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rain in spain falls mainly on the plane...


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wish that was the case here... fuckin rain this morning was a doozey, no~!? one of my clients had a power outtage, another had all there comps go down at once... hectic day... anyone else inconvenienced by the weather today~!?

Hell yeah!

i got to Times Sq. ok, but it was MAYHEM there!

thank god i found this girl i work with there, and we hopped on a cab downtown to my job. I was only 24 min. late

But virtually no subways were working, there were people everywhere, and it was hot as hell


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Well, i found out by reading the paper today that the pumps that are used to pump water out of the subway system are about 80 years old!!!

So obviously it couldn't handle the water amount we received yesterday. Things got backed up, which in turn flooded the subway system, which in turn led to all the delays, packed platforms, anger, aggression, and the people at the top laughing at us :rolleyes:

So yeah, we might as well build a Jets stadium/extend the 7 west/prepare for the olympics. But install new pumps to handle outbreaks like the one we had yesterday and hold up over 1 million people.... that can wait ;)

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