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U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Pass 1,000


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It was a war worth fighting and as your boy Kerry said, knowing what he knows today he would have invaded.

Either way, the loss of life is tragic, but it is the nature of war.

I’m sure your words would be very comforting, to the families who lost loved ones.
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I hope u motha fu..a go and serve in the military....i'll make sure my buds in the military will take great care of u....I dare u tres-b join the marines or the army.....then give me your name and address, i'll make sure my boyz serving right now, protecting your contemptous ungreatful life will give u a detailed debriefing on the "nature of war"....

May our fallen brothern rest in peace!

It was a war worth fighting and as your boy Kerry said, knowing what he knows today he would have invaded.

Either way, the loss of life is tragic, but it is the nature of war.

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I hope u motha fu..a go and serve in the military....i'll make sure my buds in the military will take great care of u....I dare u tres-b join the marines or the army.....then give me your name and address, i'll make sure my boyz serving right now, protecting your contemptous ungreatful life will give u a detailed debriefing on the "nature of war"....

May our fallen brothern rest in peace!

It was a war worth fighting and as your boy Kerry said, knowing what he knows today he would have invaded.

Either way, the loss of life is tragic, but it is the nature of war.

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It was a war worth fighting and as your boy Kerry said, knowing what he knows today he would have invaded.

Either way, the loss of life is tragic, but it is the nature of war.

I was watching the news the other day and they were soldier's pictures along with their stats who had fallen in the war..................

20 yrs old, 19 yrs old, 21 yrs old, 23 yrs old, 18 yrs old......................etc etc etc.

Maybe one middle-aged guy for every 15 or 20 "kids". It made me sick to my stomach that these children with their whole life ahead of them are sent over there to die for some over-fed burocrat's dirty little war.

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Im so sick and tired of freshnia's worthless posts about challenging anyone who supports Bush to join the Army. If you werent in the military, your opinion is worthless to freshnia. Enough. It is a waste of time and it is the only thing that you ever address. The "I served and you didnt" is a tired line from you. I respect you for taking it on yourself to join the armed forces. Service in the armed forces is not the only thing that constitutes a good American.

One of my best friends is currently in Afghanistan serving our nation. He and I are in contact so save your "boyz" time b/c I dont need to hear about the nature of war again.

Finally, I am going to address the subject of military service one last time. For those of you who dont get it, which seems to be most of you, joining the military is not the ticket to see the world and get out after a few years. Signing up means you may see active duty. It means you may be called on to risk your life. You may even pay the ultimate price. If this is not something you are willing to do, you should not sign up. Period. End of story.

Do I hate the fact the people are dying? Yes. Do I think we are serving the greater good by liberating Afghanistan and Iraq? Yes. Would I fight if I was drafted? Absolutely. I believe what we are doing is right. I believe in our President. I believe that God has blessed our nation and will continue to look out for us as we march forward.

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u r a wuss....thats what you r...I am tired of hearing your stories of your friends serving our nation...i wanna hear u serve this nation....then u'll know what it means to loose a brother, a fellow soldier...then It wont be "its the nature of war"....it will be something more and u would learn to respect your life and the lives of the men and women who serve with you....they are not body counts...they are not part of the nature of war, they become your blood and your soul...when they die, a piece of you dies with em....and then u would know the meaning of what revenge is...to settle the score....with enemies foreign and domestic!

Im so sick and tired of freshnia's worthless posts about challenging anyone who supports Bush to join the Army. If you werent in the military, your opinion is worthless to freshnia. Enough. It is a waste of time and it is the only thing that you ever address. The "I served and you didnt" is a tired line from you. I respect you for taking it on yourself to join the armed forces. Service in the armed forces is not the only thing that constitutes a good American.

One of my best friends is currently in Afghanistan serving our nation. He and I are in contact so save your "boyz" time b/c I dont need to hear about the nature of war again.

Finally, I am going to address the subject of military service one last time. For those of you who dont get it, which seems to be most of you, joining the military is not the ticket to see the world and get out after a few years. Signing up means you may see active duty. It means you may be called on to risk your life. You may even pay the ultimate price. If this is not something you are willing to do, you should not sign up. Period. End of story.

Do I hate the fact the people are dying? Yes. Do I think we are serving the greater good by liberating Afghanistan and Iraq? Yes. Would I fight if I was drafted? Absolutely. I believe what we are doing is right. I believe in our President. I believe that God has blessed our nation and will continue to look out for us as we march forward.

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Typical response by you. I am a wuss. I dont know what it means to serve. blah blah blah blah blah. When you stop telling me about this stuff, I will stop reminding you that one of my fraternity brothers is over there laying it on the line which you at this time are not doing. Deal?

Let me explain something to you. I dont view our guys as a body count. I dont view losses as acceptable.

I look at what we need to do as a nation and I understand that we, yes we, will pay a price to accomplish what we need to accomplish.

You underestimate my compassion. You have zero concept of who I am and what I believe in based on your responses. You are exposing yourself as someone who gets caught up in emotion. You dont analyze the situation. You get angry and react.

Again, I dont like war any more than you like war. However, I understand what it takes to defend our nation and our way of life. I would not hesitate to report if I was drafted to fight. Just because I did not choose to join the military does not mean I am some sort of coward or bad American. Choosing to serve and avoiding duty are 2 seperate things. I did not choose to join, but I would never avoid my duty if I was called.

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Finally, I am going to address the subject of military service one last time. For those of you who dont get it, which seems to be most of you, joining the military is not the ticket to see the world and get out after a few years. Signing up means you may see active duty. It means you may be called on to risk your life. You may even pay the ultimate price. If this is not something you are willing to do, you should not sign up. Period. End of story.

Good points, no doubt. But do you think that recruiters make this abundantly clear when they are scouting "bottom of the barrel" teens that live in underpriviledged neighborhoods?

My guess is no.

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That is true. There is more emphasis on the see the world part of things. You cant fault salesmen for pushing the good points, but you can blame them for not showing the whole picture.

Ehhhhh, when you are trying to get a lemon off the lot maybe. When you are recruiting an 18 year old child into the armed forces knowing that we're going to invade a few countries in the upcoming months, that's a little different.

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"Finally, I am going to address the subject of military service one last time. For those of you who dont get it, which seems to be most of you, joining the military is not the ticket to see the world and get out after a few years. Signing up means you may see active duty. It means you may be called on to risk your life. You may even pay the ultimate price. If this is not something you are willing to do, you should not sign up. Period. End of story."

"That is true. There is more emphasis on the see the world part of things. You cant fault salesmen for pushing the good points, but you can blame them for not showing the whole picture."

just the hipocracy of these two statements made with 3 hours of each other by the same person is funny.

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There is zero of the dreaded H word. Period. The recruiters are there to sell the great things that go along with being in the military. Everyone is aware of the bad part that comes with the good. Military goes hand in hand with war. War with death.

Thats like saying blaming the guy who sells you the trip to Everest when you get frostbite and lose your toes. He never told you about that part. He only told you about how incredible it is at the top of the mtn. Is it his fault the storm kicked up and trapped you on the crest. Is he to blame for your loss?

The answer is obviously no.

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no i am pretty sure that when someone sells you a trip to everest and does not explain the dangers would end up getting sued.

In one sentence you say that people who sign up should know the dangers and not use it as a way to see the world, but in the other you say that it is ok to promote it like that. Can't have it both ways.

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No, they would not get sued. You are ultimately responsible for you. Are you actually telling me that people arent aware of the danger that members of the military may encounter? I didnt know people were that misinformed. I had more confidence in the general population than I should have had.

I can promote something any way I want. If some kid asks a recruiter "Could I die while in the Army" the answer would have to be yes. On the other hand, I dont think a recruiter needs to say, "Before we get started, you may die while serving in the military." People can use the military to see the world. There is nothing wrong with that. But, that trip around the world comes with responsibilities.

This is all semantics. The bottom line is that it is common knowledge that there is a risk factor to being in the military and there has been since there were knights on horseback all the way through today. On the other hand, there are some strong positives that come with being in the military as well. These are the selling points.

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listen if mcdonalds can get sued for making people fat, dunkin donuts can get sued for having hot coffee,cigerate companies can get sued for causing lung cancer, don;t tell me you can not sue.

As a matter of fact because the army targets these underprivledged kids they should get sued. Just like tobacco companies that target kids.

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The examples you site are jokes.

Bottom line- Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that the Military is in the war business. War=Danger. Period.

As for recruiting underpriviledged kids, who would you have them go after, middle class kids who are on their way to State U to get a degree? The military is probably not going to get many of those b/c it isnt the best alternative for them. They are offering an alternative to working construction or cleaning bathrooms to kids who have nothing else. I dont really have a problem with that. I would join the Army b/f I would spend my life cleaning toilets.

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Those examples are a joke why? We were talking about everest, and if i could sue if i get frost bitten.

Obviously you can not sue the government over signing up for the army and then not liking it or dieing. What i was saying is that you can not say its your own fault for dieing because you did not know the consequenses, and then not condemn the recruiting practices of glorifing only the good shit.

And most people would clean toilets rather then die, atleast most people i know.

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The same one who came home and shamed himself in front of the senate.

Those examples are jokes b/c people are blaming everyone for their own problems. Thats the problem. The sooner everyone starts to realize that they are responsible for the person in the mirror the better off we will be. This is why Israel is still around. While they may be surrounded by Muslim terrorists who would rather kill the Jews than talk to them, they seem to do ok/ Why? They take care of theselves.

I am signing off for the day. Good luck to those left to defend the ideals for liberty and freedom on the board.

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