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thank you mr bush


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i guess Bush is getting blamed for something Congress didnt pick up and renew....

You guessed right !!!!!

Come on and jump aboard the "Bush Fault Band Wagon"

It's fun !!!!!!


AK47'S and OOZIE'S will still remain illegal due to another active bill in Congress......

So,,,No,,,Those 2 will still be illegal to purchase here....

Besides,,,,Guns don't kill people, people do.

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hahaha guns do kill people shit even a puppy can shoot someone

tec 9 bitches

oh and you can buy ak47, uzis, and those m2 with the gernade launcher on them.

Are you saying it is not the president fault? Maybe it should be the republican run congress.

By the way who the fuck needs any of these fucking guns. Can anyone explain to me why these should be legal?anyone? Why the nra wants them legalized?

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hahaha guns do kill people shit even a puppy can shoot someone

tec 9 bitches

oh and you can buy ak47, uzis, and those m2 with the gernade launcher on them.

Are you saying it is not the president fault? Maybe it should be the republican run congress.

By the way who the fuck needs any of these fucking guns. Can anyone explain to me why these should be legal?anyone? Why the nra wants them legalized?

TEC-9 are the one of the worse firearms EVER made...i really could careless about the ban...i never had a need or a want to purchase a ar15 or m4...but i dont know why anyone would need a high cap. mag anyways? like my old man says, all u need is ONE bullet...btw, i would def. blame the Rep. Congress...Bush said if the bill would have come to him he would have renewed it (typical politics)...such is life...and where the hell can u get a ar15 with a grenade launcher? please pm the name of THAT dealer...:laugh:

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hahaha guns do kill people shit even a puppy can shoot someone

tec 9 bitches

oh and you can buy ak47, uzis, and those m2 with the gernade launcher on them.

Are you saying it is not the president fault? Maybe it should be the republican run congress.

By the way who the fuck needs any of these fucking guns. Can anyone explain to me why these should be legal?anyone? Why the nra wants them legalized?

2nd Ammendment ....THAT SIMPLE....

Maintaining that same logic,,,,,

Who needs big houses, big cars, fancy watches, clothes,,,etc....

Let's go deeper,,,,,,,who needs abortions aside from when it threatens the mothers life or the pregnancy is a result of incest/rape? Killing babies is okay,,,WHY???????

Personally, I don't need these types of guns, but in a free society, who are you to dictate your beliefes on others? Besides, the 2nd Ammendment grants all American the right........

Focus should remain on the core of the problem which is the culture in which we now live. Guns don't get up and kill people, people do.

If you come home to find your wife fucking some stranger on your brand new love seat, are you gonna throw out the love seat or the wife?


Law abiding citizens who collect guns are not the problem, it's the criminals who are the problem. Why punish the law abiding citizens? Besides, it's not like you're gonna stop the blackmarket of these guns which still find their way into the criminals hands.

Again, I don't own guns. That's my personal choice. Besides, this law applies to more than just assault weapons. It also includes things like large capacity clips for semi-auto handguns. There are other issues as well.

We can't have knee jerk reactions where we incrementally disarm the law abiding citizens of America while doing nothing to disarm the criminals.

Think 'bout it!

One more DIRTY LITTLE SECRET which Bush haters don't talk about is that old skool country democrats down south CHERRISH their 2nd amendment rights. This isn't a Bush/Republican/NRA thing.........Tons of good ole' boy "dixi-crat" dems are life long members of the NRA.........

Don't expect the Bush haters to take note of that.............

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2nd Ammendment ....THAT SIMPLE....

Maintaining that same logic,,,,,

Who needs big houses, big cars, fancy watches, clothes,,,etc....

Let's go deeper,,,,,,,who needs abortions aside from when it threatens the mothers life or the pregnancy is a result of incest/rape? Killing babies is okay,,,WHY???????

Personally, I don't need these types of guns, but in a free society, who are you to dictate your beliefes on others? Besides, the 2nd Ammendment grants all American the right........

Focus should remain on the core of the problem which is the culture in which we now live. Guns don't get up and kill people, people do.

If you come home to find your wife fucking some stranger on your brand new love seat, are you gonna throw out the love seat or the wife?


Law abiding citizens who collect guns are not the problem, it's the criminals who are the problem. Why punish the law abiding citizens? Besides, it's not like you're gonna stop the blackmarket of these guns which still find their way into the criminals hands.

Again, I don't own guns. That's my personal choice. Besides, this law applies to more than just assault weapons. It also includes things like large capacity clips for semi-auto handguns. There are other issues as well.

We can't have knee jerk reactions where we incrementally disarm the law abiding citizens of America while doing nothing to disarm the criminals.

Think 'bout it!

One more DIRTY LITTLE SECRET which Bush haters don't talk about is that old skool country democrats down south CHERRISH their 2nd amendment rights. This isn't a Bush/Republican/NRA thing.........Tons of good ole' boy "dixi-crat" dems are life long members of the NRA.........

Don't expect the Bush haters to take note of that.............

excatly it is all about rights, thats why america is great. but then when people get all up in arms about the patriot act, then they are terrorists. no it is because the government is taking away their rights. And they are not happy.

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excatly it is all about rights, thats why america is great. but then when people get all up in arms about the patriot act, then they are terrorists. no it is because the government is taking away their rights. And they are not happy.

What rights have you lost due to the patriot act? EXACTLY???? (please elaborate)

How have you suffered? EXACTLY???? (please elaborate)

What about the patriot act exactly bothers you???? (please elaborate)

Please elaborate??????

I have asked this question in the past and no one has been able to detail their grievances against the Patriot Act. I sure hope you can.

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whats right has the patriot act infringed on. Are you playing stupid or are you serious?

I never said i suffered what are you talking about?

What about the patriot act bother me, well if you read the thread labeled the patriot act there are some there.

My point was people cry because the ban on assault weapons takes away their 2nd amendment right, but the patriot act which takes away the laws governing what police are allowed to do, you know the forth amendment well that ok.

People who bitch about that are labeled terrorists. When really they are bitching about the same thing. Keeping your rights.

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If you read back, you'll see my point on this 2nd Amendment issue was that those opposed to this amendment are trying to incrementally erode it and punish the law abiding citizens while doing virtually nothing to disarm the criminal.

When compared to the patriot act, I see a bill which was unanimously passed by congress, then signed by Bush in a direct response to 9/11 (worst attack on American soil,,,EVER!). While those who complain about their library books being monitored by the gov't never mention the good that has come from the patriot act. We will probably never fully know exactly how valuable that bill has been towards acquiring intel against terrorist and those who wish us harm here in America.

I personally have not felt any effect on my freedom here in America. Don't get me wrong. I watch the news. The mainstream media and political hacks (on the left) keep telling me this patriot act is horrible and one day I won't be able to think a thought w/out some Gestapo brigade knocking down my door to lock me up in a dungeon in Texas. I know what the press says, only I just don't see it. I do however see progress against domestic terrorists/groups. Charities shut down, people arrested, terror plots thwarted, etc....

Call me crazy, but I find the contrast between the 2 to be quite substantial.

This assault weapons ban has expired. Some want it re-implemented, others don't.

the patriot act IS NOT being expanded. No new bill is being passed regarding the 2nd amendment. So, what's everyone bitching about?

Nuthin' from nuthin' leaves nuthin'!

Was that reply fast enough for you?

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but in a free society, who are you to dictate your beliefes on others? Besides, the 2nd Ammendment grants all American .............

OBBY, OBBY, OBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please remember u said this.....next time i tell u..u can believe in ur god, but i think ur god is a hologram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

obby.....u know i care about u to death, and would never want harm to come to u....but sometimes i wish i could beat u like if u were a red headed step child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i luuuuuuuuuv how every1 is bitching about the 2nd ammendment.....when they have been butchering the 1st one to death!!!!!!!!!!! so i guess its better to shoot someone, then it is to listen to something sexual on the radio!!!!!!!!!!!! or better yet lets shoot every1 who likes sex more then the church allows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so lets not offend, or corrupt our children with sex....but lets tell them its o.k. when they see on the news that theres been a drive by in the hood with an oozie killing 4 or 5 kids that just happened to be walking in the wrong place at the wrong time!!!!!!!!!!!

to all u god luvrs....god bless u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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OBBY, OBBY, OBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please remember u said this.....next time i tell u..u can believe in ur god, but i think ur god is a hologram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

obby.....u know i care about u to death, and would never want harm to come to u....but sometimes i wish i could beat u like if u were a red headed step child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i luuuuuuuuuv how every1 is bitching about the 2nd ammendment.....when they have been butchering the 1st one to death!!!!!!!!!!! so i guess its better to shoot someone, then it is to listen to something sexual on the radio!!!!!!!!!!!! or better yet lets shoot every1 who likes sex more then the church allows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so lets not offend, or corrupt our children with sex....but lets tell them its o.k. when they see on the news that theres been a drive by in the hood with an oozie killing 4 or 5 kids that just happened to be walking in the wrong place at the wrong time!!!!!!!!!!!

to all u god luvrs....god bless u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

I love you too bro but AGAIN, you miss the point..

No one is creating new laws on the radio. There is free speech in America. There are also guidelines which must be (and always have had to be) obeyed. You wanna talk sex and profanity on the radio.....BY ALL MEANS,,,,GO FOR IT,,,,,but make no mistake, there will be consequences for breaking the existing laws which govorn the public airwaves. Bush has not created a new law or guideline. The FCC has not create a new law or guideline. Get it?

The exisiting laws regarding decency on public airwaves were enforced. NOTHING NEW WAS CREATED! Get it? JEEEEEZZZ.. This argument is getting old already. Howard Stern and Bubba the love sponge can bitch all they want. Truth be told. They were warned to play by the rules. They chose not to and their employer paid the price. IT'S THAT SIMPLE! Get it?

Besides, drive by shootings w/ oozies did not stop 10 yrs ago when the bill was implemented. There will always be a black market for WHATEVER ANYONE WANTS (guns, drugs, babies, sex, satellite cards, etc..etc..). Who in their right mind thinks gun stores and gun shows are selling these weapons to criminals? The majority get their "illegal" guns via the black market or they steal them from the law abiding gun collectors. Making them illegal only disarms the law abiding citizen and guarantees the criminals will keep theirs.

sometimes i wish i could beat u like if u were a red headed step child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now thats funny.....I don't care what anyone says. (blue collar comedy)

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like i said before there are laws in place that would protect us from terrorists if followed.

This is legislation that regean wanted, but was denied. This is nothing new. The fact that 130 communities have already started to try to ban this speaks volumes.

This gives too much power to the government, and the fact that american citizens can be detained with no evidence is not right. The fact that americans can be searched without evidence and without them knowing is not right. The fact that you now do not have a right to a speedy trial is not right.

If this was a perfect world we would not have to worry, but we are not. If something gets fucked up and you are imprisoned, on no evidence, with no lawyer, and are forced to sit for a couple years on no charges how would you feel?

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety- ben franklin

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