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Deep Thoughts, maybe?

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Hey everyone, I'm sitting here at work and I came across an interesting thing. There is an article on the homepage of MSN.com about infidelity. I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is as to the whole, "perfect soulmate" concept. Does anyone ever sit back and think to themselves that human's aren't made to be with one person all their life?

The article starts talking about guilt and trauma caused by infidelity. Isn't it possible that this trauma would be avoided if we faced the fact that we are natural beings of instinct? Our instinct is to learn, evolve and better ourselves. Through learning we change our thoughts and ideas.

Just think about the fact that humans are very complex beings which change and "evolve". I don't think it is possible to believe that we, as humans which interact and get influenced everyday in different enviornments, can go home and be the same exact person we were 10 or even 5 years ago.

If this is true and we go home to the same person which isn't being influenced, what do you think the outcome will be? Are we to think that we still have the same exact things in common?

Isn't it also strange when someone tells you, "you'll never change him/her." Cause you will, I think so anyway.

I don't know how I'm coming off here, I'm actually trying to sound a little mature on this topic and I would like some mature responses if possible. Especially from the experienced crowd. cwm20.gif

Maybe I'm just being crazy, but can't we be happy with what we have today. If we're not happy today then make yourself happy tomorrow. Then your today will be happy again.


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Originally posted by flippin_e:

Hey everyone, I'm sitting here at work and I came across an interesting thing. There is an article on the homepage of MSN.com about infidelity. I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is as to the whole, "perfect soulmate" concept. Does anyone ever sit back and think to themselves that human's aren't made to be with one person all their life?

The article starts talking about guilt and trauma caused by infidelity. Isn't it possible that this trauma would be avoided if we faced the fact that we are natural beings of instinct? Our instinct is to learn, evolve and better ourselves. Through learning we change our thoughts and ideas.

Just think about the fact that humans are very complex beings which change and "evolve". I don't think it is possible to believe that we, as humans which interact and get influenced everyday in different enviornments, can go home and be the same exact person we were 10 or even 5 years ago.

If this is true and we go home to the same person which isn't being influenced, what do you think the outcome will be? Are we to think that we still have the same exact things in common?

Isn't it also strange when someone tells you, "you'll never change him/her." Cause you will, I think so anyway.

I don't know how I'm coming off here, I'm actually trying to sound a little mature on this topic and I would like some mature responses if possible. Especially from the experienced crowd. cwm20.gif

Maybe I'm just being crazy, but can't we be happy with what we have today. If we're not happy today then make yourself happy tomorrow. Then your today will be happy again.


smile.gif Whats goin on bro. Call me at work, so we can talk more. smile.gif


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

"Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them." - Edgar Allan Poe


"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty


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Originally posted by flippin_e:

My think my head is numb. cwm30.gif

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU MADE MY DAY....AGAIN. yeah gimmie a call so we can talk. I'll be here till 1.




"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

"Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them." - Edgar Allan Poe


"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty


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Yes I believe in Soul-Mates.

But your soul mate doesn't have to be that "perfect being" you set it out to be.

This was said once "It's always US left in the end" , that person is your soul mate.

As for fidelity?

We aint nothin but animals, sex, and the speces MUST survive at all costs.


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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I completely agree that you can have a soul-mate....but I don't know if it can be just one. There are parts of my soul that only certain people can reach. I know that I've been touched and that touch won't ever fade. I feel that all those impressions are what make your soul and if you've completely filled your soul then you will be content. I don't know if there will ever be one person that can completely touch every part. Anyone feel me on this?? Or am I completely in my own mind on this?

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hmmm.. soulmates huh... as u know im quite disillusioned in the whole idea of love and happiness.. but u do have a point... no one person can touch every part of u... soulmates can come in many shapes and forms not just as lovers... best friends, family, even people u talk to for only one night can all touch parts of u and make u understand yourself better... if there is one person out there for everyone they wouldnt touch every part of your soul... u would allow them to touch every part of their own souls

--ciao cwm38.gif

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I totally feel you dood. Basically this is my viewpoint:

All you say is true. But, what if you run into a situation where you feel you've found your soulmate. and she feels the same. You have this incredible relationship...and she has taken a huge piece of your soul. Then later you end up not feeling the same. What does that other person feel?

It is your right to feel that way....but i feel that after a while the nostalgia (sp) should fade a little and give you vision.....the vision to see the person for who they are inside. truly. then i feel that your determination that she is ur SM should be made.

Love you Bro



"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

"Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them." - Edgar Allan Poe


"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty


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i think that a person can have multiple soulmates in their lifetime. As we grow and experience life we change and our soul changes. I feel that maybe there is a person for each stage of growth in our life, if you dont' find them in time, you gotta wait for the next stage to start. but unfortunately, this also means that you can grow out of your soulmate which happened to me a few years back cwm36.gif


twilo is my drug

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but unfortunately, this also means that you can grow out of your soulmate which happened to me a few years back cwm36.gif

Thx Matty, I think my reason for posting this topic started because of knowing this. I'm seeing eye to eye with you on this. cwm34.gif

But it wasn't exactly cause I grew out of it. Life's circumstances don't care for love. cwm36.gif

[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 11-16-2000).]

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:

i think that a person can have multiple soulmates in their lifetime. As we grow and experience life we change and our soul changes. I feel that maybe there is a person for each stage of growth in our life, if you dont' find them in time, you gotta wait for the next stage to start. but unfortunately, this also means that you can grow out of your soulmate which happened to me a few years back cwm36.gif

i wouldnt exactly say out souls change.. its more like they evolve and adapt to the ever-changing society... the day u find THE soulmate u decide to spend forever with will be the day your soul is complete but not because of the other person... your soul is complete b/c u have found yourself

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had a soulmate a while back, from day one we knew what the other was thinking. never loved anyone like that. and i mean on on every level intellectually, emotionally, physically . . .

anyways, i cheated on him, in a very petty way, but still cheating. and for the first time, i had realized that the whole relationship concept is pure and utter bullshit. main reason being, i never had a chance to grow. we were both so fucked up in so many ways and if it wasn't for him i wouldn't have overcome a lot of shit that i did, but at the same time, he was holding me back from a lot of things too and preventing me to overcome other things, as i was for him.

we stayed best friends for a long while. and he was into this girl, and it hurt a little cause i still loved him, but with this whole new perspective of loving him as a part of me. neither of us would have been who we are today with out the other. when i speak to him now, it's the same thing, "what was i thinking that i could spend the rest of my breathing days with you?"

anyways, all those long term things are stupid, you just end up fucking yourself over being with someone you shouldn't be with, or being that someone to somebody else.

everyone you meet paints a new picture, a new part of you. like last year . . . i was with this guy and we were foolin around on the street a lil bit, but very playful, laughing etc. then this other guy said to us "you are so beautiful."

and i loved that he saw it as a beautiful thing, cause it was so euphoric.

a few days later, i ran into the 2nd guy, and i spoke to him for like 3 seconds, found out what his name was, and we set up a time to meet later that evening. i had to wake up to catch a train the next day so when we finally did meet up i had to go. but we exchanged e-mail addresses, (finally! the point of the story), he once wrote me something really beautiful here it goes:

"take a couple of candels and light them tonight in your room and keep them at opposite ends of the room and look at all the angles and shadows then blow one of them out and you will witness the death of a conciousness for that is what we do for each other we light up things for each other to see so that our worlds may be that much more vast and color filled but when the light goes out or even just out of the room you realize how much you helped each other and how things change with only you to light the way. change is good moving on is good learning to harvest the necessities the important things that we learned even if they were horrible truths we lived and loved and may we be at peace with what we said and did. and no place is ever lit the same by just one candle but you can always get another candle."

aramis, i can forward you the whole e-mail conversation. we were talking about friends you love in general, all sexes and breeds. i was talking to Al about this a while back, just about your friends not being there physically making life so much harder.

also, nother thing: take as many risks as you can, cause change is always good.


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Originally posted by sharonregina:

had a soulmate a while back, from day one we knew what the other was thinking. never loved anyone like that. and i mean on on every level intellectually, emotionally, physically . . .

anyways, i cheated on him, in a very petty way, but still cheating. and for the first time, i had realized that the whole relationship concept is pure and utter bullshit. main reason being, i never had a chance to grow. we were both so fucked up in so many ways and if it wasn't for him i wouldn't have overcome a lot of shit that i did, but at the same time, he was holding me back from a lot of things too and preventing me to overcome other things, as i was for him.

we stayed best friends for a long while. and he was into this girl, and it hurt a little cause i still loved him, but with this whole new perspective of loving him as a part of me. neither of us would have been who we are today with out the other. when i speak to him now, it's the same thing, "what was i thinking that i could spend the rest of my breathing days with you?"

anyways, all those long term things are stupid, you just end up fucking yourself over being with someone you shouldn't be with, or being that someone to somebody else.

everyone you meet paints a new picture, a new part of you. like last year . . . i was with this guy and we were foolin around on the street a lil bit, but very playful, laughing etc. then this other guy said to us "you are so beautiful."

and i loved that he saw it as a beautiful thing, cause it was so euphoric.

a few days later, i ran into the 2nd guy, and i spoke to him for like 3 seconds, found out what his name was, and we set up a time to meet later that evening. i had to wake up to catch a train the next day so when we finally did meet up i had to go. but we exchanged e-mail addresses, (finally! the point of the story), he once wrote me something really beautiful here it goes:

"take a couple of candels and light them tonight in your room and keep them at opposite ends of the room and look at all the angles and shadows then blow one of them out and you will witness the death of a conciousness for that is what we do for each other we light up things for each other to see so that our worlds may be that much more vast and color filled but when the light goes out or even just out of the room you realize how much you helped each other and how things change with only you to light the way. change is good moving on is good learning to harvest the necessities the important things that we learned even if they were horrible truths we lived and loved and may we be at peace with what we said and did. and no place is ever lit the same by just one candle but you can always get another candle."

aramis, i can forward you the whole e-mail conversation. we were talking about friends you love in general, all sexes and breeds. i was talking to Al about this a while back, just about your friends not being there physically making life so much harder.

also, nother thing: take as many risks as you can, cause change is always good.


u r a very wise girl... i happen to have done the same thing and learned a lot from it... and taking risks.. well im all for it... u have nothing to lose except the chance to change for the better

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cwm1.gif Sharon. I knew it, from the minute you sat down next to me in Breffni's, no matter what my state of mind. I knew you were a very smart, special person. That is exactly what I meant. I'm just saying, "damn". You put everything that I was trying to say into it's place. Now I'm mad at myself for being so unsocial that night. In January you better hang out when I go back up there. cwm20.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 11-16-2000).]

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