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Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in U.N. Oil-for-Food Program


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Until bin Laden bombs Mursa's family into oblivion, he will continue to ignore the necessity of our action and the reforms that must be made around to world.

lol.... It's mentalities likes yours that re-enforce even more my position....thanks for showing us your true & ignorant self , once more . :)

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The point is we did not care about going into afghanistan in the first place also did not care and went into iraq, if al qaeda is planning more attacks and is in or around the border with pakastan we should have the authority to invade, not the whole country, not overthrow the government, but invade this section of the country to find the people who are planning this attack.

They are habouring known terrorists, and acording to bush we will attack, right? That is what he said, but now maybe he does not have the resolve.

I will go into more later.

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To which Sheep it may concern ,

..When Al-Qaeda is spread out throughout over 60 countries , chances are they are being financed within institutions in those countries . So should we invade those countries aswell , for aiding & abedding terrorism ?!

thank you ,

Common Sense .

To the visitor of our Country:

The answer is YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!

"All terrorist and ANYONE who harbors them"

Remember ??????

E Ya!!!!!!!!!

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The point is we did not care about going into afghanistan in the first place also did not care and went into iraq, if al qaeda is planning more attacks and is in or around the border with pakastan we should have the authority to invade, not the whole country, not overthrow the government, but invade this section of the country to find the people who are planning this attack.

They are habouring known terrorists, and acording to bush we will attack, right? That is what he said, but now maybe he does not have the resolve.

I will go into more later.

I think you are missing the point about Pakistan and those tribal areas...and everything I explained to you....these are not things to be taken lightly...I should have also included the ramifications it has for India and well as formet Soviet Republics..

Again, Special teams working in small groups with locals, and well as increased efforts by Pakistani military and intelligence services...

And comparing going in Iraq and Afghanistan to this tribal area are completely different things...and require different approaches

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india could give a shit if we go into pakistan last time i checked they did not like each other

"The Pakistani military was hoping to flush Al Qaeda and Taliban elements back across the border into Afghanistan, where the U.S. military was waiting, and they have limited success in doing "

flush them to who, the small group of soldiers we have patrolling the border. Right there is a reason we need more troops. It would be impossible to even know if bin laden has crossed back and forth because we do not have enough troops there.

This conversation has gotton away from the point, we were not talking right now we were talking before we invaded iraq. The extra 100,000 troops and 200 billion then back when we had a general idea where he was, that is what i am talking about. We went in half assed instead of planning it out.

Lets see we knew he was there now it does not take a brain surgeon to know that he would try to escape into pakistan, do you think if we put 100,000 troops on the border we could of had a better chance of finding him?

We let him escape tora bora because we did not have enough troops to overwelm them, we had to play back and that gave them time to escape.

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To the visitor of our Country:

The answer is YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!

"All terrorist and ANYONE who harbors them"

Remember ??????

E Ya!!!!!!!!!

lol !!!!! Get em Tiger !


FELLOW PATRIOTIC SHEEP BEATING DOWN A TERRORIST ...somewhere in rural iraq , date unkown .

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india could give a shit if we go into pakistan last time i checked they did not like each other

"The Pakistani military was hoping to flush Al Qaeda and Taliban elements back across the border into Afghanistan, where the U.S. military was waiting, and they have limited success in doing "

flush them to who, the small group of soldiers we have patrolling the border. Right there is a reason we need more troops. It would be impossible to even know if bin laden has crossed back and forth because we do not have enough troops there.

This conversation has gotton away from the point, we were not talking right now we were talking before we invaded iraq. The extra 100,000 troops and 200 billion then back when we had a general idea where he was, that is what i am talking about. We went in half assed instead of planning it out.

Lets see we knew he was there now it does not take a brain surgeon to know that he would try to escape into pakistan, do you think if we put 100,000 troops on the border we could of had a better chance of finding him?

We let him escape tora bora because we did not have enough troops to overwelm them, we had to play back and that gave them time to escape.

Son, India does care a GREAT DEAL if Pakistan is detabilized.....this would have enormous ramifications....enormous....I hate to say this, but you are being very ignorant......

Son, when I mentioned the strategy of flushing them across the border, did you think there was not a plan to flush them into areas where we had concentrated military forces and terrain aligned with such a strategy? Or did you think our military planners were simply hoping for the best?

Son, if you think we went into Afghanistan half ass, without enough troops, and without a plan, I would have to say that is the second very ignorant statement in the same post......if you want to simply ignore the things I have pointed out, so be it......ridiculous to do so, be so be it....even though they answer your questions....

However, there are a few books out about that war, the planning, the decisions, the timing, why the military footprint was designed as is, etc.....feel free to read them....I am confident you woudl stop issuing these statements that on the surface seem simple and baked in common sense, but are more complex than you think.....

And the reason he escaped Tora Bora was not because we did not have enough troops in country, it was because the decision was made to use local forces instead of our own, and relied on the Pakistani's to close the border......I have already stated that was a mistake, and once we had him cornered, we should have poured our resources into this effort instead of relying on the locals.....on the flip side, I also understand the rationale used, I just don't agree with it

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we used local forces instead of our own because.........what was the rational i have to know. Why would we use local forces instead of our own troops when we have one of the most sought after terrorists, one that was responsible for 9-11. Do you think it was because our troops were busy securing the major cities and maybe we did not have enough troops.

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also can you direct me on what books i should read.

i will not read "american soldier" because people really do not like to admit they were wrong. I mean i will read it but not for these answers.

maybe "inside centcom"

let me know because i have looked but i do not see much.

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also can you direct me on what books i should read.

i will not read "american soldier" because people really do not like to admit they were wrong. I mean i will read it but not for these answers.

maybe "inside centcom"

let me know because i have looked but i do not see much.

Check out Woodwards' Bush at War...good insight into the decision making going into the Afghan war....also check out Hunt for Bin Laden by Robin Moore....excellent on the ground reporting

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"Son, India does care a GREAT DEAL if Pakistan is detabilized.....this would have enormous ramifications....enormous....I hate to say this, but you are being very ignorant......"

I am sure the hindus of india would really cry if the muslims of pakistan did get invaded. I know you know the history between the two countries the fight over Kashmir, please explain why they would care in a bad way. IF it came right down to it, and we needed to invade I bet we could count on them for help. Not that i want to invade pakistan. You act like when they sat down and talked for peace they became best friends.

Now i could see iran being pissed, but not india. All I am saying is that because pakistan is not in control of the border why do we even have troops there.

"Son, when I mentioned the strategy of flushing them across the border, did you think there was not a plan to flush them into areas where we had concentrated military forces and terrain aligned with such a strategy? Or did you think our military planners were simply hoping for the best?"

That plan worked well, i bet he got flushed to some place where we had no troops. Thus the need for more troops. Yo and call me son one more time, iswear i will find where you live and kill your dog or something.;)

"Son, if you think we went into Afghanistan half ass, without enough troops, and without a plan, I would have to say that is the second very ignorant statement in the same post......if you want to simply ignore the things I have pointed out, so be it......ridiculous to do so, be so be it....even though they answer your questions"

thats it fido is dead. Now anytime we go to war there is a plan. What i am saying is that we should of secured the border before we started to chase him.

Anyway good back and forth, sorry you had to repeat some shit i think i was posting some shit while you posted. I will read some shit on the war and get back to you.

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"Son, India does care a GREAT DEAL if Pakistan is detabilized.....this would have enormous ramifications....enormous....I hate to say this, but you are being very ignorant......"

I am sure the hindus of india would really cry if the muslims of pakistan did get invaded. I know you know the history between the two countries the fight over Kashmir, please explain why they would care in a bad way. IF it came right down to it, and we needed to invade I bet we could count on them for help. Not that i want to invade pakistan. You act like when they sat down and talked for peace they became best friends.

Now i could see iran being pissed, but not india. All I am saying is that because pakistan is not in control of the border why do we even have troops there.

"Son, when I mentioned the strategy of flushing them across the border, did you think there was not a plan to flush them into areas where we had concentrated military forces and terrain aligned with such a strategy? Or did you think our military planners were simply hoping for the best?"

That plan worked well, i bet he got flushed to some place where we had no troops. Thus the need for more troops. Yo and call me son one more time, iswear i will find where you live and kill your dog or something.;)

"Son, if you think we went into Afghanistan half ass, without enough troops, and without a plan, I would have to say that is the second very ignorant statement in the same post......if you want to simply ignore the things I have pointed out, so be it......ridiculous to do so, be so be it....even though they answer your questions"

thats it fido is dead. Now anytime we go to war there is a plan. What i am saying is that we should of secured the border before we started to chase him.

Anyway good back and forth, sorry you had to repeat some shit i think i was posting some shit while you posted. I will read some shit on the war and get back to you.

That plan worked well, i bet he got flushed to some place where we had no troops. Thus the need for more troops. Yo and call me son one more time, iswear i will find where you live and kill your dog or something.;)

:laugh::laugh: my apologies

With respects to India ...no , they would not cry over the loss of Muslim life in pakistan, or I should say, the extremists loss of life......However, they want Musharaf in power as well

In short, a destabilized Pakistan is a national security nightmare for India, the region, and the world...I don't think that India would like a fundamentalist govt in power and their hands on the red nuke button.....a destastabilized nuclear Pakistan goes WAY beyond Kashmir in terms of ramifications for India....

But if you want to talk Kashmir, you do not want Kashmir getting inflamed because that is exactly what would happen if we hit the NWFP too hard or without "thinking", and then Pakistan is forced to divert resources away from helping the U.S. because they would have to counter the threat from Indian troops mounting on the border to counter the Kashmir inflamed situation....

As a matter of fact, the very same people that Pakistan is hunting down now would then become allies of the ISI and Pakistani military in any conflict with India.....the cycle is vicious...

The NWFP is a monumentally complex situation, and is not easily addressed by simply saying we need more troops in Afghanistan

I have also read many articles and studies on the military footprint there, and not once was it ever mentioned that we require 100,000 troops more to be more effective than what we have now....conversely, more troops in that region would actually be counterproductive to what teh Special Forces, CIA, and paramilitary forces are trying to build and establish with the locals in the hunt...

WHht I do think is we need more troops, not American, but NATO (or UN) to help safeguard the historic elections that are coming up....

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Are the forces in the north powerful enough to overtake the pakistan government? Also with our help i am sure it would not come to that.

But like i said i want nothing to do with going into pakistan. As a matter of fact i would rather have the troops home and secure our borders.

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