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another reason to vote for bush...........


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I applaud your service but How do you know what we do and or do not do?? Plus going in the military does not make your opinion of Politics more important then others. FYI - I Do my part. If you would like to debate a soilder write Powell a letter. Speaking of Navy - How do you feel about John Kerrys Treason?? LOL he we go

whats your part???

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just for the sake of playing devil's advocate,

assuming the person was poor, they would probably look like a bum and there might be a possibility that they also might not have an education over a 10th grade level.....

who would hire the smelly stupid bums then ???? would you ???

most places, im sure, have a certain requirement for maintaining personal hygene. where would they wash up ?? I wouldnt think they would have a bathroom, let a lone a house to do this in..

now lets say a place like mcdonalds hires them for any given reason....

since they are poor they are probably homeless,as mentioned before.

What address would they put down in the paper work and where would they get thier tax papers sent too ???

and how does one live substancially on a minimum wage level, once they start earning it, again assuming they are under the mental capacity to work the given job. ????

They might make poor a day panhandelling and stealing on any given day.

these are just a few thing I think of, when I wonder why the poor are poor and arent working.

i mean no disrespect by this post by any means, such a blanket statement makes it seem that being poor are all poor peoples fault and they are too lazy to help out thier unfortunate predicament.

heres another question...

lets say a person, who went to college, got a job in their respective major and started to make a decent yearly salary, all of a sudden became poor because their lost their job to offshoring or something similar in nature and all their savings was spent on day to day life expenses and paying back college loans, and things as such,

and we get rid of other social programs to save ourselves from paying more tax money like unemployment, social security, and welfare ?

Then who is to blame for this persons misfortune?

The person ?? Politics for allowing such things as offshoring ??

me for being an assclown for no given reason ???

I find being apathetic and presumtious (sp?) to the poor and their pending economic state is just as bad as worrying about the war on terror because its hard for me to think sometimes how we as a nation are so wealthy and yet have as high a poverty level as we do.

also, the thought of putting the poor who are capable of work in factories which manufacture weaponry for the war and such had crossed my mind and i've asked myself why coulnt they just do that, but then knowing the extent of the greed of the " haves", they woud just the same maybe have the people of another country do the same work for a fraction of the salary.

so maybe the poor should move there, huh ?

Hey I dont know if I agree with you but I love the Pic in your Sig
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