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Gallup Poll: Kerry wins, but internals show little change in opinions


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Flip Flop is a personal attack ...it can almost be interpreted as "TWO FACED "

No, it cant be interpreted as "two faced". It is referencing Kerrys lack of conviction on the issue of Iraq.

Here is another example:

Bill Clinton lied about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

That is not a personal attack. He lied. Therefore, he is a liar. Nothing personal, it is what it is.

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No, it cant be interpreted as "two faced". It is referencing Kerrys lack of conviction on the issue of Iraq.

Here is another example:

Bill Clinton lied about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

That is not a personal attack. He lied. Therefore, he is a liar. Nothing personal, it is what it is.

So I can say Bush lied about the 2 main reasons for invading iraq ( 1...wmd's , 2 ...Imminent danger to the US ) ..


...but i do realize what i call a LIE , to you is a honest miscalculation/mistake .

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So I can say Bush lied about the 2 main reasons for invading iraq ( 1...wmd's , 2 ...Imminent danger to the US ) ..


...but i do realize what i call a LIE , to you is a honest miscalculation/mistake .

If you feel it is a lie that I would not consider that a personal attack, but President Bush did not lie.

1-The intel from Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France and the US would convince most leaders that Iraq had WMDs.

2-Iraq was an imminent danger b/c it was on the verge of becoming a haven for terrorists and enemies of the US. I would consider Iran an imminent threat as well.

Again, attacking someone's record is not attacking them personally.

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That has about zero to do with what I am talking about. It has to do w/ making lame posts about "town drunk syndrome" and other personal jabs that devalue how the rest of us read your posts. While I may not agree w/ some views, I respect those out there who dont resort to cheap shots.

Now, I wish all of talk about Kerry in Vietnam and President Bush in the National Guard would go away. I dont think it has anything to do w/ this election.

Having said that, the Swift Boat guys are vets and their opinion is that Kerry betrayed them and his country. I tend to agree with this assessment on some levels, but that is irrelavent. I also think that President Bush probably made some mistakes in the Texas Air National Guard. Again, none of this matters when it comes to my vote.

The one making the cheap shot was Tucker Carlson from CNN's cross fire.

I was not comparing the stories i was comparing the reactions

Whether its a personal attack against Bush or Kerry the reaction seems to be the same; "lets talk about the issues" And you are right they need to start dealing with the issues at hand

They need to stop this 3rd grade fighting shit and tell me what they are going to do with Iraq

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i really wish john kerry supporters would stop ripping the prez on the war in iraq, if u look at any info that is widely available online, u will see te timeline of john kerry flip flopping his way to todays date, he clearly states like 5 times publically that he believes saddam was an imminent threat with wmd capabilities.....it blows my mind that any argument by kerry or his supporters against bush holds any water....also he went on chris matthews and says hes an anti-war candidate, had to mention that...also this so called media generated momentum for kerry lolololol i admit kerry won the first debate BUT in most major polls kerry moved up liek 1 point and still trails in most battleground states..newsweek poll sampled more republicans than democrats b4 the debate, and after the debate they polled more democrats than republicans which gave kerry a 2 point lead....so wheres the momentum..Peter Jennings declared after the debate if u didnt know where kerry stands now u do....Bob Scheiffer got all excited when talkin about kerrys newfound momentum and exclaimed now ppl see the real john kerry.....the media was waitin for any chance to push the so called kerry momentum

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