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Michael Moore's Letter To The Owner Of The Aladdin Hotel In Las Vegas


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This is Michael Moore's letter to the owner of the Aladdin Hotel in

Las Vegas regarding throwing Linda Ronstadt off stage because she

dedicated a song to him plus a few other leftist, political remarks.

The second letter is Mr Timmins' response to Moore.


Bill Timmins

President, Aladdin Casino and Hotel

Las Vegas, NV

July 20, 2004

Dear Mr. Timmins:

I understand from the news reports I've read that, after Linda

Ronstadt, one of America's greatest singers, dedicated a song to me

from your stage on Saturday night, you instructed your security guards

to remove her from the Aladdin, which they did.

What country do you live in? Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still

in the United States. And in the United States, we have something

called "The First Amendment." This constitutional right gives everyone

here the right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold

this right as sacred. Many of our young people put on a uniform and

risk their lives to defend it. My film is all about asking the

questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were

sent into harms way.

For you to throw Linda Ronstadt off the premises because she dared to

say a few words in support of me and my film, is simply stupid and

Un-American. Frankly, I have never heard of such a thing happening. I

read that you wouldn't even let her go back up to her room at your

hotel! Are you crazy? For crying out loud, it was a song DEDICATION!

To "Desperado!" Every American loves that song! Sure, some people

didn't like the dedication, and that's their right. But neither they

nor you have the right to remove her from your building when all she

did was exercise her AMERICAN right to speak her mind.

Of all the things that go on in Las Vegas, this is what creates the

need for serious action? What about the other half of the crowd at the

Aladdin who, according to the Las Vegas Sun, cheered her when she made

her remarks? Did you throw them out, too?

I think you owe Ms. Ronstadt an apology. And I have an idea how you

can make it up to her -- and to the millions of Americans you have

offended. Invite her back and I'll join her in singing "America the

Beautiful" on your stage. Then I will show "Fahrenheit 9/11" free of

charge to all your guests and anyone else in Las Vegas who wants to

see it.

Mr. Timmins, as the song "Desperado" says -- "Come to your senses!"

How can you refuse this offer? I await your reply.


Michael Moore

Director, "Fahrenheit 9/11"



July 21, 2004

Attention: Michael Moore,

In response to your letter dated July 20, 2004: You are correct that I

had security remove Linda Ronstadt from Aladdin Casino and Hotel where

the fun never ends and everybody wins.

How very interesting to learn you are such a fan of Ms. Ronstadt. You

questioned where I live and surprisingly knew Las Vegas is in the

United States. You should visit it sometime. There are thousands of

wonderful 'All You Can Eat' buffets.

There are also a lot of casinos who's owners don't **** around. I am

aware of the First Amendment and you have the right to talk about your

hatred of America but once you are on my property and you are

upsetting my guests, you will quickly learn about my rights.

I can't remember if it was Jesus or George W. Bush that said, "Freedom

is a two-way street." Ms. Ronstadt learned this long before I had her

thrown out of my casino. You question my actions? If you come onto my

property and upset my guests, you will receive the same, if not worse,

treatment than Ms. Ronstadt received. I am sure your mere presence

would upset my guests.

You claim your film, "...is all about asking the questions that should

have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way."

I think your film does nothing but aid the enemy and hurt our troops.

You have betrayed our troops, our leader and America. I have no

respect for you or your vision of what America should be.

I paid Ms. Ronstadt to entertain my guests, not divide them. The half

that did not leave probably thought the verse you mentioned, "Why

don't you come to your senses" was addressed to you. Maybe she should

have dedicated her song, 'You're No Good' to you. I would have asked

her back, had she done that.

Regarding your request for me to apologize to her, have you and her on

my stage singing anything about this Country and then playing your

piece of **** film is ludicrous!

One of my workers is currently throwing away every complaint letter

from brainless followers of you, claiming they will never visit my

Casino. I could not be more pleased to know my casino and hotel will

always be void of the kind of people who support you. Meanwhile, my

hotel has been quickly booked solid for the rest of the year with true

Americans who love this Country and support our efforts overseas.

They will see a framed copy of your letter and my response in the

lobby to ensure they begin their experience with a laugh.



President Aladdin Casino and Hotel

Las Vegas, NV

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Wow . . . this is another "Urban Legend" as well . . .

From http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/timmins.asp

Origins: Another brouhaha over entertainers' making political statements from the stage erupted in mid-July 2004 when singer Linda Ronstadt closed her performance at the Aladdin Casino & Resort in Las Vegas by praising filmmaker Michael Moore as a "great American patriot" and "someone who is spreading the truth," encouraging the audience to see his movie Fahrenheit 9/11, and dedicating an encore performance of the song "Desperado" to him. Ms. Ronstadt's comments drew loud boos from the audience; some of the 4,500 concertgoers present walked out of the theater, while other more unruly patrons tore down concert posters and threw their drinks into the air.

Aladdin President Bill Timmins described the incident as "a very ugly scene," saying that "[Ronstadt] praised [Moore] and all of a sudden all bedlam broke loose." Mr. Timmins afterwards claimed that he didn't allow Ms. Ronstadt back in her luxury suite at the Aladdin and had her escorted off the property, maintaining that the singer's remarks "spoiled a wonderful evening for our guests and we had to do something about it." He added that "As long as I'm here, she's not going to play." (Ms. Ronstadt had only been booked for a single performance at the Aladdin anyway.)

Mr. Timmins' statements prompted an open letter to him from Michael Moore, which the filmmaker posted on his web site. However, although Mr. Moore's letter was real, the putative caustic response to it from Mr. Timmins quoted above is not — it was a "Here's what I wish he had said" suggested reply penned by someone else.

Last updated: 17 August 2004

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July 21, 2004

Attention: Michael Moore,

I am aware of the First Amendment and you have the right to talk about your hatred of America... Sincerely,


President Aladdin Casino and Hotel

Las Vegas, NV

When has Michael Moore ever said he hates America? NEVER!!! In fact he has repeatedly said the opposite. He makes his films because he wants to see the country he loves improve. It's pathetically sad that people in this country can't even tolerate differing opinions. They immediately label anyone who disagrees with them as unAmerican. THAT is what's unAmerican.

I guess being American now-a-days means just gobbling up everything Fox News spits out and not asking questions about anything that might expose corruption in this country. How dare anyone propose our government does things that don't show up on the evening news? Michael Moore is not guilty of anything our own mass-media isn't guilty of... biased reporting. People just seem to be so bothered by him because finally that practice is being used to push a different opinion.

Truth hurts sometimes... deal with it. America is far from perfect and keeps getting worse with every day that Americans look the other way and let the bullshit continue. If you love America, you should want to fix it too.

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Listen, Linda, we didnt hire you to think. You are much like the dancing monkey on the hot pavement. If you cant keep your fat mouth shut about that traitor Moore, we are going to fire you.

I love it. All the fat country singers(Dixie Chicks, Rondstadt) like Moore and hate Bush. It must be the brotherhood of cellulite that bonds them together.

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Fox slants right, CNN slants left, and MSNBC falls somewhere in between. If you watch all three, you will see that the stories are pretty much the same with a lean one way or the other.

Moore just lies, distorts truth and pretends his fantasy theory is reality.

That is a huge difference.

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When has Michael Moore ever said he hates America? NEVER!!! In fact he has repeatedly said the opposite. He makes his films because he wants to see the country he loves improve. It's pathetically sad that people in this country can't even tolerate differing opinions. They immediately label anyone who disagrees with them as unAmerican. THAT is what's unAmerican.

I guess being American now-a-days means just gobbling up everything Fox News spits out and not asking questions about anything that might expose corruption in this country. How dare anyone propose our government does things that don't show up on the evening news? Michael Moore is not guilty of anything our own mass-media isn't guilty of... biased reporting. People just seem to be so bothered by him because finally that practice is being used to push a different opinion.

Truth hurts sometimes... deal with it. America is far from perfect and keeps getting worse with every day that Americans look the other way and let the bullshit continue. If you love America, you should want to fix it too.

First of all there is a big difference between wanting to fix america and having a dissenting opinion, and going to other countries and bashing this country. Which Micheal moore has done all, infact when he is in europe he does it all the time. When you say that the president of this country lied when clearly he did not (this is backed up by numerous other people including other heads of state), that is not HELPING anyone. Distorting the truth IS NOT HELPING it's not healing.

Everyone is Entitled to thier own opinion. and Im entitled to an opinion about your opinion, don't think so ? Try and STOP ME!!! just because you have a differening opinion doesn't mean I have to Accept it I only have to tollerate it and not interfere with your opinion where you have the right to have it.

This is america Not Communist Russia. If you come into my house and you then become an unwelcome guest. I have the right to kick you out and slam the door in your face. because your right to free speech is modified by my right to property.

so one last time Tolerance is To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.

No where in there does it say that we have to LIKE IT OR EMBRACE IT.

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When has Michael Moore ever said he hates America? NEVER!!! In fact he has repeatedly said the opposite. He makes his films because he wants to see the country he loves improve. It's pathetically sad that people in this country can't even tolerate differing opinions. They immediately label anyone who disagrees with them as unAmerican. THAT is what's unAmerican.

I guess being American now-a-days means just gobbling up everything Fox News spits out and not asking questions about anything that might expose corruption in this country. How dare anyone propose our government does things that don't show up on the evening news? Michael Moore is not guilty of anything our own mass-media isn't guilty of... biased reporting. People just seem to be so bothered by him because finally that practice is being used to push a different opinion.

Truth hurts sometimes... deal with it. America is far from perfect and keeps getting worse with every day that Americans look the other way and let the bullshit continue. If you love America, you should want to fix it too.


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