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Due to all the political talk on this board lately

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Here you go Rod...Yeah I love that shit too. I remember when I first saw that video clip. It was really well done. I still don't know how they can explain the fact that no plane wreckage was found. Or how about the fact that the "plane" was traveling like 500 mph only about 2 feet from the ground? Oh, and supposedly the "hijacker" was a very bad flight student. How the fuck could he perform a stunt like that? Read alittle into the TWA 800 theory. It's shocking.

babyfacewarrior...Alot of the information that is covered has been substantiated by REAL people. REAL officials and experts. Even ABC and BBC News have been quoted. These "holes" that you mention are actually really big fucking holes that just help us learn the truth. Do you really believe that there wasnt some sort of coverup on 9/11? btw, don't make statements like "we all know for a fact" because I certainly don't. I happen to be swaying toward the belief that we used remote controlled airplanes to crash them into the WTC. (Which btw, demolished quite neatly, don't you think?) Columbia University reports seismic activity around the WTC just seconds before the first building went down. Some experts say that the sesimic spike was actually a bomb underneath the building to help demolish it very easily. Now, alot of this may not be completely accurate, but their certainly is logic behind it. And proof.

Look, we've been lied to before:

Gulf of Tonkin

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Even Pearl Harbor

To name a few....

Anyway, if whatreallyhappened.com isnt credible enough for you. Try another website called infowars.com Its not too bad.

I'll wrap this up with one question... has anyone ever heard of Stanley Hilton? He was a senior advisor to Sen. Bob Doleand he recently gave an interview, which, in my mind, is fucking mind boggling. Here I can hope I can linkit correctly:

I never knew about this interview or anything but its extremely strange that a friend of mine, who is from a political family in pakistan came back from vacationing there and said pretty much exactly what the interview was stating. I mean this was about 7 months ago...he didnt say that the planes were being remotely controlled but he did say that outside america everyone is saying that the attack was ordered by the government. He said it was carried out by al-qaida and the cell was here already but it was infiltrated by cia, which gave the orders and laid out the plan... I never gave it a thought before cause everyone has their own theories...but after reading this interview I dont know if I truly still believe if the attacks werent some political thing. but If you think about it how can a plane be so off target for so long and no one do anything. Its strange and its scary what people whomever it was will do to other humans. About 8 years ago, while on a tour of europe I heard from people at bars talking that Sadaam and bin ladin were on CIA's payroll and sadaams attack on kuwait was a conspiricy by the saudis and americans...I dont know how much truth is in any of these things but it is a known fact that US military trained afghans specifically bin ladin and his followers in afghanistan to fight the russians.

Im sorry but the shit going on in the world today makes me think we're getting close to the end... read prophecies and they all describe these same type of things happening before the end. People are loosing there minds..everyone is turning EXTREMELY selfish and if anyone does anything with good intentions they are questioned cause its out of the norm now.

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So you actually believe that 9/11 was ordered by the Bush administration and that they not only ordered it but planned to frame muslim extremists for it?

And in the days leading up to 9/11 took steps to ensure that the muslim community would not be able to defend themselves against this blame?

I skimmed the part about Pearl Harbor but im not sure what exactly they say the conspiracy was.

I think George Bush was Flying the Plane by remote control. Then it took him 7 minutes to leave the school cause he had to hide the remote without anyone seeing it. As a matter of fact it may still be in the book at the school - you guys should go down there to look for it and while you do we can target another hurricane to hit Fl while you are there. Oh Haliberton made the remote - I think Bush was in on the terrorist attack on the school children in Russia too. I mean what better way to get Russi involved then to kill there school children. We all know that Islamic Factionalist would never do that. The white house is framing them :gang:

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Bush said he saw the first attack on the televisions at the school outside of one of the classrooms he was about to enter. Yet, the principal says no televisions exist in that part of the school. If you want to be sacrastic abouteverything and not actually respond intelligently, then so be it. I used to be like youwith all of the "Bush in '04!" bullshit. I was a staunch supporter for the war, but if you truly believe that we haven't been lied to about numerous things then you truly are fucking ignorant. A nigger, even.

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Bush said he saw the first attack on the televisions at the school outside of one of the classrooms he was about to enter. Yet, the principal says no televisions exist in that part of the school. If you want to be sacrastic abouteverything and not actually respond intelligently, then so be it. I used to be like youwith all of the "Bush in '04!" bullshit. I was a staunch supporter for the war, but if you truly believe that we haven't been lied to about numerous things then you truly are fucking ignorant. A nigger, even.
Please cite a legitimate source - I never heard Bush say that and I follow very closely with news media - all of them even the ones I dont agree with. And there is not one intelligent entry in this thread. Conspiracy theories. What you are trying to say is that FDR and George Bush are in Fact TWO of the largest Mass murderers in American History - Bush in effect killed 3000 on 911 and FDR killed what? 2500 - 2600 in Pearl Harbor. Dont talk to me about intelligent responses - you are the ignorant ass. Nigger you say?? Dont get any more ignorant then that. This all wont matter in 1 month when Bush is re-elected
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Please cite a legitimate source - I never heard Bush say that and I follow very closely with news media - all of them even the ones I dont agree with. And there is not one intelligent entry in this thread. Conspiracy theories. What you are trying to say is that FDR and George Bush are in Fact TWO of the largest Mass murderers in American History - Bush in effect killed 3000 on 911 and FDR killed what? 2500 - 2600 in Pearl Harbor. Dont talk to me about intelligent responses - you are the ignorant ass. Nigger you say?? Dont get any more ignorant then that. This all wont matter in 1 month when Bush is re-elected

Pal, he said it. You want a legitimate source, go find it yourself.

It's very easy to write off people by stating "there is not one intelligent entry in this thread" How about you counter with an argument of your own? Refute what we are saying. btw, I started this thread to conspiracy theorize. Alot of these are, like I said, theories. But, no, you won't have any of that! People are questioning your President. NOOTSY TO THE RESCUE!

I wonder when reading your multiple news sources if you're wearing a blindfold because you cant see past alot of shit that should be so fucking clear to you. I just want to know one thing: Do you believe the US government has been absolutely truthful to us under all circumstances?

Edited: Because I think I said something alittle out of line. I cant be a complete asshole.

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Joe, I finally finished researching that whole email. I wanted to further delve into into every aspect of it. It does indeed dismiss many of these theories in the video. However, it leaves a few waning. I still don't can't understand how a plane traveling that fast could fly only about 2 feet from the ground. Especially with some lowly, minimally trained terrorist at the helm. And why haven't the black boxes or any of the surveillance videos been released. Plus, there's been very little discussion about the attack at the Pentagon. We hardly hear it mentioned in the media.

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Joe, I finally finished researching that whole email. I wanted to further delve into into every aspect of it. It does indeed dismiss many of these theories in the video. However, it leaves a few waning. I still don't can't understand how a plane traveling that fast could fly only about 2 feet from the ground. Especially with some lowly, minimally trained terrorist at the helm. And why haven't the black boxes or any of the surveillance videos been released. Plus, there's been very little discussion about the attack at the Pentagon. We hardly hear it mentioned in the media.

well maybe it was a missle of some sort and the government would rather lie to us than to have us know that something of that nature occured on our soil..........when our borders are suppose to be unpenetrable............

but thats just my made up theory.................

or wait, it could have been a U.F.O.

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