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CBS to Admit Documents Fraudulent


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....Imma give credit where it is due .............the republicans are definetly smarter/slick when it comes to Smearing it's opponents , as we see for example with the Swift boats vs memo gate .

Congrats to all you right handers ! boyakasha ! :)

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the goal of 60 minutes is to get viewers, or ratings, that is it. Now you tell me what would attract more viewers a story on the swift boat guys, who have been in the news for months and have a book, or brand new never before seen evidence the the president of the united states ditched hid duties in the national gueard. Gee i don't know.

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the goal of 60 minutes is to get viewers, or ratings, that is it. Now you tell me what would attract more viewers a story on the swift boat guys, who have been in the news for months and have a book, or brand new never before seen evidence the the president of the united states ditched hid duties in the national gueard. Gee i don't know.

What are you talking about????...Seriously, are you doing it on purpose?....

I have said it 3 times already...Dan Rather passed on the Swift Boat Story BEFORE it was a story, BEFORE cable news and Talk Radio went wild with it...BEFORE the book was being promoted all over the place....BEFORE the Swifites were all over the NEWS...

He had a shot to be at the forefront of this story...and ADMITTEDLY PASSED on it....That is the point, not sure why you are not hearing that.....he passed on an anti-Kerry story, and went wild with an anti-Bush story......period.

Your point about ratings, and doing a story on Swift Boat story months after the story broke is irrelevant and completely off point......HE PASSED on the story BEFORE it was a story.....which leads to question why (hint: anti-Kerry story)

But he certainly jumped at the opportunity at an anti-Bush story 6 WEEKS before an election with a ridiculously questionable source, ignored warnings from another network, and ageed to act as a conduit to the Kerry campaign.........

And this is the same man who did not want to go with the Swift Boat Story, BEFORE it was a story, because he deemed it not credible........so much for his so-called "investigative responsibility" ...I guess that principle only flies in the face of potential damaging stories about Bush....

C'mon man....

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you show me info , not from worlddailynet, that he passed on that story. And my point will be moot and i will shut up.

Your point is moot anyway :) ...but i will go see if I could locate his words, which is ow a while ago....however, I saw and heard one of his interviews with my own eyes and ears what he said....and it was clear

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Col. Burkett told USA Today in a story for today's editions that he did not discuss the papers with the Kerry team. "My interest was to get the attention of the national [campaign] to defend against the attacks" from the Swift Boat veterans, he told the newspaper.

naturally the above statement is true.just like the Bush administration has no connection to the Swift Boat veterans. :spin: :spin: :laugh:

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