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Kerry's lead in NY shrinking to single digits


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Way to go New Yorkers! Finally coming to your senses :)

New York: Kerry 49% Bush 45%

Survey of 500 Likely Voters

September 12-18, 2004

New York 2004

Presidential Ballot

Bush 44%

Kerry 49%

Nader 2%

Not Sure 5%




September 20, 2004--John Kerry's lead in New York is down to single digits. The Empire State, among the bluest of the Blue States from Election 2000, is still in the Kerry column for our Electoral College projections, but the raw numbers are stunning.

Confirming findings found in other recent polls, Rasmussen Reports shows John Kerry leading George Bush by merely five percentage points, 49% to 44%. Four years ago, Al Gore defeated Bush to carry New York by a 25 point margin. Our last New York survey found Kerry up by 19 points.

Bush is also closer than expected in neighboring New Jersey.

Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York on 9/11 and one of the nation's most popular political figures, strongly endorsed the President at the Republican National Convention. That may be connected to the President's rise in the state's Election Polls.

Nearly a quarter of the state's Democrats now say they will vote for Bush.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of New Yorkers now Approve of the President's Job Performance. That's a six-point increase since our last survey in the state.

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looks like the GOP should worry about Congress

Monday September 20, 2004--If the Congressional elections were held today, forty-three percent (43%) of Likely Voters say they would vote for a Democrat while 41% say they would vote for a Republican.

Not that big of a story...the NY Poll is shocking!......I wonder how much Guiliani was a factor....or perhaps the protestors too...I know many on the fence Kerry supporters who were so turned off by the protesters, and associated the protestors with Kerry, I wonder if it had a big impact.....or perhaps NY'ers, being the smart fuckers we are :) , .....simply tired of Kerry's endless flip flopping.......his latest on Iraq is so ridiculous, it is hard to believe ....

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