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how long will we americans live in denial?

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....first they pick on the poor latinos for crossing the border, then economically force em and the black americans into the military and then send them off to die.......I fully sympathize with the father....

This boy's death is on all the war mongrers who to the extent even post their pro war crap on this message board, you all are responsible for this marines and the 1000 other dead americans in iraq...I hope we all responsible tax paying citizen of this great country can sleep well tonight...... we all just paid for another young boys and countless iraqis death.....

Man Burns Marine Van After GI Son's Death

Thu Aug 26, 2:50 PM ET Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

By JOHN PAIN, Associated Press Writer

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Melida Arredondo said her husband knew what was coming as three uniformed Marines approached their front door. And when they told him Wednesday afternoon that his Marine son, Lance Cpl. Alexander Arredondo, had been killed in combat in Iraq (news - web sites), police say Carlos Arredondo simply snapped.

AP Photo

Father Burns Marine Van, Self After Son Dies

(AP Video)

Arredondo climbed into the Marine Corps van parked outside his home and set it ablaze, suffering severe burns.

"This is his scream that his child is dead. The war needs to stop," Melida Arredondo, who had rushed home from work when she heard the news, said Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

The military had informed her husband that his 20-year-old son, who is Melida Arredondo's stepson, died Tuesday in Najaf, family members said.

The father then walked into the garage, picking up a propane tank, a can of gasoline and a lighting device, police Capt. Tony Rode said. He smashed the van's window, got inside and set it ablaze, despite attempts by the Marines to stop him, Rode said.

The Marines, reservists who are members of a military Casualty Assistance Calls Officer team, pulled Arredondo, 44, from the burning vehicle and extinguished the flames on him, police said. None of the Marines was injured but the van was gutted, officials said.

"The father was in disbelief, same as any of us would be after hearing this kind of news," Rode said. "But then the father basically loses it. You can only imagine what this father was going through. He snapped, to say the least."

Arredondo was taken to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood with burns over as much as 50 percent of his body and later transferred to a Miami hospital burn unit, where he was in serious condition with severe burns to his arms and legs. His wife said he was expected to recover.

Alexander Arredondo, who grew up in Massachusetts, "knew at age 16 that he wanted to go into the Marines," his mother, Victoria Foley, told the Patriot Ledger of Quincy, Mass. She and Carlos Arredondo divorced in the late 1980s.

She told the newspaper she spoke to her son the day he died.

"He said that it was going to get bad, and he was really happy where he was, Najaf. He was upbeat," Foley said.

Melida Arredondo told The Miami Herald that her husband, an immigrant from Costa Rica, "was very proud of Alex serving," though he wished his service would have been during a more peaceful time.

But Luz Marina Arredondo, Alexander's grandmother, felt the government was at fault for her grandson's death.

"I blame them a lot," she said. "They send them like guinea pigs over there."

Rode said it was too early in the investigation to discuss possible charges against Arredondo. "We'll see how he recovers before doing anything," he said.

U.S. forces in Najaf have been battling for nearly five months against Iraqi militiamen loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

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I feel for him but he signed up knowing that bush was president and he hates Arabs. SO 2+2=war in middle east.

no but really he signed up and once you do that you are U.S government property just like a truck or gun.

I feel bad and i understand that being poor there really are not that many choices. Either cheat/steal/sell drugs, play a sport, be really smart, or join the army. but if he did not want to see any action he should of joined the navy.

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no one signed up for this shit.....I was part of ROTC and did some yrs in the army corp of engineers as an officer, I did not sign up so that someone can own me....I signed up to serve my country....not haliburton or TEXACO OIL....

I feel for him but he signed up knowing that bush was president and he hates Arabs. SO 2+2=war in middle east.

no but really he signed up and once you do that you are U.S government property just like a truck or gun.

I feel bad and i understand that being poor there really are not that many choices. Either cheat/steal/sell drugs, play a sport, be really smart, or join the army. but if he did not want to see any action he should of joined the navy.

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Yes, he did sign up for it.

If you are in the mililtary, it is your duty to go to war for our country. I respect the bravery and the honor of our soldiers. They lay it on the line for us, but this is the nature of their job.

One of my best friends in currently hunting terrorists in Afghanistan(or the Stan as he calls it) He graduated from Tenn and could have worked anywhere. He chose to enlist. He knew what he was getting into and could not wait to get over there. He is a hero as is the soldier in this story who died. These men and women know what they are getting into. These are the risks that they volunteer to take. God Bless our Troops.

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ez for u to say dumbass, sitting home and determining what they signed up for, while we the ones, who served, give u the blanket of protection that you have come to enjoy....I served my country I know what exactly we signed up for....there is one thing fighting for our country (I did it in a heartbeat) and therez another for fighting for someone to make money off....

I cannot tell u of the operations I have been involved with, but I can tell u clearly we know as an officer what is the goal, why we are doing what we are doing....In the case of iraq war, most of my fmr batch mates have no clue what they are doing in iraq....these guys are not enlistees or NCOs they are captains and majors commanding battalions! If they question why they are there, there is a serious problem of justifying to em the reasons for going to war....

Yes, he did sign up for it.

If you are in the mililtary, it is your duty to go to war for our country. I respect the bravery and the honor of our soldiers. They lay it on the line for us, but this is the nature of their job.

One of my best friends in currently hunting terrorists in Afghanistan(or the Stan as he calls it) He graduated from Tenn and could have worked anywhere. He chose to enlist. He knew what he was getting into and could not wait to get over there. He is a hero as is the soldier in this story who died. These men and women know what they are getting into. These are the risks that they volunteer to take. God Bless our Troops.

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ez for u to say dumbass, sitting home and determining what they signed up for, while we the ones, who served, give u the blanket of protection that you have come to enjoy....I served my country I know what exactly we signed up for....there is one thing fighting for our country (I did it in a heartbeat) and therez another for fighting for someone to make money off....

Your posts define you as someone who would rather call people names than look at facts. You presume too much when you throw things out like "idiot" and "dumbass". You are the one who looks like both of these when you craft your posts around such childish statements.

Once again let me say that I am a huge supporter of our troops. Everytime I see someone in uniform, I walk up to them and say "Thanks. God bless you for doing the job you do"

President Bush is not making money off this war. If we wanted the oil, we could conquer the entire Middle East. Quit listening to Michael Moore and try to fomulate your own point of view.

On another note, I appreciate the fact that you served our country. Despite our obvious differences of opinion, I respect you for providing our country with an invaluable service.

Unfortunately, you are completely wrong about this whole service thing. Going to war is part of the gig. We can argue this point all day, but the fact of the matter is that if you do not want to fight, dont sign up. Period. End of sentence. There is no debating this. You as a soldier know that there is no discussion between officers and enlisted men. It isnt as if these guys were drafted. They decided to join the military. When Congress, not just President Bush, voted to go to war, it is the duty of the military to follow the order of the Commander in Chief. Again, there is no debating this.

I hate the fact that the planes flew into the Twin Towers. I hate war. I hate that our guys are over there dying while I enjoy my life here. I hate the necessary force that we used to eliminate the Taliban and defeat Saddam. War is an extension of politics by different means and when negotiations fail, sometimes force is the only solution.

Gob bless our Troops.

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why dont u go and serve in the military....cum on serve ur nation! stop yelling from behind the walls of protection that my fellow brothern provide U... i'll ask u when u see one of your men die....my mind changed when I attended my ROTC coordinators funeral this past dec, hes got a 2 yr old, I knew this man very well.....he was like a father to me....go tell his 2 yr old daughter that her daddy signed up to die for haliburton and that son of bitches like us could drive our cars and SUVs.....

I'll ask u when u see a friend in a body bag....and its different when u serve with em...they are no longer friends, they are my brothers....I took an oath as an officer of the United States Military to defend and uphold the laws of my land against all enemies...both forigen and domestic! The only enemy I see is in the form of white collar son of a bitch who never served his nation and is giving out contracts to his friends....( I am not talking of pres bush, I am talking about Cheney and rumsfied, pres bush has his follies, but he doesnt know the full truth, but he is a straight shooter, he's being misguided, and his biggest problem is he cant see it)

ez for u to say dumbass, sitting home and determining what they signed up for, while we the ones, who served, give u the blanket of protection that you have come to enjoy....I served my country I know what exactly we signed up for....there is one thing fighting for our country (I did it in a heartbeat) and therez another for fighting for someone to make money off....

Your posts define you as someone who would rather call people names than look at facts. You presume too much when you throw things out like "idiot" and "dumbass". You are the one who looks like both of these when you craft your posts around such childish statements.

Once again let me say that I am a huge supporter of our troops. Everytime I see someone in uniform, I walk up to them and say "Thanks. God bless you for doing the job you do"

President Bush is not making money off this war. If we wanted the oil, we could conquer the entire Middle East. Quit listening to Michael Moore and try to fomulate your own point of view.

On another note, I appreciate the fact that you served our country. Despite our obvious differences of opinion, I respect you for providing our country with an invaluable service.

Unfortunately, you are completely wrong about this whole service thing. Going to war is part of the gig. We can argue this point all day, but the fact of the matter is that if you do not want to fight, dont sign up. Period. End of sentence. There is no debating this. You as a soldier know that there is no discussion between officers and enlisted men. It isnt as if these guys were drafted. They decided to join the military. When Congress, not just President Bush, voted to go to war, it is the duty of the military to follow the order of the Commander in Chief. Again, there is no debating this.

I hate the fact that the planes flew into the Twin Towers. I hate war. I hate that our guys are over there dying while I enjoy my life here. I hate the necessary force that we used to eliminate the Taliban and defeat Saddam. War is an extension of politics by different means and when negotiations fail, sometimes force is the only solution.

Gob bless our Troops.

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What in the hell do you think the military is about? you joined the military you knwo they guys who shoot guns at other people. Are you insane? what did you join ROTC for then? lemme guess the college tuition. When you join the military you make a CHOICE to serve you should be responsible enough to know what the fuck you're getting your self into. Read a damn book. there is plenty of documentation on what each branch of the armed forces does. If you didn't want to fight Join the fucking Coast Guard, you don't want to fight on land Join the Navy, you don't want to fight at all and just push paper, join the Air Force, if you want to Be the first one in Join the marines, you want to do very dangerous missions you join the rangers, delta force, seals, whatever. you're ridiculous thinking that you don't have an obligation to do what your employer tells you to.

Any one who thinks that the people in the army didn't sign up to fight is insane

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no one signed up for this shit.....I was part of ROTC and did some yrs in the army corp of engineers as an officer, I did not sign up so that someone can own me....I signed up to serve my country....not haliburton or TEXACO OIL....

how can u say u sign up for the armed forces, then act surprised if u have to go to war? that has be the most absurd statement i have read in a while...congrats...

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"President Bush is not making money off this war. If we wanted the oil, we could conquer the entire Middle East. Quit listening to Michael Moore and try to fomulate your own point of view."

No really he might not be making money but some of his close friends are.

when you join anything like that you do become property of the US. You get a tatoo or even a sunburn you can get in trouble for damaging us property. I shit you not.

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when you join anything like that you do become property of the US. You get a tatoo or even a sunburn you can get in trouble for damaging us property. I shit you not.

preach on my brother...it happened to my father before he went to Nam, he got a serve sunburn and they were going to charge him destruction of US property and were going to throw him in the stockades...

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"President Bush is not making money off this war. If we wanted the oil, we could conquer the entire Middle East. Quit listening to Michael Moore and try to fomulate your own point of view."

No really he might not be making money but some of his close friends are.

Lets assume that was true, do you think it's better to make money rebuilding a country and giving a people a chance at democracy and a higher standard of living. Or making money by helping a dictator starve his people and build palaces?

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therez a difference between a fight for the interest of our country and a fight so that some other country could be safe or jackasses could drive their SUVs....

as for y I joined ROTC, my parents already paid for my tuition, plus donated some extra cash so that retards like u could afford a better oppurtunity in life and get some education....I joined the ROTC cuz thats an honroable way to serve my people, being a part of the military is a family tradition and above all its an excellent way to develop your leadership and ethical skills.

Since most of never served, you would never know what it takes or means to be a soldier. so stop pretending to be patriotic....If u really support our troops than I suggest that you write to your congressman/woman urging them to stop the "STOP LOSS" enactment, dont decrease the benefits to vetrans, punish coporations that layoff returning reservees.....until then u all are hypocrites.....you expect people to die for you, but you as a people are not willing to extend to our soldiers the very respect they deserve....words of support are shallow, show it by your action, and if you really support our troops then become one!

What in the hell do you think the military is about? you joined the military you knwo they guys who shoot guns at other people. Are you insane? what did you join ROTC for then? lemme guess the college tuition. When you join the military you make a CHOICE to serve you should be responsible enough to know what the fuck you're getting your self into. Read a damn book. there is plenty of documentation on what each branch of the armed forces does. If you didn't want to fight Join the fucking Coast Guard, you don't want to fight on land Join the Navy, you don't want to fight at all and just push paper, join the Air Force, if you want to Be the first one in Join the marines, you want to do very dangerous missions you join the rangers, delta force, seals, whatever. you're ridiculous thinking that you don't have an obligation to do what your employer tells you to.

Any one who thinks that the people in the army didn't sign up to fight is insane

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The problem with that is saddam was more american then anyone in the middle east. He was more materalistic then anyone who will be elected.He cared about wealth where most of the people in the middle east do not.

Now with this "democracy" are the people going to be able to vote for who they want or who the US wants?

How is that democracy in afghanastan woring out? Oh wait the vote has been postponed 4 times.

To have a real democracy the people voting have to be educated, the people in Iraq have not been schooled enough to understand the importance.

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lets first start by having fair elections in our own country first....this president was selected by a bunch of old bags.....

The problem with that is saddam was more american then anyone in the middle east. He was more materalistic then anyone who will be elected.He cared about wealth where most of the people in the middle east do not.

Now with this "democracy" are the people going to be able to vote for who they want or who the US wants?

How is that democracy in afghanastan woring out? Oh wait the vote has been postponed 4 times.

To have a real democracy the people voting have to be educated, the people in Iraq have not been schooled enough to understand the importance.

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The problem with that is saddam was more american then anyone in the middle east. He was more materalistic then anyone who will be elected.He cared about wealth where most of the people in the middle east do not.

Are you kidding me? The people of the ME are forced to live under the rule of royal families. They dont have money b/c there is zero opportunity(besides oil) in the region. If you define Americans by our level of materialism, you need to read some history, see where we came from. I am sad that you actually define us that way. Yes, we may be somewhat materialistic, but at least everyone has the opportunity to suceed here.

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Since most of never served, you would never know what it takes or means to be a soldier.

i CANT serve..and i only know what "it means to be a soldier" through someone who served during a war....and if u sign up to the army or whatever and when a war comes up u use the excuse "i never signed up for this crap"..is like a cop using the same excuse when he has to give out a speeding ticket....

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i have served in the military - air force active duty however back when females couldnt go into combat, but my dad and both his brothers were in WWII, my brother enlisted and died in nam at the ripe old age of 19....

while i feel for the family he should have had his eyes wide open when he enlisted

also the "poor latinos/hispanics" whatever the hell the p.c. term is, aint so poor....most of the ones that live in my apt complex sport more gold, better clothes and better cars than me and my kids do!!! i'm a single mom, vet, born and raised in this country workin my ass off to make ends meet to see them come here, get the jobs and live better than me so that dont fly here

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Are you kidding me? The people of the ME are forced to live under the rule of royal families. They dont have money b/c there is zero opportunity(besides oil) in the region. If you define Americans by our level of materialism, you need to read some history, see where we came from. I am sad that you actually define us that way. Yes, we may be somewhat materialistic, but at least everyone has the opportunity to suceed here

Our whole country is set on the principles of capitalism first democracy second. you should read some history before we became a country and what shaped our founding fathers ideas on what a country should be. Materialistic considerations rule our lives and direct the course of our and every democratic nation. Saddam was himself all about material gain, though he did not give a fuck about his people. Now the arab religion does not promote democracy or materialism, it is looked down upon actually. It is more of a control, as is most religions, to keep the poor people in place. I know history, you should reall learn what this country is built on. Capitalism and democracy go hand in hand.

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if you cant serve than just shut up....stop pretending that your supporting them and then by saying oh they signed up for this.....learn to appreciate the lives of our soldiers they are not some rat-tags bodies to be wasted so that pomps like you can "not serve". There is a code in the military and its called duty, honor, god and country.. Just how are we serving our honor in iraq? (yeah by killing people who did not have a war with us, earning the contempt of the entire world), how are we serving god, by killing our fellow humans? and above all how is our country benefiting from this war???

i CANT serve..and i only know what "it means to be a soldier" through someone who served during a war....and if u sign up to the army or whatever and when a war comes up u use the excuse "i never signed up for this crap"..is like a cop using the same excuse when he has to give out a speeding ticket....
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they are serving our honor by ridding saddam of power and dismantling the wmd. When we first went they smart people were sure iraq had them and if he did we had to stop him. Now we find out there are none, but we can not just leave , we have to finish this mess. It is too late so we went to war with good intentions that really did not work out all that well, but we can not leave yet.

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if you cant serve than just shut up....stop pretending that your supporting them and then by saying oh they signed up for this.....learn to appreciate the lives of our soldiers they are not some rat-tags bodies to be wasted so that pomps like you can "not serve". There is a code in the military and its called duty, honor, god and country.. Just how are we serving our honor in iraq? (yeah by killing people who did not have a war with us, earning the contempt of the entire world), how are we serving god, by killing our fellow humans? and above all how is our country benefiting from this war???

So your premise is that since we are not in the military, we are just pretending to support our troops. In addition, the fact that they joined the military doesnt mean that they signed up for war-even though the function of the military is war. We also have no appreciation for the lives of our soldiers and Iraqis were better off with acid baths, public rapes, and chemical weapons being used on their own people.

As for the contempt of the rest of the world, who cares? We are the only ones responsible for America and our interests. I am sure that the French will be there when THEY need us, but not when we need them. As for serving God, sometimes force is necessary. Might is occasionally right and necessary but this is not a holy war. We arent attempting to convert the Iraqiis to Christianity. America will benefit b/c millions are not liberated in Iraq. Yes, lives were lost. Yes, it is still a mess, but ultimately, the free people of Iraq will be better off.

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therez a difference between a fight for the interest of our country and a fight so that some other country could be safe or jackasses could drive their SUVs....

as for y I joined ROTC, my parents already paid for my tuition, plus donated some extra cash so that retards like u could afford a better oppurtunity in life and get some education....I joined the ROTC cuz thats an honroable way to serve my people, being a part of the military is a family tradition and above all its an excellent way to develop your leadership and ethical skills.

Since most of never served, you would never know what it takes or means to be a soldier. so stop pretending to be patriotic....If u really support our troops than I suggest that you write to your congressman/woman urging them to stop the "STOP LOSS" enactment, dont decrease the benefits to vetrans, punish coporations that layoff returning reservees.....until then u all are hypocrites.....you expect people to die for you, but you as a people are not willing to extend to our soldiers the very respect they deserve....words of support are shallow, show it by your action, and if you really support our troops then become one!

Going to Be Army or Marine Jag son Sit down

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As for the contempt of the rest of the world, who cares? We are the only ones responsible for America and our interests. I am sure that the French will be there when THEY need us, but not when we need them. As for serving God, sometimes force is necessary. Might is occasionally right and necessary but this is not a holy war. We arent attempting to convert the Iraqiis to Christianity. America will benefit b/c millions are not liberated in Iraq. Yes, lives were lost. Yes, it is still a mess, but ultimately, the free people of Iraq will be better off.

Do you truly think the US "liberated" Iraq for the sake of the Iraqis. Iraq was "liberated" so a US friendly country could be created in the ME (other than Israel), that would to some extent serve US purposes. No coutry does anything out of the good of its heart. and to pretend otherwise is pure stupidity.

The whole Iraq thing is going to backfire (like the numerous times in the past) - what I see happening is a Muslim statehood being created, that could, with the help if Iran, turn radical. Yeah, there will be "democracy" but the real power will lie with the imams. After all who do the people listen to?

And thats really stupid to ignore the world's opinion - arrogance at its best. In this day and age, where each country is co-dependent on everyone else, it is quite important to make sure you don't do anything rash and silly. If you live in a community, you just don't go around killing somebody because you thought he was a threat - you gotta abide by the rules of the community.

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Do you truly think the US "liberated" Iraq for the sake of the Iraqis. Iraq was "liberated" so a US friendly country could be created in the ME (other than Israel), that would to some extent serve US purposes. No coutry does anything out of the good of its heart. and to pretend otherwise is pure stupidity.

The whole Iraq thing is going to backfire (like the numerous times in the past) - what I see happening is a Muslim statehood being created, that could, with the help if Iran, turn radical. Yeah, there will be "democracy" but the real power will lie with the imams. After all who do the people listen to?

And thats really stupid to ignore the world's opinion - arrogance at its best. In this day and age, where each country is co-dependent on everyone else, it is quite important to make sure you don't do anything rash and silly. If you live in a community, you just don't go around killing somebody because you thought he was a threat - you gotta abide by the rules of the community.

What's up...where have you been hiding?

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