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how long will we americans live in denial?

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Your right. We are horrible and Evil.


I don't like to waste my breath or time expressing myself on this issue. America did not become the World Power it is today by luck or chance. It earned it with blood and sacrifice.

- No Country has acquired more power and abused it less than the USA

- No Country gives more back to the World in the form of food and aid than the USA (Economic aid and food)

- No Country has constantly stood up for other nations and defends their right for freedom than the USA

I could go on but some here obviously do not know this or don't care to learn American History.

I don't see people falling out of the wheel wells of airlines to their death in their quest to reach any other Country than THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE, aka America

I don't see immigrants braving the open seas in inner tubes or chunks of foam in hope to float to Iraq or France. People around the World risk their lives in hope to reach America. Whether it's in a container, on a ship or in an inner tube.

Learn it, live it, love it or just leave it!

Freedom is not free. Get it? We are at war! People die in wars. Our cause is just! Don't like it? Move to France of Canada.

I myself lost my cousin in Iraq two months ago and although times have been tough for me and my family, Arthur has brought pride to our family and Country and for what? To protect the rights of others. His blood and others are to be thanked for the freedom which some here take for granted.



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I know i love america can not speak for the rest of them. I think maybe they were questioning the just cause for this war. And if that cause was worth the sacrifice of our troops.

Its also along ride on an innertube to france. It also helps that most of the people coming here have family here. People actully do sneak into france but mostly from africa or western europe. It would not make sence for people from cuba or south america to try to sneak into france or canada.

sorry to here about your loss. :(

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if you cant serve than just shut up....stop pretending that your supporting them and then by saying oh they signed up for this.....learn to appreciate the lives of our soldiers they are not some rat-tags bodies to be wasted so that pomps like you can "not serve". There is a code in the military and its called duty, honor, god and country.. Just how are we serving our honor in iraq? (yeah by killing people who did not have a war with us, earning the contempt of the entire world), how are we serving god, by killing our fellow humans? and above all how is our country benefiting from this war???

So wait a sec here...because I haven't served, I can't support the troops?

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off

And did you actually fight on the front lines, or did ya just chill out back in HQ making sketches of tents?

Also, I have two cousins serving in speical ops over there right now that tell me time and time again what they got themselves into and KNOW what they're doing is right, and I'll be in Law Enforcement soon enough, so don't pull that BS line with me...

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yo nigga why dont u go and join the special ops??? they need men like u....all I am saying is, ppl like u say they died cuz they signed of for this, that is contemptious, respect the soldiers by becoming one....GOD when will people in this country stop pretending to be patriots and start becoming one....

U dont show any patriotism by saying so and so I know is in the army...I would b proud when u say u are one....that is such a fucking hypocritical statement u all make....become a soldier son....join the army or navy or whatever service u like.

So wait a sec here...because I haven't served, I can't support the troops?

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off

And did you actually fight on the front lines, or did ya just chill out back in HQ making sketches of tents?

Also, I have two cousins serving in speical ops over there right now that tell me time and time again what they got themselves into and KNOW what they're doing is right, and I'll be in Law Enforcement soon enough, so don't pull that BS line with me...

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yo nigga why dont u go and join the special ops??? they need men like u....all I am saying is, ppl like u say they died cuz they signed of for this, that is contemptious, respect the soldiers by becoming one....GOD when will people in this country stop pretending to be patriots and start becoming one....

U dont show any patriotism by saying so and so I know is in the army...I would b proud when u say u are one....that is such a fucking hypocritical statement u all make....become a soldier son....join the army or navy or whatever service u like.

whoaaaaa hold up with the "n" word there - your opening post was about the poor latinos and blacks being forced to join the military for our company....blacks have been serving in the military in this country for a long dam time - crispus attucks - ever hear of him?????

btw JAG are part of the US MARINE AND NAVY Service establishment, the army and air force actually dosent have its own JAG branch....

btw JAG stands for Judge Advocate General - so according to you 1/2 of the armed forces of the most powerful nation in the world don't have legal representation??????????

walk the walk dont just attempt to talk the talk.........

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JAG are a central pool that represents all the branches of the military, though traditionally its headed by a Naval admiral reporting to the Secy of the NAVY....and to CNO.

man dont question me on this...I spent 6 months at the Army War collge and National Security University just learning how are military is organized. It can be confusing....

whoaaaaa hold up with the "n" word there - your opening post was about the poor latinos and blacks being forced to join the military for our company....blacks have been serving in the military in this country for a long dam time - crispus attucks - ever hear of him?????

btw JAG are part of the US MARINE AND NAVY Service establishment, the army and air force actually dosent have its own JAG branch....

btw JAG stands for Judge Advocate General - so according to you 1/2 of the armed forces of the most powerful nation in the world don't have legal representation??????????

walk the walk dont just attempt to talk the talk.........

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I don't see people falling out of the wheel wells of airlines to their death in their quest to reach any other Country than THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE, aka America

I don't see immigrants braving the open seas in inner tubes or chunks of foam in hope to float to Iraq or France. People around the World risk their lives in hope to reach America. Whether it's in a container, on a ship or in an inner tube.

Have you any notion what is going on OUTSIDE the USA? (this is a serious question). You again are making a fool of yourself. For example, almost daily people are risking their lives to reach Europe (yeah, also France!). Never heard of corpses who have been washed ashore on the coast of Spain and Italy?

I find it disgusting how you are talking about the misery of people. Don't be proud about the fact that people are heading for a horrible death because they want to start a new life in your country. You better have to feel ashamed that they can't have that better life in their own country! If your country is that great, why don't your country "of the free and the home of the brave" welcome all these people? At least you can't deny that they are brave: they take the risk to losing their life.

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:aright: couldn't have said it better myself.

Do you truly think the US "liberated" Iraq for the sake of the Iraqis. Iraq was "liberated" so a US friendly country could be created in the ME (other than Israel), that would to some extent serve US purposes. No coutry does anything out of the good of its heart. and to pretend otherwise is pure stupidity.

The whole Iraq thing is going to backfire (like the numerous times in the past) - what I see happening is a Muslim statehood being created, that could, with the help if Iran, turn radical. Yeah, there will be "democracy" but the real power will lie with the imams. After all who do the people listen to?

And thats really stupid to ignore the world's opinion - arrogance at its best. In this day and age, where each country is co-dependent on everyone else, it is quite important to make sure you don't do anything rash and silly. If you live in a community, you just don't go around killing somebody because you thought he was a threat - you gotta abide by the rules of the community.

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yo nigga why dont u go and join the special ops??? they need men like u....all I am saying is, ppl like u say they died cuz they signed of for this, that is contemptious, respect the soldiers by becoming one....GOD when will people in this country stop pretending to be patriots and start becoming one....

U dont show any patriotism by saying so and so I know is in the army...I would b proud when u say u are one....that is such a fucking hypocritical statement u all make....become a soldier son....join the army or navy or whatever service u like.

I'm not saying this u simpleton...people that are FIGHTING over there are saying this...now I see why you don't serve anymore. Honestly you talk a load of shit and I don't think you did squat.

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