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If I were Bush...

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I think he did all right.

I do not think that bush realized the camera was on him when kerry was answering questions. He smirked way too much.

I thought Kerry did well in terms of coming off as articulate and a command of the issues, but he did leave himself open a couple of times (ie "the global test", diminishing the allies in Iraq), that Bush did seize on......and I am not sure he shed the perception of a flip-flopper on Iraq...

Bush was pretty much what I expected.....on message...although I did not think Bush was at his best......I think he missed some opportunities to score points,but overall I thought he did relatively well since for the most part the entire debate was an attack on Bush's Presidency (foreign policy)......it was a tough scap up there....

Overall, the debate was the same shit we have hearing for months, and brawling with each other every day on this board

It would be inetersting to see how the polls break, and what Americans will remember........if you are going to keep score, I would give Kerry the edge.....simply because if Kerry did not perform tonight, he would have been cooked...but he did, and because of just that, it was victory for Kerry, because it has kept him in teh game, and may even get a boost

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I'd be doing everything possible to cancel the rest of the debates.

The poor guy just can't think...PERIOD!!

lol..... but to my surprize his lack of intelect actually makes him more appealing to many bible-belt "square state" voters ...


.... i call it " the town drunk" sympathy .

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lol..... but to my surprize his lack of intelect actually makes him more appealing to many bible-belt "square state" voters ...


.... i call it " the town drunk" sympathy .

You are foolish to think that President Bush isnt a smart guy. He is methodical and deliberate. Dont confuse these qualities w/ stupid. That is a huge error.

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You are foolish to think that President Bush isnt a smart guy. He is methodical and deliberate. Dont confuse these qualities w/ stupid. That is a huge error.

He plays on peoples emotions and in a very personably manner (which connects with many) , i give him credit for that ............but in terms of intellect , I don't find him inteligent at all ...but thats just my view , this isn't a Obby style "FACT" .


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He plays on peoples emotions and in a very personably manner (which connects with many) , i give him credit for that ............but in terms of intellect , I don't find him inteligent at all ...but thats just my view , this isn't a Obby style "FACT" .


How do you think Kerry comes across? I feel like he looks and sounds like a rich guy. I dont think he connects well with the average American. I also think he is a politician through and through and it shows. Clinton was the best at connecting w/ people and he never sounded like a politician. Probably why he could run again today and win.

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How do you think Kerry comes across? I feel like he looks and sounds like a rich guy. I dont think he connects well with the average American. I also think he is a politician through and through and it shows. Clinton was the best at connecting w/ people and he never sounded like a politician. Probably why he could run again today and win.

First off , BOTH bush & Kerry are rich folks ...


.... If Bush tricks you into thinking he's just like us common folks by the way he speaks , then thats your problem .

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I am aware of that. I want your take on how Kerry comes across to Joe Average. Do you think he connects well w/ most Americans? My feeling is that he doesnt.

As I mentioned before, Clinton did this better than anyone. He was the apex predator when it came to reaching out to people.

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I am aware of that. I want your take on how Kerry comes across to Joe Average. Do you think he connects well w/ most Americans? My feeling is that he doesnt.


I see Kerry as a clear spoken politician with not much enthusiasm.....even though he is getting "looser" as of late , bush still has a clear advantage in the "average joe" outward perception department .

.. but that has no influence on me whatsoever on who will make this country better .

ps.... conmen & serial killers are usually very outgoing and nice people on the exterior ..

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I agree that someone's position should dictate support and not how you connect w/ them. Unfortunately, that is not how many people vote. Many people want someone to connect with them. Personally, I dont care if the guy stutters as long as I am with him on the important issues.

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