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a message from president bush


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I hear you Koky BUT with that mentality then why have judges at the Olympics? Why watch football? or baseball? or soccer? Why follow sports and love it? One side will always be the losing side!!!!! We are at war with a society that despises our way of being and will not rest until they see us so called "infidels" suffering and divided. 9/11 was a wake up call for me and should have been for most. Again, we are at war and I don't know about you but I want to be on the winning side.

PS: Our freedon has already been fucked with.

I think you get my point.

Just my opinion. Not forcing anything down anyone's just give my opinion.

All you girlie men are my boys !!!!!!!!!


obby 1st of all i dont watch sports or follow it . only the UFC.. why ? cause its where it shows who really is the best at what someone does one on one !!

and yes i know our freedom has been fucked with and thats why i have little respect for our leaders at this very moment !! :mad: why ?? cause we have gotten fucked with and our leaders are bullshitting with these people !! i know people are gonna say that all i think about violence cause i want to finish certain people off .. but they are wrong !! id love to finish those people off so that there "IS" peace !!! and to those that say that the civilians over there have nothing to do with it i agree !! but with war comes casualties !! and dont be fuckin blind and look really well and you might notice that "ALL"those people hate us !! and would love to see us fall !! so you know what ? i can give 3 fucks what civilians of theirs get in our way !! yes i know we are the usa and have to show people that we are different and mercyfull .. but why show mercy to those who havent shown it towards us ? thats what pisses me off.. if we are gonna have out troops over there risking their lives they might as well do it for a reason !! dont you agree ? not for nothing like this example : we find sadaam and then instead of keeping his punk ass here , our bullshit president sends him back over there to be jailed over there cause thats what "THEY" fucking wanted !! while doing this hes slapping our troops (many who lost their lives in the process) in the fucking face !! you guys wanna talk about loyalty ?? our current president is not a good example to start with.. no i dont like kerry either .. unlike many believe i do follow politics a bit.. but i just do it for laughs and to give me a "wake up" call as you guys call it as to how much these people can be 2 faced and lie thru their teeth to us , and most of you believe all the bullshit they feed you !! like flip says "SHEEP" !! im not one of those sheep and im proud.. proud that i dont need to worry about what leader all these sheep chose cause either way we are getting fucked one way or another !! i just play along until they decide that we arent gonna be free anymore .. then is when ill decide how i wanna go .. and i guarantee you it wont be in a friendly way ;) .. all governments suck and are crooked !! everywhere in the world one way or another .. no government is perfect .. the reason i chose it here is cause we are still free..(atleast for the moment) .. when that is gone.. i could care less where i go or where i am . all ill think about is protecting my family the best i can :cool: thank you have a nice day :)

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