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And we call them our Allies.....


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So our great ally in ME, the one we think is a beacon of democracy in the ME. The great close friend who kills 11 year olds....wherez the outrage of children being killed by IAF??? then this ally spies on us, manipulates our pentagon policies....and now says it wont follow ur road map....tsk tsk tsk...

Sharon Doesn't Plan to Follow 'Road Map'

54 minutes ago

By KARIN LAUB, Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM - Israel will not follow the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan and could remain in much of the West Bank for an extended period after it withdraws from the Gaza Strip (news - web sites), Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (news - web sites) said in a newspaper interview published Wednesday.

Sharon's comments were his most detailed yet on his long-term vision for the region. Palestinian officials said the remarks confirmed their fears that Israel plans to draw its own borders and keep a large chunk of the West Bank, rather than negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinians, as envisioned by the road map.

In violence Wednesday, 10 Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli troops in two West Bank towns. Among the dead were at least six fugitives and an 11-year-old girl, Palestinian hospital officials said.

Sharon's plan of "unilateral disengagement" from the Palestinians — a withdrawal from Gaza and four West Bank settlements in 2005 — has created deep divisions in Israel, with opponents resorting to increasingly harsh rhetoric against him.

Police said they are investigating death threats against the prime minister.

On Tuesday, senior Cabinet ministers approved the payment of cash advances to settlers who leave their homes ahead of a September 2005 deadline — the first practical step toward the Gaza pullout.

Settler families could get more than $100,000 each as a down payment. Yonathan Bassi, the head of the government agency making the compensation payments, told the Haaretz daily that about 100 families have already applied.

The government hopes the money will entice large numbers of settlers to leave voluntarily, and make it easier for troops to evacuate those remaining.

In an interview with the Yediot Ahronot newspaper published Wednesday, Sharon said that once Israel withdraws from Gaza and the four West Bank settlements, "it is very possible ... there will be a long period when nothing else happens."

He said that as long as there is no significant shift in the Palestinian leadership and policy, "Israel will continue its war on terrorism, and will stay in the territories (of the West Bank) that will remain after the implementation of disengagement."

The road map was adopted by Israel and the Palestinians last year, but never got off the ground. The plan envisioned a Palestinian state by 2005, but did not spell out its borders.

U.S. officials have said, however, that Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza must end. President Bush (news - web sites) has since said that it would be "unrealistic" to expect Israel to remove large Israeli population centers in the West Bank — a statement seen by Sharon as backing for his plan to keep large West Bank settlement blocs in any future deal with the Palestinians.

Sharon said he will abide by his disengagement plan, not the road map.

Asked by Yediot how disengagement differs from proposals by a former Israeli opposition leader, Amram Mitzna, to withdraw from Gaza to break the stalemate with the Palestinians, Sharon said: "Mitzna suggested something different ... to continue dismantling settlements based on the road map.

"This would have brought Israel to a most difficult situation. I didn't agree to this. Today, we are also not following the road map. I am not ready for this," he said.

Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said Sharon confirmed Palestinian fears that the disengagement plan is a ploy to cement Israel's control over large areas of the West Bank. U.S. and European Union (news - web sites) officials have assured the Palestinians that they would only back disengagement as part of the road map.

"Sharon's intention is to destroy the road map and to dictate his long-term interim solution of Gaza as a prison and 40 percent of the West Bank within a wall, and this will not fly," Erekat said.

According to polls published Wednesday in Yediot and Maariv dailies, 58 percent of Israelis support Sharon's disengagement plan, and about one-third oppose it. Both surveys had error margins of 4.4 percentage points.

In the West Bank city of Nablus, troops surrounded a building where fugitives were holed up, and a gun battle erupted, Palestinian witnesses said. Five armed men from the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a violent group with ties to Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)'s Fatah (news - web sites) movement, were killed in the fighting. Hospital officials initially said six gunmen were killed.

An 11-year-old girl living nearby was also shot to death, her family said. The girl's uncle said she was shot toward the end of the fighting, after most of the soldiers had left and residents were emerging from their homes.

The Israeli brigade commander in the area, identified only as Col. Yuval, said his forces did not fire as they withdrew, even as they came under Palestinian fire, suggesting that the girl was not killed by his men.

In the West Bank town of Jenin, Israeli undercover troops killed four Palestinians in a raid of a car-repair shop, witnesses said. One of the dead was identified as Fadi Zakarneh, an Al Aqsa fugitive.

Palestinians said three of the dead were bystanders.

However, the army said six wanted men were in the building, armed with assault rifles and pistols. It said four of the fugitives were killed and two arrested.

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Yes, I am proud that we support Israel.

God bless them and their relentless pursuit of Muslim Terrorists who threaten all of us.

haha...such ignorance and lopsidedness is quite funny, but sad at the same time.

I see that you like praising the people who kill babies, cameramen, etc, and try get their allies to do their dirty work for them. Interesting - does your loyalty lie with Israel or the US? If its Israel, then leave this country and settle there.

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haha...such ignorance and lopsidedness is quite funny, but sad at the same time.

I see that you like praising the people who kill babies, cameramen, etc, and try get their allies to do their dirty work for them. Interesting - does your loyalty lie with Israel or the US? If its Israel, then leave this country and settle there.

noice! :laugh:

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yeah i am pretty sure as long as they are a "democracy" then they can do whatever they want and we will fund them.

Do you realise that the US gives what comes out to 500$ for every person that lives in Isreal every year.

I think the next closeest country it is like 20 a person.

when that is your only ally in a place where everyone wants to kill you shit is overlooked i guess.

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haha...such ignorance and lopsidedness is quite funny, but sad at the same time.

I see that you like praising the people who kill babies, cameramen, etc, and try get their allies to do their dirty work for them. Interesting - does your loyalty lie with Israel or the US? If its Israel, then leave this country and settle there.


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if u dont mind me asking whats ur religon??? u said muslim terrorist, u could have called em palestinian terrorists...but u choose to identify them by their religon, so while we are at it, what is your religous inclination???

Yes, I am proud that we support Israel.

God bless them and their relentless pursuit of Muslim Terrorists who threaten all of us.

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I identified them as Muslim terrorists b/c the people of Isreal are forced to deal w/ more than just Palestinians although they are the main problem.

You call a dog a dog and a cat a cat. The terrorists assaulting Israel are Muslims. I refer to them as Muslim Terrorists. If you review my posts, you will find that I nearly always refer to those attacking the US, Israel, et al as "Muslim terrorists". Why? Because I think it is important that everyone is aware that the principle of Jihad is alive, well, and sadly misguided.

Convert or Conquer the Infidels.....disgusting

I am a Christian.

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as expected, you haven't come up with anything worthwhile. Do you know anything about whats going on there?

Your posts regarding world events have thus far been pretty one-sided and ill-informed but I suspect that your knowledge of whats going on in that region is even worse - probably stuff you picked up from worldnetdaily.com!

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I identified them as Muslim terrorists b/c the people of Isreal are forced to deal w/ more than just Palestinians although they are the main problem.

You call a dog a dog and a cat a cat. The terrorists assaulting Israel are Muslims. I refer to them as Muslim Terrorists. If you review my posts, you will find that I nearly always refer to those attacking the US, Israel, et al as "Muslim terrorists". Why? Because I think it is important that everyone is aware that the principle of Jihad is alive, well, and sadly misguided.

Convert or Conquer the Infidels.....disgusting

I am a Christian.

Dude, you are so stupid its not even funny! How about your wonderful christian ancestors who burned people at stakes, started the inquisition, started the crusades. Or how about the wonderful Protestants and catholics who were engaged in a terrorist war for years and years. Care to call the dog a dog?

LIke I said do you know anything about whats going on in Israel. Obviously not!

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hmm, interesting, you sound israeli in your propaganda? moslem terrorist vs palestinian terrorist....tells a lot about you....I can bet u, u r not catholic LOL.....and u view the world from a religous prism...for instance I would say chechen terrorist or palestinian terrorist or isreali terrorist....somehow I dont view people from their religous affeliation....maybe cause I am not religous at all, and dont believe in most of the organized religon.....

I identified them as Muslim terrorists b/c the people of Isreal are forced to deal w/ more than just Palestinians although they are the main problem.

You call a dog a dog and a cat a cat. The terrorists assaulting Israel are Muslims. I refer to them as Muslim Terrorists. If you review my posts, you will find that I nearly always refer to those attacking the US, Israel, et al as "Muslim terrorists". Why? Because I think it is important that everyone is aware that the principle of Jihad is alive, well, and sadly misguided.

Convert or Conquer the Infidels.....disgusting

I am a Christian.

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Somewhat right in that I do think that the common thread between many of those groups is the Muslim religion. However, I dont discount the nationalities as a huge part of why these conflicts are occuring. You are also correct in that I am not Catholic.

FYI, I was not very religious for a long time until I found the right church with the right msg. Im not into ritual and high language. I want a relavent msg in a relavent environment.

check out some of the sermons by Andy Stanley on:


Great stuff and entertaining as well.

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haha...such ignorance and lopsidedness is quite funny, but sad at the same time.

I see that you like praising the people who kill babies, cameramen, etc, and try get their allies to do their dirty work for them. Interesting - does your loyalty lie with Israel or the US? If its Israel, then leave this country and settle there.

youre a lost soul..no clue whatsoever. absolutely none- as to whats going on all around you and the world

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youre a lost soul..no clue whatsoever. absolutely none- as to whats going on all around you and the world

haha - what a sorry excuse for a post. Absolutely no content. WHy don't you try refute that a British cameraman was shot on film, or that there is indiscriminate bombings in Gaza and the West Bank, or that a spy was in the US govt possibly in a position to affect US policy in the ME.

Let me ask you - are you Jewish? I really wonder...if this spy thing turned out to be true, if you would be standing up for the US, or defending Israel.

But anyway, go on, amuse me - what IS going on around me and the world?


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Raver Mania,

Since you decided to lash out at me, in one of you earlier posts and now you continue with more of the same childish crap...its my turn.

You have exposed yourself to be a worthless poster whose opinions carry no value. Why? Not because you are wrong or right, but b/c you spend time attacking fellow posters.

Why dont you take a roll, inhale some Vicks and rave on.

Leave the current event section to those of us who, regardless of being right or left, actually have a clue.

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Raver Mania,

Since you decided to lash out at me, in one of you earlier posts and now you continue with more of the same childish crap...its my turn.

You have exposed yourself to be a worthless poster whose opinions carry no value. Why? Not because you are wrong or right, but b/c you spend time attacking fellow posters.

Why dont you take a roll, inhale some Vicks and rave on.

Leave the current event section to those of us who, regardless of being right or left, actually have a clue.

Hey newbie...I've been here way longer than you and have posted quite informed opinions. But when trolls like you come on here and post stuff that is meant to incite hate, I've realized that its quite a waste of time to try reason with them.

Who are you, g420 reincarnated?

Clueless one, I responded to your first post, asking if you "bless" people who kill civilians, cameramen, and have potential spies in our govt, and then asked you where your loyalty lay, to which you had no response but a useless laugh. If you really want to be involved in a debate, you talk back with meaningful words, not some silly smily face.

So, once you get a clue, come back, and maybe we can have a conversation.

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So by that arguement, b/c Castro has been in control of Cuba for longer that any of us have been alive, his ideas/govt is better for Cuba than a young leader pushing for democracy.

I didnt respond b/c the questions were not really questions but if you would like the answers, here they are--- No, I dont bless the killing of civilians, but I am smart enough to understand the concept of collateral damage. Sometimes, you cant be perfect. Sometimes, there is a price to be paid for waging war against enemies who hide behind families and in mosques.

Additionally, my loyalty has and always will be with the United States. Even at our worst, we are better than any other nation on the block. As far as Israel spying on us, are you surprised? Everyone spies on everyone. There is no business dirtier than intel. Period

I only use silly icons when comments are so worthless that words arent needed.

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So by that arguement, b/c Castro has been in control of Cuba for longer that any of us have been alive, his ideas/govt is better for Cuba than a young leader pushing for democracy.

I didnt respond b/c the questions were not really questions but if you would like the answers, here they are--- No, I dont bless the killing of civilians, but I am smart enough to understand the concept of collateral damage. Sometimes, you cant be perfect. Sometimes, there is a price to be paid for waging war against enemies who hide behind families and in mosques.

Additionally, my loyalty has and always will be with the United States. Even at our worst, we are better than any other nation on the block. As far as Israel spying on us, are you surprised? Everyone spies on everyone. There is no business dirtier than intel. Period

I only use silly icons when comments are so worthless that words arent needed.

Or you use them, when you really don't have an argument.

Collateral damage? You call killing 70 + civilians by dropping bombs on apartment buildings to kill one terrorist "collateral damage". What world are you living in??? And its funny you never said anything about that reporter being murdered (on camera). Or of course, you probably think its "fake" and made up.

Its people like you, and your muslim counterparts, who like to lump people into one category or other (oh MUSLIM terrorists, Islam a religion of peace) who are the cause of half the world's wars. You people will never learn.

Till you realize that the cause of the mess in Israel/Palestine, is the fault of BOTH sides, with one side having state of the art technology, and the other nothing but rocks, guns and bombs, you are blind.

Let me ask you something...you're living with your family, and someone next to you harbors a terrorist (without your knowledge). Then a foreign power rolls in with bulldozers and just destroys your whole neighbourhood. Your older brother happens to stray too close to the bulldozer and gets gunned down by a tank. Tell me, you are just going to take it all in stride, and think to yourself "ah, they had to do it, I will hold no ill-will toward them".

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So by that arguement, b/c Castro has been in control of Cuba for longer that any of us have been alive, his ideas/govt is better for Cuba than a young leader pushing for democracy.


And what this has to do with my previous post I do not know. If you are going to reply to a post I made pages back, at least quote it.

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jefferson must be twirking in his grave.....listening to all you people.....tsk tsk...he would probably be puking when georgy dubeya claims he served in the national guard, honorably like jefferson......LOL!!!!

So by that arguement, b/c Castro has been in control of Cuba for longer that any of us have been alive, his ideas/govt is better for Cuba than a young leader pushing for democracy.

I didnt respond b/c the questions were not really questions but if you would like the answers, here they are--- No, I dont bless the killing of civilians, but I am smart enough to understand the concept of collateral damage. Sometimes, you cant be perfect. Sometimes, there is a price to be paid for waging war against enemies who hide behind families and in mosques.

Additionally, my loyalty has and always will be with the United States. Even at our worst, we are better than any other nation on the block. As far as Israel spying on us, are you surprised? Everyone spies on everyone. There is no business dirtier than intel. Period

I only use silly icons when comments are so worthless that words arent needed.

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listen i understand people die, shit sucks and all. BUt please stop bringing up the camera man getting killed.

It was night, and the fucking people were walking towards a fuckin tank. Why would you do that. I understand they waving white flags and shit but come on, there was warning shots and everything.

Blowing up buildings to kill 1 guy is bad.

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