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Russia prepared for pre-emptive strikes on 'terror bases' worldwide

Wed Sep 8, 5:43 AM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia is prepared to make pre-emptive strikes on "terrorist bases" anywhere in the world, the Interfax news agency cited the country's chief of staff as saying.

"With regard to preventive strikes on terrorist bases, we will take any action to eliminate terrorist bases in any region of the world. But this does not mean we will carry out nuclear strikes," General Yuri Baluyevsky said Wednesday.

Baluyevsky added that Russia's choice of action "will be determined by the concrete situation where ever it may be in the world.

"Military action is the last resort in the fight agaisnt terrorism."

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what do u think russia has been doing in chechnya for the past 100 years??

terrorist should be dealt with in a police type action? the terrorist represent groups not nations....military action is too big and there is a huge collatoral damage, doesnt help the situation, what is needed is surgical police action, go after a group of em or individuals hiding in places......

militaries are good in destroying assets such as strategic bases, armory, tactical units such as armored division, light armor division and light infantry units....none of these apply to terrorist, they drive in one or two cars, look like any other car on the street, they dress like other people on the street etc....what we need is a police/intelligence driven action, go after em one by one, it takes time but that IMO is the only way to deal with it!

Russia prepared for pre-emptive strikes on 'terror bases' worldwide

Wed Sep 8, 5:43 AM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia is prepared to make pre-emptive strikes on "terrorist bases" anywhere in the world, the Interfax news agency cited the country's chief of staff as saying.

"With regard to preventive strikes on terrorist bases, we will take any action to eliminate terrorist bases in any region of the world. But this does not mean we will carry out nuclear strikes," General Yuri Baluyevsky said Wednesday.

Baluyevsky added that Russia's choice of action "will be determined by the concrete situation where ever it may be in the world.

"Military action is the last resort in the fight agaisnt terrorism."

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what we need is a police/intelligence driven action, go after em one by one, it takes time but that IMO is the only way to deal with it!

i actually agree...i am tired of hearing about the US planes hitting insurgent targets in Iraq...i dont think that is doing much...they need peple on the streets, hunting these people down...and terminating them....

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plus it is politically acceptable to go after one or two bad guys at a time, only going after them without hurting any collatoral assets. If they are captured alive even better, their crimes can be proven in a court, shows that our system is transparent and just!

It takes time to fight this war, guys.....u are not going to see results in 2-3 yrs, this will take close to a decade and will eventually die down, you will also put an end to radicalizing an entire religon/nation.

i actually agree...i am tired of hearing about the US planes hitting insurgent targets in Iraq...i dont think that is doing much...they need peple on the streets, hunting these people down...and terminating them....
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living in a dream world.

do you really believe that? in a decade we will rid the world of terrorism. like Bush said we will not win this war, we will always be fighting. where ever there is poor people who can be brainwashed tp believe we are the enemy there will be terrorists. The gap between the rich us and poor rest of the world is widening, its only going to get worse. All we can do is fight.

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the gap between the haves and have not has always been there....but what i am saying is that there is a group of people who have gone past a line of sensible thinking that it is impossible to reel such people back into mainstream life, they have become radical to a point they dont even follow their own religon, like the ones who caused the school crisis in russia.

fanaticism is a disease and needs to be treated as such, there will always be discontent amongst people, you cannot get rid of it, but remember discontent people dont resort to kidnapping children etc....there may b revolutions in history, bloody at times, but i am suggesting going after a group of people who are beyond a salavagable point, no other way to deal with em. Even if we solve the isreali-palestinian issues, these people will continue killing people in causes such as maybe, say, so and so is'nt wearing the right scarf, so and so is following the satan and thus resort to killing....

living in a dream world.

do you really believe that? in a decade we will rid the world of terrorism. like Bush said we will not win this war, we will always be fighting. where ever there is poor people who can be brainwashed tp believe we are the enemy there will be terrorists. The gap between the rich us and poor rest of the world is widening, its only going to get worse. All we can do is fight.

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i understand what you are saying and i think that we have to elininate the main people. Say we find one of these guys and kill him, the head guy recruiter whatever then goes to this person brothers or sons or father and says look what the us did to your family, do you want revenge. We must kill the head and all we are gettin is the tail.

As long as there is a wide gap between the haves and have nots it will be like this. Because that is where these people get their recruits. Without the poor and angry you have no terrorists.

Well you still will have the crazy people who will do it even if they are rich but for the most part happy people do not blow themselves up.

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i understand what you are saying and i think that we have to elininate the main people. Say we find one of these guys and kill him, the head guy recruiter whatever then goes to this person brothers or sons or father and says look what the us did to your family, do you want revenge. We must kill the head and all we are gettin is the tail.

As long as there is a wide gap between the haves and have nots it will be like this. Because that is where these people get their recruits. Without the poor and angry you have no terrorists.

Well you still will have the crazy people who will do it even if they are rich but for the most part happy people do not blow themselves up.

I think the key to winning the Middle East is education, education and education, and of course fighting poverty.

For example, look who joins fringe hate groups in the US (eg, skinheads, KKK) - the poor and uneducated.

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I think the key to winning the Middle East is education, education and education, and of course fighting poverty.

For example, look who joins fringe hate groups in the US (eg, skinheads, KKK) - the poor and uneducated.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You hit it right on the nose.

100 % correct

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who will be in charge of what they teach? education if the info is wrong is not the answer. I am sure the koran will be used to teach, and i am pretty sure you will not see the same history of western civ and history books we read. Math, language, science, is all universal, history on the other hand can be viewed diferently.

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who will be in charge of what they teach? education if the info is wrong is not the answer. I am sure the koran will be used to teach, and i am pretty sure you will not see the same history of western civ and history books we read. Math, language, science, is all universal, history on the other hand can be viewed diferently.

HIstory is ALWAYS viewed differently, regardless of the civilization. Hell, even current events are different depending on your source. What education will enable people to empower themselves, get a good job, help the economy etc. Thus, greatly reducing the motivation to strap a bomb to themselves.

Its true who is in charge of the education is very important -you cannot have people being taught at radical madrasses - it has to be more modern and progressive.

Of course, if you do look at the last few hundred years, the Western civilization really does not have a good track record when it comes to dealing with other civilizations.

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actually western civ never had a good track record in regards to people who were "uncivillized" What i am saying is if they teach people to hate western countries that really does not help us out. It might make things worse because these people then have the ability to make money to fund groups against us. If you have someone who hates us, and is brilliant, and has money, then we have a problem.

damn were all gonna die, this forum is depressing as fuck.

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I agree! but religous or secular fanatics are all dangerous, and there is only one way to deal with em, eliminate em!

I disagree with the Israeli/Palestinian issue - the hate there is more social and demographic than religious. Hell, wasn't the PLO secular during the 80's (till the latest intifidah where the more religous Islamic Jihad started to come into power).
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I agree! but religous or secular fanatics are all dangerous, and there is only one way to deal with em, eliminate em!

Well, if you've been oppressed, and have your whole neighbourhood, and possibly family destroyed by a power that really does not value your life, I do not blame them for fanatism (I'm talking about the Palestinian people, not the government).

Then there is no need to "breed" fanatism - it'll well up automatically in any person.

If you keep "eliminating" it without looking at whats causing it first, you're just going to go in a vicious cycle with no end. What I'm saying is that your very action of "elimination" might be what is causing fanatism in the first place.

A lot of neo-cons on here can't grasp that concept, and resort to the knee-jerk reaction of equating understanding with appeasement.

Edit: I'm not saying don't eliminate, that definitely needs to be done, but on top of that there has to be understanding of why it exists.

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talking about the palestinian-isreali issue, herez how I put, Edward Said vs Sheikh Yassin/Daddan.....Ed Said a christian arab from palestine, an amazing human being....a mordern day ghandi, Ed Said way is the way to deal with the palestinian issue the other way is the armed brigades of Fatah, and look where they are taking their peoples future too.....

read up on Edward Said, he is one man who truly touched my life, one professor who changed my outlook on how to view things....I owe him a lot...may he rest in peace!

Well, if you've been oppressed, and have your whole neighbourhood, and possibly family destroyed by a power that really does not value your life, I do not blame them for fanatism (I'm talking about the Palestinian people, not the government).

Then there is no need to "breed" fanatism - it'll well up automatically in any person.

If you keep "eliminating" it without looking at whats causing it first, you're just going to go in a vicious cycle with no end. What I'm saying is that your very action of "elimination" might be what is causing fanatism in the first place.

A lot of neo-cons on here can't grasp that concept, and resort to the knee-jerk reaction of equating understanding with appeasement.

Edit: I'm not saying don't eliminate, that definitely needs to be done, but on top of that there has to be understanding of why it exists.

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