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Wearing Your Collar Down is for Poor People


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ala groovefire, i'm mirror posting this to as many boards as is humanly possible. following is a letter that was originally sent to and printed in an ivy league school's newsletter. i'm not saying i agree with it... wait, yes. yes, i do.


Wearing Your Collar Down is for Poor People

By I.M. Adick, III

When my ancestors came over to this great country 400 years ago, they had a vision for a utopia, free from minorities, liberals, poor people, homosexuals, and immigrants. There are few today who share such lofty ideals, but we're easy to find: Pastel polo shirts, loafers without socks, tucked-in shirts, but most importantly, collars up.

Call me a douchebag. Call me an arrogant little cocksucking dickhead. Beat the shit out of me if I'm not with fifteen of my B-frat friends (unlikely). But just know this: I interned at Smith Barney this summer. Where did you work? A Blockbuster? That's right you insignificant sack of dogshit; I'm going to be your boss. So take your t-shirt wearing, financial aid, blue-collar ass over to Blockbuster and get me a copy of Old School. Do you even own a tuxedo?

Look at my girlfriend. You think she'd go for someone who didn't have his collar up? I don't think so. I remember the night I met her. I bought her so many $9 drinks she couldn't even walk. So I drove her home in my BMW 328ci, but not before I took a few "liberties" with her. The next morning I took her to brunch and went to the mall, where I bought her some blouses. You assholes don't know the first thing about being a gentleman. You probably don't even know how to sail.

When I get out of business school, I'm going to be making $120,000 a year. Add that to my trust fund, and I can buy a country club membership, a ski house, and still have enough money to go barhopping around the city in my designer clothes and shit-eating grin. Maybe I'll offer you a hundred bucks to flip my collar up for me. I earned it you middle-class fuck up. I bet you went to public school.

You're so predictable. I bet I can guess your political party just by looking at you. My cronies and I range from elitist northern liberals to heartless conservative bastards. I've wasted enough time with you. Get some rich parents, an internship, and a pink polo with the collar up, and then maybe I'll let you hang out with me.


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google search and I came up with this

I wear my collar up in reverence. Rich kids do it to be hip, cool or any other euphemism used to describe fitting in. I don't mind though, they're just having fun. Daddy is paying for school and other than kegers at the frat they have nothing better to do then act like a cultured man. When i see them on campus with flip-flops, shorts and a flipped up collar I know that in 4 years (well more like 6 for most of them) they are going to be working at daddy's firm or for a friend of dad's. Nepotism will get them the job; the job will get them the money which in turn will buy all the things needed to get laid. But during all that time their collar will be down! Buttoned up and laying atop a tie. They will be suits, drones. No culture, no class, no soul... no collar up. And I? I'll continue to wear my collar up, in reverence and defiance of the status quo they will represent. I'll finish my graduate studies and get paid what they consider a "chicken shit" salary as a research professor. They will be status quo; I will be wearing my collar up. I'll be what they pretended to be: cultured, educated, classy, elegant. So to all the richies, keep wearing your collars up because soon enough you'll be done. Don't believe me? Check out Mr. W Bush, he use to wear his collar up and party. Now he works with daddy's friends finishing the job daddy didn't. So collars up is for working folks! Look at history: Beethoven wore his collar up, Frederick Douglas wore his collar up and the panthers wore their collars up. Tradition is on my side.

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