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Using Fear Tactics to Gain an Election Win!


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looky look !! a Republican from Texas...

Hey, don't mess with Texas! lol!

i declined citizenship all the way back in 92 bro ...my choice.

IMO not the smartest choice....

Portugal, well let me be more specific the portuguese GOVERNMENT is an ally on the War on terror (i've said it various times) , but so are other POOR european countries such as poland, bulgaria,ukraine and other eastern european nations ..........do you see a pattern ?? US Financial Aid !!! :)

You're right, the only countries that matter in Europe are France, Germany, and Russia. :jerkoff:

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please tell me how we are safer now that saddams gone. Especially after they elect that super religous shite guy, he is bordedline fanatical.

My question is if the iraqi people want to elect a guy we do not want in power what then?

When will the US learn.

We helped train and fund osama to help fight the russians, that turned out well.

We helped fund and train saddam to overthrow his government, that also turned out well.

we helped overthrow the elected officials in iran, that worked out well

now we partner up with warlords in afghanistan to help us get the terrorists, i am sure that will turn out well.

and in iraq we partner back up with the shites, aren't they the ones we left high and dry in 91 i am sure they forgive us, this should turn out well. It always has in the past.

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IMO not the smartest choice....

You're right, the only countries that matter in Europe are France, Germany, and Russia. :jerkoff:

- Im thinking the same thing , I could get around 10 grand if I became a citizen and married a illegal chick that happens to be a family friend , so she can get a greencard .

Having countries on your side like France with a muslim population of over 5 million , Spain & Germany are very important when combating a Global war on terror ....how many al-qaeda cells are there in Ukraine? Bulgaria ? Poland ? Portugal ? lol.... The US in order to make big strides in winning this war needs alliances like the UN & NATO .... IMHO .

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How are we safer?

Lemme guess, cuz Saddam is no longer in power... wupty fuckin doo.

How in the world can a country be safe under a "leader" that polarizes the world into USA (plus a couple allies) against everybody else? I doubt most of you Bush-supporters care, but 99% (or pretty damn close) of the rest of the world despises W Bush. And a nation that re-elects a fuckup like him isn't going get much respect. Oh that's right, I guess we'll just have to command their respect with our almighty arsenal... the Republican Way.

I can understand someone supporting Bush because they're daddy's rich or cuz they see his name splashed on the side of a NASCAR racer... but to be so ignorant as to think this country is actually safer with this fumbling idiot in power is IN-FUCKING-SANE!!!

Do you have enough of a grasp on reality to realize that the citizens of a country that is HATED all around the world are NOT safe.

Oh, and yes, voting out the piece-of-shit that dragged our country's image through the dirt over the last 3 years will go a long way towards restoring the safety of American citizens all over the world.

:blah: wrong again. So much anger....come on let it out!! lol.

If you hadn't noticed, only stupid liberals actually give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks of us. Do you think Bush is responsible for resentment across the world? Actually, he just uncovered what was already out there.

But, if you think that by pretending that we all like each other and that everything is ok makes us safer then go ahead.

There's just one thing that you should consider.... REALITY.

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- Im thinking the same thing , I could get around 10 grand if I became a citizen and married a illegal chick that happens to be a family friend , so she can get a greencard .

Having countries on your side like France with a muslim population of over 5 million , Spain & Germany are very important when combating a Global war on terror ....how many al-qaeda cells are there in Ukraine? Bulgaria ? Poland ? Portugal ? lol.... The US in order to make big strides in winning this war needs alliances like the UN & NATO .... IMHO .

If that's the best thing you think you could do as a US citizen, then I'm glad you're not one.

How and why is it important to have France, UN, and NATO in alliance with us?

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So if we do not care what other people think and if it really does not matter if other countries like us enough to say help us fight this war, how do you plan on winning it?

If a country does not like us enough why would they put forth effort to uncover cells, secure their airports, track money?

You say it is not important to have these countries on our side?

Then what we just bomb everyone.

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If you hadn't noticed, only stupid liberals actually give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks of us.

...this is where the problem resides .... We (our government) calls this a Global war on terror and asks countries to help us out in weeding out terrorism on a global level ...BUT AT THE SAME TIME ( LMAO !) we don't " give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of us " and how we do things......kinda hipocritical in my point of view , and counter productive in this war that is destined to go on for a longggg time .

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So if we do not care what other people think and if it really does not matter if other countries like us enough to say help us fight this war, how do you plan on winning it?

If a country does not like us enough why would they put forth effort to uncover cells, secure their airports, track money?

You say it is not important to have these countries on our side?

Then what we just bomb everyone.

beer on me ! :beer:

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How and why is it important to have France, UN, and NATO in alliance with us?

In a Global war on Terror we need a International face to it (financial support & troop support) , especially in a war which will most likely take decades to conclude . This year alone we have federal deficits of around 422 billion dollars , and we are only on our 3rd year of military conflicts (iraq/ afghanistan) ...you actually think the US can survive (financially) going to war (90% war costs fall on us) with other rogue nations in the upcoming years ? .

..You know what Portugal is contributing in Iraq ??!... around 200 or so military police and a few dozen Barbers that accompany the Italian contingency in southern iraq . . .


...even though some may have too much pride to ask for help and admit they need help , sooner or later WE WILL HAVE TO DO SO .

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...this is where the problem resides .... We (our government) calls this a Global war on terror and asks countries to help us out in weeding out terrorism on a global level

Whose Government?


America always foots the bill or forgives debts to nations world wide. Besides, deficits are not "abnormal". Every admin run deficits,,,,YES,,,EVERY ADMIN! Besides, I can't remember a time when liberals ever paid attn. to deficits. They only time they care about deficits is when it's not spent on their failed domestic programs. We have a 10 trillion dollar economy which is currently growing at record pace. Unemployment is down to 5.4% (lower than Bill Clinton had during his re-election campaign against Dole (which was @ 5.6%).

It's absurd to assume Kerry would unite the world in w/ a huge coalition to fight terror. When the entire world united to fight Saddam in 1991, over 200 nations united to remove him from Kuwait and Kerry voted against that war. So, plz spare me the "unity" psycho-babble.

We don't need to request permission to do what we've got to do to protect our citizens and interests abroad. If a deficit is the result, so be it. What good is a great job, nice car, nice house and fat bank account if you're blown up at a pizza hut?

BLAH, BLAH BLAH...............Stop acting like you care about deficits or world unity.....You just hate Bush. Russia was reluctant to help us in Iraq (due to recently uncovered OIL for FOOD kick-backs) and look @ what that got them...... a bus bombing, 2 airlines hijacked and blown up, and 350 innocent people (mostly children) killed by Chechen/Islamic radicals (trained by Al-Qaida). Look at what Spain got? Trains bombed........


Stop drinking the Kerry kool-aid guy!

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BLAH, BLAH BLAH...............Stop acting like you care about deficits or world unity.....You just hate Bush. Russia was reluctant to help us in Iraq (due to recently uncovered OIL for FOOD kick-backs) and look @ what that got them...... a bus bombing, 2 airlines hijacked and blown up, and 350 innocent people (mostly children) killed by Chechen/Islamic radicals (trained by Al-Qaida). Look at what Spain got? Trains bombed........

Thats funny. That shit happened in russia because they didn't help us in Iraq. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Spain had troops in iraq when the train got bombed. You have to be kidding me. Still thinking that iraq had something to do with al qaida. HAHAHA

really come on

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How are we safer?

Lemme guess, cuz Saddam is no longer in power... wupty fuckin doo.

How in the world can a country be safe under a "leader" that polarizes the world into USA (plus a couple allies) against everybody else? I doubt most of you Bush-supporters care, but 99% (or pretty damn close) of the rest of the world despises W Bush. And a nation that re-elects a fuckup like him isn't going get much respect. Oh that's right, I guess we'll just have to command their respect with our almighty arsenal... the Republican Way.

I can understand someone supporting Bush because they're daddy's rich or cuz they see his name splashed on the side of a NASCAR racer... but to be so ignorant as to think this country is actually safer with this fumbling idiot in power is IN-FUCKING-SANE!!!

Do you have enough of a grasp on reality to realize that the citizens of a country that is HATED all around the world are NOT safe.

Oh, and yes, voting out the piece-of-shit that dragged our country's image through the dirt over the last 3 years will go a long way towards restoring the safety of American citizens all over the world.

1. We are safer not noly b/c Saddam has been arrested but also because there are hundreds of terrorists currently sitting in cages in Guantanamo Bay Not to mention the disarmament of Libya THROUGH DIPLOMACY.

2. Should I care that 99% of the world hates us? I really don't care if a bunch of Germans and Italians protest the Bush administration. What effect do they have on me? Aside from a little bit of attitude if I'm ever in Europe (which is nothing new). These people are not terrorists.

3. You think Bush dragged our country's image through the dirt? What about that smooth bastard before him?

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How are we safer?

Lemme guess, cuz Saddam is no longer in power... wupty fuckin doo.

How in the world can a country be safe under a "leader" that polarizes the world into USA (plus a couple allies) against everybody else? I doubt most of you Bush-supporters care, but 99% (or pretty damn close) of the rest of the world despises W Bush. And a nation that re-elects a fuckup like him isn't going get much respect. Oh that's right, I guess we'll just have to command their respect with our almighty arsenal... the Republican Way.

I can understand someone supporting Bush because they're daddy's rich or cuz they see his name splashed on the side of a NASCAR racer... but to be so ignorant as to think this country is actually safer with this fumbling idiot in power is IN-FUCKING-SANE!!!

Do you have enough of a grasp on reality to realize that the citizens of a country that is HATED all around the world are NOT safe.

Oh, and yes, voting out the piece-of-shit that dragged our country's image through the dirt over the last 3 years will go a long way towards restoring the safety of American citizens all over the world.

1. We are safer not noly b/c Saddam has been arrested but also because there are hundreds of terrorists currently sitting in cages in Guantanamo Bay Not to mention the disarmament of Libya THROUGH DIPLOMACY.

2. Should I care that 99% of the world hates us? I really don't care if a bunch of Germans and Italians protest the Bush administration. What effect do they have on me? Aside from a little bit of attitude if I'm ever in Europe (which is nothing new). These people are not terrorists.

3. You think Bush dragged our country's image through the dirt? What about that smooth bastard before him?

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If you hadn't noticed, only stupid liberals actually give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks...

There's just one thing that you should consider.... REALITY.

According to your reality, there's only one country on the planet. I'd say that puts you at the intellectual level of a pre-schooler.

Please explain to me how not giving a shit about what the rest of the world thinks makes this country safer.

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According to your reality, there's only one country on the planet. I'd say that puts you at the intellectual level of a pre-schooler.

Please explain to me how not giving a shit about what the rest of the world thinks makes this country safer.

What makes you think we don't "give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks".

I will state the facts....AGAIN. Not myths, not rumors but FACTS!!!!!!!!!


- No Country has acquired more power and abused it less than the USA


- No Country gives more back to the World in the form of food and aid than the USA (Economic aid and food)


- No Country has constantly stood up for other nations and defends their right for freedom than the USA


- America always foots the bill or forgives debts to nations world wide.

So again I ask.....What makes you think we don't "give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks"???????


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1. We are safer not noly b/c Saddam has been arrested but also because there are hundreds of terrorists currently sitting in cages in Guantanamo Bay Not to mention the disarmament of Libya THROUGH DIPLOMACY.

2. Should I care that 99% of the world hates us? I really don't care if a bunch of Germans and Italians protest the Bush administration. What effect do they have on me? Aside from a little bit of attitude if I'm ever in Europe (which is nothing new). These people are not terrorists.

3. You think Bush dragged our country's image through the dirt? What about that smooth bastard before him?

I will wait and see who gets elected in Iraq before i say we are safer, hopefully everyone in cuba are terrorists, lybia disarmed but its still believed that they harbour terrorists.

I do not care is joe schmoe in europe disagrees with us but when an important person disagrees then i care. LIke i said we need help if you want to admit it or not.

And Clinton was well respected in the world community.

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What makes you think we don't "give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks".

I will state the facts....AGAIN. Not myths, not rumors but FACTS!!!!!!!!!


- No Country has acquired more power and abused it less than the USA


- No Country gives more back to the World in the form of food and aid than the USA (Economic aid and food)


- No Country has constantly stood up for other nations and defends their right for freedom than the USA

So again I ask.....What makes you think we don't "give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks"???????


other people were saying why should we give a fuck about other countries. Nobody said we do not care about the world.

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According to your reality, there's only one country on the planet. I'd say that puts you at the intellectual level of a pre-schooler.

Please explain to me how not giving a shit about what the rest of the world thinks makes this country safer.

Typical liberal, can only argue with personal attacks.:laugh: Actually, I failed pre-school. :finger:

Something to think about: When a lot of people around you are waiting to see you fail, is it in your best interest to listen to their advice/or sugestions?

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When a lot of people around you are waiting to see you fail, is it in your best interest to listen to their advice/or sugestions?

..Are you implying that there is a International conspiracy to destroy the US of A ?????!!??

..if so , i suggest you stay away from your X-Files collection .

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- No Country has acquired more power and abused it less than the USA

This is pure speculation and opinion. It takes an arrogant prick to proclaim their opinion as FACT!!! Many people would say that the USA is currently engaged in an unprecedented abuse of power.


- No Country has constantly stood up for other nations and defends their right for freedom than the USA

Only where and when it serves our own agenda first. You don't see us busting down the door in China, Cuba, or North Korea do you? No. Why? American agenda item #1... secure oil.

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BLAH, BLAH BLAH...............Stop acting like you care about deficits or world unity.....You just hate Bush. Russia was reluctant to help us in Iraq (due to recently uncovered OIL for FOOD kick-backs) and look @ what that got them...... a bus bombing, 2 airlines hijacked and blown up, and 350 innocent people (mostly children) killed by Chechen/Islamic radicals (trained by Al-Qaida). Look at what Spain got? Trains bombed........

Thats funny. That shit happened in russia because they didn't help us in Iraq. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Spain had troops in iraq when the train got bombed. You have to be kidding me. Still thinking that iraq had something to do with al qaida. HAHAHA

really come on

:rofl::laugh::laugh: ...now you know the way this guy thinks ..........permanent spin , and the even sadder thing is that he labels many of them "FACTS " lol .

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This is pure speculation and opinion. It takes an arrogant prick to proclaim their opinion as FACT!!!

Only where and when it serves our own agenda first. You don't see us busting down the door in China, Cuba, or North Korea do you? No. Why? American agenda item #1... secure oil.

Hit it on the head on Both points . :)

ps...Arrogant = super citizen

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We also have to pick fight we would win. China would be a losing battle, shit we can not keep iraq settled down imagine china. korea we would win but i shudder at the lost of lives. Cuba is not even in the top 50 of countries we should be even considering.

To make your point better you have to look at the countries in Africa, some are breeding grounds for terrorism, and we all know the human rights violations they have. These countries need someone to go in and help.

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