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Due to all the political talk on this board lately

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I'm gonna ask you what your opinion is about two U.S. conspiracy theories I've been trying to figure out.

The first: Has anyone ever of HAARP? It's basically a program that uses towers across the world to supposedly test the effects on the atmosphere of very large electric fields and radio signals, probably for finding better ways to transmit signals better. Oh, and it can also be used to change weather patterns. For instance we have the capability to specifically target nations and unleash hurricanes and other such storms. My conspiracy theory is I think Florida has been targeted by this administration. For the simple reason of allowing Bush to become this sort of "healing president" and garner more votes.

The second: The Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11. Not a plane.

Oh, and btw, TWA 800 was also brought down by one of our OWN missiles.

It was an accident launched by the US Navy. I'd post numerous links but I'm much too lazy for that. Just google it.

Denny Crane.

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There's a website called whatreallyhappened.com that is heavily monitored by the government. You can go there and read some of this stuff that, in reality, are not really conspiracies. Most of their stories are corroborated by experts and officials.

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I'm gonna ask you what your opinion is about two U.S. conspiracy theories I've been trying to figure out.

The first: Has anyone ever of HAARP? It's basically a program that uses towers across the world to supposedly test the effects on the atmosphere of very large electric fields and radio signals, probably for finding better ways to transmit signals better. Oh, and it can also be used to change weather patterns. For instance we have the capability to specifically target nations and unleash hurricanes and other such storms. My conspiracy theory is I think Florida has been targeted by this administration. For the simple reason of allowing Bush to become this sort of "healing president" and garner more votes.

The second: The Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11. Not a plane.

Oh, and btw, TWA 800 was also brought down by one of our OWN missiles.

It was an accident launched by the US Navy. I'd post numerous links but I'm much too lazy for that. Just google it.

Denny Crane.

the ECHELON project(in it's secrecy), nothing is too far fetched. ECHELON has been proven true.


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whatreallyhappened.com is a website run by muslims who are trying to find holes in government reports that incriminate muslims as part of 9/11. They try to make it into a conspiracy setup by the Bush administration to frame muslims for what took place.

I think we all know that in fact the men who hijacked planes that day were muslims.

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great fucking topic caleb....rod had been doing some research on your second topic

there are alot of questions that need to be answered in this site





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Here you go Rod...Yeah I love that shit too. I remember when I first saw that video clip. It was really well done. I still don't know how they can explain the fact that no plane wreckage was found. Or how about the fact that the "plane" was traveling like 500 mph only about 2 feet from the ground? Oh, and supposedly the "hijacker" was a very bad flight student. How the fuck could he perform a stunt like that? Read alittle into the TWA 800 theory. It's shocking.

babyfacewarrior...Alot of the information that is covered has been substantiated by REAL people. REAL officials and experts. Even ABC and BBC News have been quoted. These "holes" that you mention are actually really big fucking holes that just help us learn the truth. Do you really believe that there wasnt some sort of coverup on 9/11? btw, don't make statements like "we all know for a fact" because I certainly don't. I happen to be swaying toward the belief that we used remote controlled airplanes to crash them into the WTC. (Which btw, demolished quite neatly, don't you think?) Columbia University reports seismic activity around the WTC just seconds before the first building went down. Some experts say that the sesimic spike was actually a bomb underneath the building to help demolish it very easily. Now, alot of this may not be completely accurate, but their certainly is logic behind it. And proof.

Look, we've been lied to before:

Gulf of Tonkin

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Even Pearl Harbor

To name a few....

Anyway, if whatreallyhappened.com isnt credible enough for you. Try another website called infowars.com Its not too bad.

I'll wrap this up with one question... has anyone ever heard of Stanley Hilton? He was a senior advisor to Sen. Bob Doleand he recently gave an interview, which, in my mind, is fucking mind boggling. Here I can hope I can linkit correctly:

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So you actually believe that 9/11 was ordered by the Bush administration and that they not only ordered it but planned to frame muslim extremists for it?

And in the days leading up to 9/11 took steps to ensure that the muslim community would not be able to defend themselves against this blame?

I skimmed the part about Pearl Harbor but im not sure what exactly they say the conspiracy was.

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Dennis Miller: I don't wanna go on a RANT here but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antetum. I mean when a neo-conservative defenstrates it's like Raskalnakov filibuster dioxymonohydrostinate.

Peter: What the hell does RANT mean?

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So you actually believe that 9/11 was ordered by the Bush administration and that they not only ordered it but planned to frame muslim extremists for it?

And in the days leading up to 9/11 took steps to ensure that the muslim community would not be able to defend themselves against this blame?

I skimmed the part about Pearl Harbor but im not sure what exactly they say the conspiracy was.

Yeah, I mean, to an extent I do. Obviously some details are alittle sketchy but the pieces kind of fit.

And, shit, who better to frame than muslim fanatics? The plan is perfect: We set it up so that they look like terrorists and we have an excuse to go into Iraq, and eventually other countries. Iraq is sooo important in the Mid East as far as military strategy goes.

I think Al Qaeda is a fucking sham. They've been created by the US and bin laden. They don't exist. bin laden is on our side.

Oh, and about Pearl Harbor...It was basically a provoked attack.FDR supposeldy knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. He needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.

HE denied intelligence to Hawaii.

He mislead commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on having false information sent to Hawaii about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.

And thats just the beginning.

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So we doctored interviews with Flight School instructors who said they trained them? Phone calls from people on planes talking about the hijackers?

Film from the airport where they were temporarily detained before passing through security?

The taliban may have been set up by the US, but I dont believe Al-Qaeda was.

The story you want to believe is a little too far fetched to buy for me personally.

These sites all claim that these attacks, including Pearl Harbor, were setup to get public support for declaration of war by the U.S. We could have produced other kinds of propaganda to gain the public's support to enter into WWII or Iraq. Pictures of concentration camps would have been enough, having inspectors "find" WMD in Iraq would have been enough. I dont think that killing innocent people was thought to be needed to drum up support, altho it is more motivation.

These conspiracies are so left-wing that the media would have exploited them if they werent so shaky.

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I certainly don't believe everything that is being presented on those websites, however I don't think it is as farfetched as you think. The media WOULD exploit this info, and they have to an extent. But it's difficult when the government is controlling the media. All you have to do is watch BBC or any other foreign credible news/media outlet. Believe me you'll find alot of info that the people here in the States aren't privy to.

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its actually funny to read those sites and see how far they run with the President's facial expression as he is being told about the planes hitting the building. Because the man wasn't running out of the room and skidding out in his limo past the jungle gym he must have been in on it cuz he didnt look shocked enough.

wow @ that

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So we doctored interviews with Flight School instructors who said they trained them? Phone calls from people on planes talking about the hijackers?

Film from the airport where they were temporarily detained before passing through security?

The taliban may have been set up by the US, but I dont believe Al-Qaeda was.

The story you want to believe is a little too far fetched to buy for me personally.

These sites all claim that these attacks, including Pearl Harbor, were setup to get public support for declaration of war by the U.S. We could have produced other kinds of propaganda to gain the public's support to enter into WWII or Iraq. Pictures of concentration camps would have been enough, having inspectors "find" WMD in Iraq would have been enough. I dont think that killing innocent people was thought to be needed to drum up support, altho it is more motivation.

These conspiracies are so left-wing that the media would have exploited them if they werent so shaky.

good points and I agree

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