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kerry vs bush -economy-


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well i know that this will come a a shock to everyone on this board but lets start discussing issues.

lets start with the economy.

bush-Has not detailed an economic program for the next four years but has made a priority out of extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and make them permanent to ensure continued economic growth. He also has discussed the need for broad reform to simplify the federal income tax structure. Bush has called for reforms to cut down on "junk and frivolous" lawsuits which are "driving up the cost of doing business in America," according to the Republican platform. In a six-point plan unveiled last year, he called for streamlining of business regulations and reporting requirements and said he would continue working to open new foreign markets through free-trade agreements. To ease the business burden of health care costs, Bush proposes boosting the tax benefits associated with medical savings accounts and allowing small businesses to pool their resources to get better deals in insurance. Bush's target is to cut the deficit in half within five years as a percentage of gross domestic product. The administration "will continue to work with Congress to study the various minimum wage proposals," according to the campaign Web site.

Kerry-Has linked jobs and health care as the centerpiece of his economic package. And he has promised to cut the federal budget deficit in half over four years, restoring fiscal discipline through "pay-as-you-go" financing for new programs. Kerry says he would create 10 million jobs in four years, an aggressive but not implausible target. As an incentive he would offer an employer tax credit for new jobs created in manufacturing and certain other businesses. The tax credit would be worth about $3,000 for a job paying $40,000 a year. Kerry is proposing tax credits to help small and midsized businesses pay for employee health care, which has been blamed for slow job growth. Kerry says he would create U.S. jobs by ending a tax benefit enjoyed by American companies with operations overseas. And he would offer a onetime tax break for companies that repatriate some of the $600 billion in U.S. profits being held abroad. Kerry would pay for his proposals by raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans earning more than $200,000 a year, reversing Bush-era reductions. The estate tax would be restored, but exemptions would be raised from previous levels to $4 million per couple and $10 million for a family-owned business or farm. Kerry would lower the top corporate tax rate from 35 to 33.25 percent. Kerry also would reverse recent changes in overtime regulations and support legislation raising the federal minimum wage to $7 an hour by 2007 from the current $5.15

I think that both have good plans to help the economy. I like kerrys plan to give tax credits to companys to help off set high health care. Going after the rich seems good to me seeing how I am not rich. Estate tax coming back will not happen so it he better have anoter plan.

Bush plan to continue to cut taxes as a way to help the economy seems like a good idea. Giving us the money to spend instead of keeping it in the government. I am not sure how to cut down on lawsuits, but that is a great idea. i am thinking of the macdonalds makes me fat, or hot cofee burnt me.

Both seem to have great ideas, bush will probably be able to have more of his ideas pass then kerry.

Any thoughts on real issues. Please try not to turn this into a kerry sucks, bush suck. If you do not like something please tell why. And not in one sentence.

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bush has detailed his plan on the economy for the most part you have it right. I would add a few things how ever.

I think that bush's plan would be more effiecient than Kerry's in the area of healthcare, education, and retirement security. The pay as you go model isn't going to work when the retired population filling for social security and medicare entitlements Explodes in a few years because of the baby boomers retireing.

I think gov't should get back into the business of protecting people where peopel genuinely can't protect them selves. rather than providing for people.

catholic schools and other religious or private schools spend less per child and get better results.

elective surgery has made leaps and bounds and have come down in price as compared to our managed care system

even the most conservative Investment retirement account does better than social security.

Social secutiry wasn't meant to be around forever. and was predicated on a different model for human lifespan.

I think while W doesn't get it all right he's moviing in the right direction. Kerry is absolutely the wrong direction.

plus kerry is a fuckin hypocrite if he cared about the rich not paying thier fair share he would want to make those muni bonds his wife is hiding her money in taxable.

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now now no fuck kerry talk. We all know that the perks of being president are. Tax breaks and all.

I disagree on the healthcare I think by giving the small business tax credits they will hire more people and help out with healthcare price. Also the ending of tax benefit enjoyed by American companies with operations overseas should help create more jobs.

bushs idea for small companies to pool resources is a good idea, I wonder if you could combine both ideas. But many of his ideas are vague atleast to me i should find the six point plan and see if I can read the whole thing. But I am not an economy major, though i did stay at marriot express or whatever the comercial is. The thing that hurts bush is that it seems his plan is not working. Atleast to the common people, they do not get he inherited a recession and 9-11 and tech bust really did not help.

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It seems like you and I are the only ones commenting on this so here we go..

The small businesses proprietors will not hire more people because of a tax credit for health insurance. and I cannot see how you would make the correlation. they might increase the benefits for existing employees. but they would not hire more people they would take what ever extra money they have and keep it for them selves to offset the HIGHER TAXES they have to pay.

all the old Keynsian economic indicators and some new economic models are showing positive numbers. I reall belive that kerry's economic plan is based on false assumptions.

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Well what kerry is saying is because health care is so expensive small businesses can not afford to hire people. They eventually use temps or outsource the work.

yeah this board sucks they would rather fight over stupid things then the issues that will effect us.

Fixing healthcare is a whole other topic.

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yeah this board sucks they would rather fight over stupid things then the issues that will effect us.

I think it's because national security takes precedence over most other issues for the majority of people.

I don't know the economic platforms of either candidate in depth as much as you too. But I should. I am interested in what the two of you (and anyone else, for that matter) has to say.

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