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real reason for war with iraq-the euro?


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Is it about placement (permanently) of troops and U.S. bases in the oil-producing region such that we are in a position to control those nations' management (or mismanagement in our eyes) of the oil. It is also about ensuring that OPEC remains on a petro dollar standard.

If petroleum is traded on dollars, then central banks will ensure they have plenty of dollars in reserve and not euros or other less useful currency. Iraq had switched to the euro from the dollar for their oil (Iraq in November 2000, before 9/11). OPEC meetings had occasionally discussed this as well.

This is really just cut and paste from a long article from a former air force/nsa officer.


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yeah, I had discussed this with this retd Lt. Col Karen Kwiatkowski sometime back, certainly possible, But i am not sure if she wrote this in her articles...chavez of venezuela is pursuing something similar...lets see what happens there...

Is it about placement (permanently) of troops and U.S. bases in the oil-producing region such that we are in a position to control those

nations' management (or mismanagement in our eyes) of the oil. It is also about ensuring that OPEC remains on a petro dollar standard.

If petroleum is traded on dollars, then central banks will ensure they have plenty of dollars in reserve and not euros or other less useful currency. Iraq had switched to the euro from the dollar for their oil (Iraq in November 2000, before 9/11). OPEC meetings had occasionally discussed this as well.

This is really just cut and paste from a long article from a former air force/nsa officer.


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dude, shez one tough lady....I know her, shez pretty patriotic and one of the finest officers i can think off, no one should doubt her character, i mean shez served this nation honorably and has done what most of us cant even phatom to even dream about.....shez made sacrafices for this nation, and we should be greatful to her! she had worked as an analyst in the now defunct Office of Special Programs, where you have all these isreali moles....running around...heck the guy responsible for that office dough feith is an isreali agent....she had guts to stand up to this shit and do something about it! I know of some serving officers who still who dont have enough balls to do what shez doing, exposing the extent of corruption in our DoD and the influence of forgein countries like isreal over our policies.......i dont know what us americans need to understand to do something about it....

yeah i think that was her, she must be a terrorist pinko commie...

Good points, could be true, but we will never know.

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