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No. It's an outmoded electorial process. Modern technology is at a point where you can acurrately track popular vote without the worries of "fixing" the vote.

The E.C. was designed at a time where only white males could vote and there was not enough technology at the time to prevent fixing the election and/or getting an accurate count of the popular vote.

It's pointless in this day and age.

Granted it's rare that the E.C. and the popular vote are different (first time in over 100 years), but it shows that there are flaws with that system.

My 10 cents... cwm15.gif

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Electoral college was founded by the founded fathers because they naturally assumed that there would be several candidates running with the chance of winning, so the electoral college would obviously pick the winner. Also its just another system of checks and balances. However, I'm not sure if they would have put that stipulation in if they knew that the American political system would be reduced to a 2 party system...I was a govt. maj in college...


Silently whispering when my heart wants to scream...

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Absolutely no. EVERY SINGLE vote should count for who is going to be the president. The presidential seat should be decided by the people for the people!!



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

thats not true

hasnt' happened in 100 years


Whoops. Should have known better than to trust my pro-Bush friend. I think what he meant was that Clinton won with less than 50% of total popular vote because of the Perot factor.

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

Whoops. Should have known better than to trust my pro-Bush friend. I think what he meant was that Clinton won with less than 50% of total popular vote because of the Perot factor.

yea thats true

not sure who the last to win w/ a lower popular was, possibly taft?



"No sane man will dance" - Cicero -


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no, if you live in a big state. yes, if you live in a little state....if we had no electoral college...only people would campaign in CA, MA, NY, TX, and FL---which would have more power over little states. Electoral college gives little states (like in this election NM and Iowa) importance and candidate has to go there. Therefore, the post above errs i feel.

And remember, without the significant popular vote of CA, Gore is losing bigtime in the popular vote (and still it is now less than 200k---so the people have not spoken about anything this election). If Bush was up 1 more point in the election in CA, then he has the popular vote..kinda fucked up eh? There has been no mandate...

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cause then the candidates could focus on the people rather then just trying to win a state. gore has the popular vote, and he could lose. thats not right, let the peope speak. elect gore


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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Originally posted by russ reign:

definitely yes. this is how the govt has worked since it's inception....IMO......

don't forget how our gov't was started in the first place, by elistist white males, who didn't give enought credit, or didn't think the common man could make up their own minds.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Absolutely no. EVERY SINGLE vote should count for who is going to be the president. The presidential seat should be decided by the people for the people!!


amen! otherwise, it defeats the whole purpose of voting, i think.

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