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Also seeing how hoover created the COINTELPRO to break up movements such as these, and assasinate black panther leader i believe the killing of the fbi agent was self-defence. Do not levture me on this, comparing the black panthers and palestine terrorists if a fucking reach and you know it.

In haiti after the french revolution, in a country where slaves out numbered everyone else there was a revolution more of a massacre. France was in no shape or form to fight a war, though they tried and failed. They granted freedom but haiti had to money to france for it.

i will get into the rest later

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there is no point in arguing with a moron like u....people in palestine have it as bad as it gets....and please nigga get your typing straightend out...cant make out a single shred of intelligelbe thing you r posting......a killer is a killer....panther or ur daddy whatever it is, palestinian terrorist or chechen rebel...they are all murders....they kill people....inncoent and guilty alike....dont tell me panthers didnt kill people just cuz they were white...dont tell me that the motha fucka who shot Malcom Shabaz X was not a terrorist????

nuff said....

Also seeing how hoover created the COINTELPRO to break up movements such as these, and assasinate black panther leader i believe the killing of the fbi agent was self-defence. Do not levture me on this, comparing the black panthers and palestine terrorists if a fucking reach and you know it.

In haiti after the french revolution, in a country where slaves out numbered everyone else there was a revolution more of a massacre. France was in no shape or form to fight a war, though they tried and failed. They granted freedom but haiti had to money to france for it.

i will get into the rest later

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sorry about typing was in a hurry at work and all

Are you comparing the panthers to the people in palestine? Are you saying that the panthers won the rights of black people through militant actions? no they didn't your point makes no sense.

If you think the palstine has it as bad as it gets. And then you use haiti as an example. SO the people in palestine have it worse then slaves in haiti? Could you please give me an example of something worse then slavery. No you can not once again your point is lost.

The original point was the black people in this country got their rights with out resorting to kill people. Did some black kill white people, yes, was that the cause of them getting their rights, no.

Until you can prove my original point wrong, which you can not, shut the fuck up.

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is this bad enough.....living like slaves in their own native land????







man just do a search on palestinian refugee camps...u'll get tons of photos...infomation is out there...u just have to make the effort to find it....dont live your life with your eyes closed...live the freedom your forefathers fought for....live it by making the effort to learn the truth....

sorry about typing was in a hurry at work and all

Are you comparing the panthers to the people in palestine? Are you saying that the panthers won the rights of black people through militant actions? no they didn't your point makes no sense.

If you think the palstine has it as bad as it gets. And then you use haiti as an example. SO the people in palestine have it worse then slaves in haiti? Could you please give me an example of something worse then slavery. No you can not once again your point is lost.

The original point was the black people in this country got their rights with out resorting to kill people. Did some black kill white people, yes, was that the cause of them getting their rights, no.

Until you can prove my original point wrong, which you can not, shut the fuck up.

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Dude that sucks, and I think you have got me wrong, I am not defending isreal. I also undestand that shit over there is not right, relocating people and bulldozing their houses is not right.The fact that isreal has more money, better weapons, makes trying to combat them pretty useless.

Saying that they still have schools, and maybe not as much freeodm as most people definatly have it better then the slaves of haiti. THEY WERE OWNED BY SOMEINE AND FORCED TO WORK FOR NOTHING. That is the worst situation, so bad that we could not even imagine it.

Now I do not know the history of India, i am not sure what the people there were forced to do, but i have read people a couple books from people from india. They have all said that the occupation by the british actually ushered the people of India into the modern world. But that was a different time and isreal is not ushering the people of palistine anywhere.

It is a bad place over there, and there are no easy ways out. So much hate

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You really did make yourself look like a fool now boy. Hookah - haha.. why would I be smoking a hookah?? I'm Hindu, asshole, and probably have a LOT more reason than you to hate muslims. But, me, unlike you, can see past the blanket hate that prevails among the more "emotional" people - I can actually think and see that labeling a whole people as "fascist" or a whole religion as "hateful" is counterproductive, and just extends the cycle of violence.

It would definitely behoove you to see past your whole hand, and think long term - use a scalpel to cut the cancer, not a chainsaw for the whole arm (which is what Israel is doing). All Israel is doing is giving organizations like Islamic Jihad droves of volunteers (something they might not entirely dislike since it gives them more excuse to subjugate the Palestinians).

Democratic - haha...keep your eyes peeled on the news fewl. The settlers are threating civil war...lets see if Sharon actually has the guts to stand up to them or will back down.

your interpretation and view of reality is distorted and murky..your hate of israelis obvious..you prob blame the usa for the 9/11 attacks as well fool..hey fool there are fanatics in israel as well..but unlike the islamo fascists they will not hijack a nation or a religion..like what is happening in the muslim world..also unlike you..I don't give a fuck if your hindu or a fucking eskimo- you obviously cared about my religion so to furthur your stereotypical fucked up thinking..i am not labelling an entire people at all asshole..just the MILLIONS of islamo fascists that want anyone dead..who does not believe what they believe...you blaming israel for the attacks on her is another typical example of anti- semitism- and hatred- float on schmuck..embrace the islamo fascists- that..if given the chance would slice you in 20 pieces..along with everyone else in your family..you stupid fucking asshole lmfao

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is this bad enough.....living like slaves in their own native land????







man just do a search on palestinian refugee camps...u'll get tons of photos...infomation is out there...u just have to make the effort to find it....dont live your life with your eyes closed...live the freedom your forefathers fought for....live it by making the effort to learn the truth....

so should we now post all of the pictures of jewish/isralei women and kids-blown to bits, their body partys laying all over the streets..or post stories of jews..who used to live in arab/muslim lands before they fled to israel..should we post their horror stories on how they were treated by muslims?? you live in a cave

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yeah!.............wheres the proof? I presented some from the web, a simple search on the web and I got tons of stuff, so far I did a search on what you claim was "jewish" people being mis-treated in arab land b4 isreali-palestinian conflict began, cameup with nothing...so if you got some pls post...it makes things clear and more believable...u neo-con cunt!

Again, dont get me wrong, as an outsider to this conflict, having no cultural,religous ties to these people, I dont know much other than what is documented, so far all I see is isreali's doing most of the wrong.....I see that people documented the nazi atrocities pretty well, and thus side with the jewish people, I am just surprised there isnt much about these claims u make by arab people....if you have some books, links, I'll be more than gald to look it up....as an impartial spectator to this conflict, I dont see you guys (babboo and his fellow israelis) make much of a case....I hear about this islamophobic arguments all the time, but they just boil down to pure hatered by some isreali/right-wing evengelical nut job..

but bottomline babbo do u agree with what isreal is doing with the palestinians? do u see these people as humans? do u see these pics as a right??? do u feel absolutely outraged at the fact that small children, their parents, their homes, their land is just being taken away....I know that you are quite an idot, but even this is too much for you to argue....tsk tsk tsk...

so should we now post all of the pictures of jewish/isralei women and kids-blown to bits, their body partys laying all over the streets..or post stories of jews..who used to live in arab/muslim lands before they fled to israel..should we post their horror stories on how they were treated by muslims?? you live in a cave
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yeah!.............wheres the proof? I presented some from the web, a simple search on the web and I got tons of stuff, so far I did a search on what you claim was "jewish" people being mis-treated in arab land b4 isreali-palestinian conflict began, cameup with nothing...so if you got some pls post...it makes things clear and more believable...u neo-con cunt!

Again, dont get me wrong, as an outsider to this conflict, having no cultural,religous ties to these people, I dont know much other than what is documented, so far all I see is isreali's doing most of the wrong.....I see that people documented the nazi atrocities pretty well, and thus side with the jewish people, I am just surprised there isnt much about these claims u make by arab people....if you have some books, links, I'll be more than gald to look it up....as an impartial spectator to this conflict, I dont see you guys (babboo and his fellow israelis) make much of a case....I hear about this islamophobic arguments all the time, but they just boil down to pure hatered by some isreali/right-wing evengelical nut job..

but bottomline babbo do u agree with what isreal is doing with the palestinians? do u see these people as humans? do u see these pics as a right??? do u feel absolutely outraged at the fact that small children, their parents, their homes, their land is just being taken away....I know that you are quite an idot, but even this is too much for you to argue....tsk tsk tsk...

my oh my..what do we have here...another over sensitive biggotted hater--#1- looks like you don't know how to search well on the web- keep trying#2-the world- its a lot larger than sitting behind y9our computer junior- have you ever SPOKEN to victims of mulsim/arab- terror- wether they be jews- or christians before-during-or after the current conflicts- my guess is- you havent- my guess is you dont get out of your house much- my guess is your holed up some where in brooklyn, or queens- full of hate and anger..as far as helkping educate you- sorry- i don;t have the time to spoon feed you info- stop jerking yourself off- travel outside 718 or 201 or wherever- and educate yourself faggot..i have zero religious ties to this conflict- far far from it-and yes women and children are innocent victims of this WAR on both sides of the conflict- israeli- and arab- however- the arabs target the innocent as an ongoing strategy.. they target americans as an ongoing strategy...wake up fool- they are targeting you- and you dont even know it yet..so gather the documented info..learn how to use google- speak to real people who are living in this conflict in real time- on both sides of the issues- then- stick your hand up your ass- and squueze hard- until then wash your mouth out soap-you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about- or even whatg your meaningless opinions might be junior- they ain't worth the time in typing them- remmember- squueze hard!!!! lmfao
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u guessed wrong fagot....i suggest get some metamusil to ease your obvious inconsistencies......and u cant educate me asshole, cuz u got nothing other than what your isreali embassy gives u as talking points....post some proof or shut the fuck up!

and no i havent spoken to any victims of your so called alleged victims of arab/moslem bashing....cuz there'nt that many, except for my own family who lost a loved on 9/11, post proof motha fucka or plain simple take your dick and insert in your ass to please yourself fagot....if its too small, then ask your loving arab neighbor to stick his in u.... nuff said...

my oh my..what do we have here...another over sensitive biggotted hater--#1- looks like you don't know how to search well on the web- keep trying#2-the world- its a lot larger than sitting behind y9our computer junior- have you ever SPOKEN to victims of mulsim/arab- terror- wether they be jews- or christians before-during-or after the current conflicts- my guess is- you havent- my guess is you dont get out of your house much- my guess is your holed up some where in brooklyn, or queens- full of hate and anger..as far as helkping educate you- sorry- i don;t have the time to spoon feed you info- stop jerking yourself off- travel outside 718 or 201 or wherever- and educate yourself faggot..i have zero religious ties to this conflict- far far from it-and yes women and children are innocent victims of this WAR on both sides of the conflict- israeli- and arab- however- the arabs target the innocent as an ongoing strategy.. they target americans as an ongoing strategy...wake up fool- they are targeting you- and you dont even know it yet..so gather the documented info..learn how to use google- speak to real people who are living in this conflict in real time- on both sides of the issues- then- stick your hand up your ass- and squueze hard- until then wash your mouth out soap-you dont have a clue as to what youre talking about- or even whatg your meaningless opinions might be junior- they ain't worth the time in typing them- remmember- squueze hard!!!! lmfao
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u guessed wrong fagot....i suggest get some metamusil to ease your obvious inconsistencies......and u cant educate me asshole, cuz u got nothing other than what your isreali embassy gives u as talking points....post some proof or shut the fuck up!

and no i havent spoken to any victims of your so called alleged victims of arab/moslem bashing....cuz there'nt that many, except for my own family who lost a loved on 9/11, post proof motha fucka or plain simple take your dick and insert in your ass to please yourself fagot....if its too small, then ask your loving arab neighbor to stick his in u.... nuff said...

yea- just what I thought=-stuck inside your house- don't travel much- dont get out much..all your info comes from lack of web info- and tv- blah blah blah- we all know people who have suffered died at the hands of islamo fascists- either 9/11 or many many other events that have happened-go google some stuff junior- sounds like you do nothing but sit behind your computer- your prob one of those who say there was no holocaust in the 1930's and 1940's and there was no slaughter of armenians either..but its all good junior- stay at home- you're doing just great..its all an american -israeli plot- to fuck your head up- thats all it is lmfao

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your interpretation and view of reality is distorted and murky..your hate of israelis obvious..you prob blame the usa for the 9/11 attacks as well fool..hey fool there are fanatics in israel as well..but unlike the islamo fascists they will not hijack a nation or a religion..like what is happening in the muslim world..also unlike you..I don't give a fuck if your hindu or a fucking eskimo- you obviously cared about my religion so to furthur your stereotypical fucked up thinking..i am not labelling an entire people at all asshole..just the MILLIONS of islamo fascists that want anyone dead..who does not believe what they believe...you blaming israel for the attacks on her is another typical example of anti- semitism- and hatred- float on schmuck..embrace the islamo fascists- that..if given the chance would slice you in 20 pieces..along with everyone else in your family..you stupid fucking asshole lmfao

Dude, you're so stupid there's not taking any sense into you. LIke I said before, its people like you who propagate hate in this wrold...wish we normal people could send fucks like you to mars or something.

hahaha...how the fuck can I be "anti-semetic" when I'm defending the (innocent) Palestinians. Check up on the definition of "anti-semetic" fool.

You're as Buddhist as Bin Laden is Muslim!

"Millions of islamo-fanatics" - haha lay off the acid son! The stuff makes you paranoid.

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u guessed wrong fagot....i suggest get some metamusil to ease your obvious inconsistencies......and u cant educate me asshole, cuz u got nothing other than what your isreali embassy gives u as talking points....post some proof or shut the fuck up!

and no i havent spoken to any victims of your so called alleged victims of arab/moslem bashing....cuz there'nt that many, except for my own family who lost a loved on 9/11, post proof motha fucka or plain simple take your dick and insert in your ass to please yourself fagot....if its too small, then ask your loving arab neighbor to stick his in u.... nuff said...

Dude, its useless trying to talk to morons like babbo-mutt, as these kind of people are set in their hate, and just refuse to see both sides of the picture, as then they will have to let go of their hate.

And you KNOW its one-sided when he only claims to have spoken to victims of arab terrorism, yet has not talked to any victims of Israeli terrorism. Just the fact that he claims to have an impartial view is the joke of the fuckin century!

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Why do you continue to pretend that bin Laden is not supported by much of the Muslim world? Have you forgotten those disgusting animals who were dancing in the streets after 9/11? Im tired of everyone pretending that Islam isnt part of the problem. Wake up! Jihad is real. The Muslim terrorists who threaten our way of life are real.

Are there good Muslims out there. Of course, but dont discount what role Islam plays in these horrible acts against us and our allies.

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Why do you continue to pretend that bin Laden is not supported by much of the Muslim world? Have you forgotten those disgusting animals who were dancing in the streets after 9/11? Im tired of everyone pretending that Islam isnt part of the problem. Wake up! Jihad is real. The Muslim terrorists who threaten our way of life are real.

Are there good Muslims out there. Of course, but dont discount what role Islam plays in these horrible acts against us and our allies.

Just as Christianity plays a role in KKK slayings? Or the inquisition? Or lynchings?

If you're going to blame religion for people who actually distort religion for their own twisted purposes, then there are a slew of religions you should also bring up. Hell, the Church probably has the most blood on its hands out of all religions.

I've heard stories of people "dancing on streets" but frankly I've not seen any hard evidence of this, and thus consider it pure propaganda and/or misunderstanding. Tell me - EVEN if these people were glad it happened, who the fuck in their right minds would be dancing on the street in celebration?? They would get killed!

Let me ask you - did you see with YOUR OWN EYES, and did you hear them shouting "YES YES AMERICA HAS BEEN ATTACKED"!

Are there good Muslims out there. Of course, but dont discount what role Islam plays in these horrible acts against us and our allies.

And tell me - would these allies include countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, where there have been terrorist attacks against other Muslims? Now if this was an Islam thing, why would other muslims be targetted?

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I have seen the video of the stinking Muslims dancing after 9/11. It was not propaganda and it was on CNN(communist news network) so no Fox News comments.

Saudi Arabia??? Ha ha ha. If you consider them one of our allies, we are in real trouble.

Dont reach back into history to implicate Christianity. The KKK is such a small sectional group who do not factor into the rest world. They are a non-factor.

Isamic extremists are killiing innocent people around the world. As a result, we along w/ Israel, Great Britain, Russia and the coalition of the willing must strike and eliminate any Muslim terrorists that we can find. Period.

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I have seen the video of the stinking Muslims dancing after 9/11. It was not propaganda and it was on CNN(communist news network) so no Fox News comments.

Saudi Arabia??? Ha ha ha. If you consider them one of our allies, we are in real trouble.

Dont reach back into history to implicate Christianity. The KKK is such a small sectional group who do not factor into the rest world. They are a non-factor.

Isamic extremists are killiing innocent people around the world. As a result, we along w/ Israel, Great Britain, Russia and the coalition of the willing must strike and eliminate any Muslim terrorists that we can find. Period.

OK, it was on CNN? And how were they recognized as muslims? Were they interviewed? Were they wearing turbans and long beards? And the women covered all in black? I'm really curious.

How many of them were there? And how many Muslims in the US? You talk about the KKK being a small sectional group...now apply that same logic here (specific to the topic of muslims cheering 9/11 in the US).

And why should I not go back to implicate Christianity? If you are going to label a religion as one of hate, then its only fair I bring up the past as well.

Though, it seems like you're changing your tune a bit, which is better. At least now, you are coming closer to the truth by saying Islamic extremists. Yeah the extremists needs to be eliminated, and there has been no more help than from predominantly Muslim countries (Pakistan, Saudi, Indonesia, etc). You also still did not answer the question about Muslims killing Muslims.

I'm not calling the Saudis allies - the "beloved" president of the US is.

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In the press, yes. In reality, Saudi Arabia is a country w/ zero religious freedom, no democratic system, and very little true support is given to the US. With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?

Ahhh, finally you see the light. Maybe now you'll think twice about voting for Bush.

BUt Saudi aside, you still haven't answered my question - if all this terrorism has to do with pure Islam as a religion, why are muslims killing muslims in the name of Islam? Could it be -oh- that the fanatics are actually using the name of Islam for their own ends?

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Ahhh, finally you see the light. Maybe now you'll think twice about voting for Bush.

BUt Saudi aside, you still haven't answered my question - if all this terrorism has to do with pure Islam as a religion, why are muslims killing muslims in the name of Islam? Could it be -oh- that the fanatics are actually using the name of Islam for their own ends?

ahhh weak one- you have no worldly experience- dont get out of your house much- don't interact with real people at all. of course war has many innocent casualties and victims on both sides- no one disputes that-..however..it is an ongoing strategy of islam-fascist to TARGET the innocent women and children- of people who don't believe in their islamo fascist ways- they include- muslim, jews, christian,etc etc- who are not fanatics like the islamo fascists. innocent palestinians unfortuaetly do suffer also- that is a bad by product of ANY war..but theyare not the strategic targets of the IDF- women and children on isreali buses ARE the targets of the islamo fascists..as far as the rest of your bumbling biggoted comments- shive them up your fucking ass- and squeeze hard..if give4n the chance your islamo fascist friends would slice your dick off and mail it to your momma if they have the chance- lmfao

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Dude, you're so stupid there's not taking any sense into you. LIke I said before, its people like you who propagate hate in this wrold...wish we normal people could send fucks like you to mars or something.

hahaha...how the fuck can I be "anti-semetic" when I'm defending the (innocent) Palestinians. Check up on the definition of "anti-semetic" fool.

You're as Buddhist as Bin Laden is Muslim!

"Millions of islamo-fanatics" - haha lay off the acid son! The stuff makes you paranoid.

you live ina cave- let the light in junior...yes there are innocent palestinians- i agree- there are also thousands- yes thousands of murderes among them. not freedom fighter, not liberators- just plain old murderers...ant-i american- anti-jewish- anti- israel- anti everything accept islamo fascism- your head is stillk way up in your ass

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Dude, you're so stupid there's not taking any sense into you. LIke I said before, its people like you who propagate hate in this wrold...wish we normal people could send fucks like you to mars or something.

hahaha...how the fuck can I be "anti-semetic" when I'm defending the (innocent) Palestinians. Check up on the definition of "anti-semetic" fool.

You're as Buddhist as Bin Laden is Muslim!

"Millions of islamo-fanatics" - haha lay off the acid son! The stuff makes you paranoid.

like your other twisted views of reality- there is the websters dictionary definition of what anti- semtitic means, and then theres the real world definition of what anti- semitic means- like most posts directed towards you--you dont have a clue as to whats going on in the real world- all the the cherry picked facts you refer to- all the cherry picked articles you refer to all the cherry picked posts you post- all point to a biggoted prejudiced hate monger- israel hating- usa hating- jew hating bigot that you are--you have no grasp of reality- morals-values- or right or wrong-

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