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Oakenfold CD Travelling

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Originally posted by amalkav:

What ?? Somebody can look cute????

Just remember me!! I took two cold medicines and had 2 glasses of wine and I was way sooo fucked up for about 2 hours!!! I ended up sitting in Twilo, me head was spinning, my heart wanted to jump out of my body and I felt soooooo bad! I didn't realized I did something wrong frown.gif BTW Brandie I have an impression that I was introduced to you but I am really sorry I don't remember because of my conditions....

So everybody remember... no Extra strenght Cold medicine and Alcohol!!!!

you didnt' remember me either from the first time



"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. " -Winston Churchill


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Originally posted by brandie:

maybe you hit me off w/ some of that medicine . . . i'm not sure i remember either . . . but perhaps smile.gif



haha OK, lets get over it smile.gif So I guess I'll see you in Hammerstein ? I promise I will remember this time smile.gif


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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so back to the travelling cd...does anyone else have any input on it...cause his last one was kinda not in his league...and its almost 30 bucks for the import Travelling. any other opinions please post em. would be greatly appreciated by a guy with little or no money but is always looking for a music fix....

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

you didnt' remember me either from the first time


OK so now this is really embarrassing... Now I can't say anything because I was completely sober, no alcohol, no drugs, no cold pills... I am soooo sowwwyyyy. Please forgive me



I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by sonicgroov:

so back to the travelling cd...does anyone else have any input on it...cause his last one was kinda not in his league...and its almost 30 bucks for the import Travelling. any other opinions please post em. would be greatly appreciated by a guy with little or no money but is always looking for a music fix....

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif

I am on my knees begging for that info too..


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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me too. let's hear the word. Travelling is decisively better than Another World? i was told that they're really similar. so since i've had my friend's Another World for ever now (sorry, mattyparsons, i'll get it back to you!), i thought i shouldn't get Travelling

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Originally posted by sonicgroov:

so back to the travelling cd...does anyone else have any input on it...cause his last one was kinda not in his league...and its almost 30 bucks for the import Travelling. any other opinions please post em. would be greatly appreciated by a guy with little or no money but is always looking for a music fix....

I picked it up yesterday...it is great. Definitly better than his Another World cd. Blows it away in my opinion. Its harder and won't put you to sleep like Another World did. Plus it doesn't have the cheesy soundbytes to interuppt the songs like when Pete Tong does for his essential broadcasts. I picked mine up at Tower Records for $23. Not bad for an import.

Get it. cwm11.gif


all the girlies say i'm pretty fly for a white guy...


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Originally posted by sonicgroov:

so back to the travelling cd...does anyone else have any input on it...cause his last one was kinda not in his league...and its almost 30 bucks for the import Travelling. any other opinions please post em. would be greatly appreciated by a guy with little or no money but is always looking for a music fix....

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif

Hey Sinicgroov --- if you know anybody in Jersey CDW has it for $21 and Amazon has it for $22 -- No Charge For The Link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000053SPP/qid=974345951/sr=1-13/104-3855206-7183927


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Guest blckraven

I am not one of Oakie's biggest fan. I do give him credit for sticking with Prog. Trance, while everyone else is jumping onto the dark side of trance. It caught me by surprise when I first heard his CD Travelling. I am not sure if you guys can get it. I had to make sure it was him.

Two Words ! Fucking Brilliant !!!

One kick ass track after another, his CD another world I am not making this up put me to sleep after PVD. We use it as calm down music.

If you are a trance Junky like I am,I urge you to walk ..mmm make that run to the Import sections and get a copy.( BlueAngel , Rob and Brandie ) you guys know you will get a copy lol !!

I can't wait to run home and Blast it..

I may decide to see hime Live again.

The Cd of course includes Ubik and new version of bullet in the gun( aint he tired of these tunes ? )

Ohh well ...still rox !

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Guest blckraven

Buy ?...what is that ?

You can find it in some import sections. ie: HMV or Virgin Megastores may have it.

P.s: Rob, I don't know if we are coming to Oakie or not, 50/50 We just might.

Would be a good way to burn off the xtra cals from dinner lol !

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I wanna know I wanna know!! I have 2 his double CD's but I don't remember names... I wanna get more! Where did you get yours?

I hope you and Casey are doing well! And BTW thx for your support in Twilo...


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Amalkav & Rachel:

Mitchell doesn't buy his music anymore. He probably got it off the net somewhere.

Amalkav, I hope you're feeling better, sweetie! And don't you EVER do that again!!

Rob, I dunno. I guess I have to heard this CD first cause the last Oaky CD SERIOUSLY put me to sleep! cwm33.gif



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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what casey, you're feeling sick again and have the overwhelming urge to drink a bottle of robitussin and go to oakie with rob and i after thankgiving dinner at your house courtesy of mitchell looking cool in his apron so you can show oakie and everyone else exactly *how cute* you can be when you take medicine and drink lots of wine??


sounds good. smile.gif

you know if mitchell says it's good, it's gotta be - i trust his judgement. smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Originally posted by brandie:

what casey, you're feeling sick again and have the overwhelming urge to drink a bottle of robitussin and go to oakie with rob and i after thankgiving dinner at your house courtesy of mitchell looking cool in his apron so you can show oakie and everyone else exactly *how cute* you can be when you take medicine and drink lots of wine??


sounds good. smile.gif

you know if mitchell says it's good, it's gotta be - i trust his judgement. smile.gif



Exactly what is it that you're trying to imply, Brandie?? cwm13.gif That I LIKE getting fucked up?? hehehehe.

Well you're WRONG! I LOVE GETTING FUCKED UP!! cwm32.gif

No, I'm not a crackhead!! tongue.gif

P.S. Don't you need a ticket to go see Oaky?



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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Originally posted by brandie:

*how cute* you can be when you take medicine and drink lots of wine...

What ?? Somebody can look cute????

Just remember me!! I took two cold medicines and had 2 glasses of wine and I was way sooo fucked up for about 2 hours!!! I ended up sitting in Twilo, me head was spinning, my heart wanted to jump out of my body and I felt soooooo bad! I didn't realized I did something wrong frown.gif BTW Brandie I have an impression that I was introduced to you but I am really sorry I don't remember because of my conditions....

So everybody remember... no Extra strenght Cold medicine and Alcohol!!!!


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by amalkav:

BTW Brandie I have an impression that I was introduced to you but I am really sorry I don't remember because of my conditions....

maybe you hit me off w/ some of that medicine . . . i'm not sure i remember either . . . but perhaps smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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