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And we call them our Allies.....


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Ahhh, finally you see the light. Maybe now you'll think twice about voting for Bush.

BUt Saudi aside, you still haven't answered my question - if all this terrorism has to do with pure Islam as a religion, why are muslims killing muslims in the name of Islam? Could it be -oh- that the fanatics are actually using the name of Islam for their own ends?

I dont give a shit if theyre using the religion as a mask for their own ends or not- they are murders- what hang tag we put on them means nothing- we know who they are- we know we are at war with them. we know they want us dead....next move- take them out- plain and simple- its called real life- take them out- all the jibberish about this or that bullshit detail is just that bullshit- keep one thing in mind.. it becomes very clear- they want anyone who is not on their side dead..everything else is a detail now-who daddy beat whos daddy at bat gammon in 1927 doesnt matter now- again- embrace the moderates- try to protect the innocent as much as possible- and exterminate the murderers- we know who they are- take them out

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babbooo go back to wherever the fuck u came from....and when u learn to read, read my post I clearly stipulated that I agree with the jewish claim of genocide by the nazi's....just cuz its all documented, from ann franks diaries to other historical documentations....again the holucast is believable cuz its documented, its written in history, its a black mark on humanity....we can see it...

babboo one more thing.....u are full of shit...look at urslef....it seems u are posting over here every 5 minutes...goest to show , ur lmao who has no life other than to post/blog on cp....I mean look at it looser, you have spent most of your life posting your crap on this msg board....goes to show who spends their time on online in their nuthouse...cuz they got no social skills, and with all your political views its obvious you are one distraught anti-sociopath...whos probly still a virgin..man do us all a favor, go get some sex to relieve your frustration with the poor people of the ME.

yea- just what I thought=-stuck inside your house- don't travel much- dont get out much..all your info comes from lack of web info- and tv- blah blah blah- we all know people who have suffered died at the hands of islamo fascists- either 9/11 or many many other events that have happened-go google some stuff junior- sounds like you do nothing but sit behind your computer- your prob one of those who say there was no holocaust in the 1930's and 1940's and there was no slaughter of armenians either..but its all good junior- stay at home- you're doing just great..its all an american -israeli plot- to fuck your head up- thats all it is lmfao
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ahhh weak one- you have no worldly experience- dont get out of your house much- don't interact with real people at all. of course war has many innocent casualties and victims on both sides- no one disputes that-..however..it is an ongoing strategy of islam-fascist to TARGET the innocent women and children- of people who don't believe in their islamo fascist ways- they include- muslim, jews, christian,etc etc- who are not fanatics like the islamo fascists. innocent palestinians unfortuaetly do suffer also- that is a bad by product of ANY war..but theyare not the strategic targets of the IDF- women and children on isreali buses ARE the targets of the islamo fascists..as far as the rest of your bumbling biggoted comments- shive them up your fucking ass- and squeeze hard..if give4n the chance your islamo fascist friends would slice your dick off and mail it to your momma if they have the chance- lmfao

hahaha---what a fuckin joke...Israel does not target women and children. What are you that naive to eat up their bullshit about collateral damage. get out under that fuckin rock and take a good look at the thorns. Bulldozing whole neighbourhoods, destroying infrastructure, "accidentally" shooting boys, etc - not targeting the civilian population...hahaha...you are truly a naive mofo!


And where the fuck did you get USA hating from? Son, learn to read first, capisch!

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you live ina cave- let the light in junior...yes there are innocent palestinians- i agree- there are also thousands- yes thousands of murderes among them. not freedom fighter, not liberators- just plain old murderers...ant-i american- anti-jewish- anti- israel- anti everything accept islamo fascism- your head is stillk way up in your ass

Wait *gasp* all those Islamo-fascist want to convert the WHOLE world into a Islamic community! Oh, what news to me. And here I was thinking that they were operating under the misconception that WE were attacking THEIR way of life.

I've said it before, I'll say it again...its people like you who are responsible for the continuation of this cycle of violence in the world.

At least I've been able to teach you that only a certain percent of Palestinians are terrorists, and there are many innocent among them. Well done son! Big step up from hating the whole religion!


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Wait *gasp* all those Islamo-fascist want to convert the WHOLE world into a Islamic community! Oh, what news to me. And here I was thinking that they were operating under the misconception that WE were attacking THEIR way of life.

I've said it before, I'll say it again...its people like you who are responsible for the continuation of this cycle of violence in the world.

At least I've been able to teach you that only a certain percent of Palestinians are terrorists, and there are many innocent among them. Well done son! Big step up from hating the whole religion!


no junior- you havent taught me anything I didnt already know-absolutely zero- there are large amounts of innocents- and large amounts of murderers out there-i will embrace the innocent and the moderate- and I will support exterminating the murderers who want to to see me and other- not like them-dead- the percentage of what it is doesnt matter- it is in the many many category-you on the other hand- justify and appease these murderous acts- i find that dispicable-

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no junior- you havent taught me anything I didnt already know-absolutely zero- there are large amounts of innocents- and large amounts of murderers out there-i will embrace the innocent and the moderate- and I will support exterminating the murderers who want to to see me and other- not like them-dead- the percentage of what it is doesnt matter- it is in the many many category-you on the other hand- justify and appease these murderous acts- i find that dispicable-

Actually, whats really funny is that you don't even know what the hell you're talking about anymore! Where the fuck do I "appease these murderous acts"?? I came down hard upon you and others like yourselves (tres-B) because you love to point a finger at awhole people or religion because of the acts of a few who distort religion for their own demented ends. And yes, you have changed your tune since this began...thats why I say good, you've learned something.

Go back and read the general gist of my posts before saying anything more. Its OK, you can come out and say you made a mistake.

Edit: just realized that you came into this thread with nothing but crap.

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Actually, whats really funny is that you don't even know what the hell you're talking about anymore! Where the fuck do I "appease these murderous acts"?? I came down hard upon you and others like yourselves (tres-B) because you love to point a finger at awhole people or religion because of the acts of a few who distort religion for their own demented ends. And yes, you have changed your tune since this began...thats why I say good, you've learned something.

Go back and read the general gist of my posts before saying anything more. Its OK, you can come out and say you made a mistake.

Edit: just realized that you came into this thread with nothing but crap.

nope havent learned a thing- my posts are regarding the thousands if not more islamo fascists thayt are murdering people- that are lead by so called religious leaders- and governments as well--plain and simple-ive gotten your general gist- its dispicable

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OK, it was on CNN? And how were they recognized as muslims? Were they interviewed? Were they wearing turbans and long beards? And the women covered all in black? I'm really curious.

How many of them were there? And how many Muslims in the US? You talk about the KKK being a small sectional group...now apply that same logic here (specific to the topic of muslims cheering 9/11 in the US).

And why should I not go back to implicate Christianity? If you are going to label a religion as one of hate, then its only fair I bring up the past as well.

Though, it seems like you're changing your tune a bit, which is better. At least now, you are coming closer to the truth by saying Islamic extremists. Yeah the extremists needs to be eliminated, and there has been no more help than from predominantly Muslim countries (Pakistan, Saudi, Indonesia, etc). You also still did not answer the question about Muslims killing Muslims.

I'm not calling the Saudis allies - the "beloved" president of the US is.


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