsmile.gif


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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G? Used to...used to love it...was fat....till one time... left factory at like 1 pm.... had a very weak G mix to calm us down... well, we killed that.... and someone grabbed the wrong bottle... accidentally grabbed the pure shit... so we all do like 3 - 4 12 oz shots (that we thought was the diluted mix) next thing i know....im wakin up in the emergency wit needles in me, electrodes on my chest, and a big tube in my dick... doctors said i was comatoast except that when they pierced my skin wit needles... i flinched my little finger... no fun.... but the worst part... was that my boys were right there wit me.. and one of them wasnt comin home wit us that night.... was in bad shape.... im tellin you... i killed 51 pills wit two other kids in like 20 hrs at cancun... put more coke in my nose at one time than scarface.... and i nevah had a problem.... so after that... i figured "maybe" that shit just aint for me....

if you like... if you do... be careful...

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G? If the horror story didnt get you.... my boy goes to cheetah one night... bumps some k.... does a few too many drops of G.... hard to measure in a club without an eye dropper... anyways..... next thing he knows.... he comes outta a blackout and he's smashin his head / face on an ambulance windshield.... then goes back out... THEN... he finally comes to.... he's layin on some guys bed.... and this homo is in his panties rubbin his back and tellin him that he will be "just fine".... kid grabs his clothes... gets dressed... sprints to Cheetah.... goes home..... vows never touch shit again...

same kid....

twilo.... his girl gives him a very strong mix of G... he takes regualar amount..... next thing he knows... he is all bloody in one of the freezer rooms that they have there.. bouncers wont let him out... he calls his boy from his cell..... luckily he had it on him..... kid has to drive 2 hrs to come get him....

funny thing is.... kid still loves his G....

Am I missin something?

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Originally posted by imissnyc:

G? If the horror story didnt get you.... my boy goes to cheetah one night... bumps some k.... does a few too many drops of G.... hard to measure in a club without an eye dropper... anyways..... next thing he knows.... he comes outta a blackout and he's smashin his head / face on an ambulance windshield.... then goes back out... THEN... he finally comes to.... he's layin on some guys bed.... and this homo is in his panties rubbin his back and tellin him that he will be "just fine".... kid grabs his clothes... gets dressed... sprints to Cheetah.... goes home..... vows never touch shit again...

same kid....

twilo.... his girl gives him a very strong mix of G... he takes regualar amount..... next thing he knows... he is all bloody in one of the freezer rooms that they have there.. bouncers wont let him out... he calls his boy from his cell..... luckily he had it on him..... kid has to drive 2 hrs to come get him....

funny thing is.... kid still loves his G....

Am I missin something?

I know exactly who you're talking about, never understood why someone would wanna continue to do it...


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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