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hating and loving someone at the same time


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. because it's poorly stated and easily refuted......back to the issue at QUOTE]

Any discussion of spirituality and religion can be easily refuted. There is no proof, no hard cold evidence to prove any of it so any refute could have its own refutation thrown right back.

Additionally, I put a disclaimer up before the text. So :gang:

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...boy...a lot of love in those last two posts......lol.......ease up son.....i didnt want this to become about god, religion, spirituality, etc.......in the simplest form, we are emotional creatures......we feel love, hate, sadness, etc......there are physical explanations and metaphysical explanations.....i did not see the need to go into either.....but rather agree that you can feel both simultaneously......refuting the existance of one should be a whole other post if you care to dive into it.......but what fucking ever man.....:)

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I don't think you are understanding.

***DISCLAIMER***I am about to embark on a spiritual explanation of why you cannot hate and love at the same time. So if the talk of God scares you, stop reading ***END DISCLAIMER***

It is impossible to hate. Since we were created by God, we have been created perfect, without hate, sin and everything else. The hate that people experience is that of illusions caused by our free will that God has granted us. Many of us allow this free will to run rampant and begin to conceptualize the illusions as being the truth. Nothing but the truth exists, since hate is an illusion, it is false and unreal and untruth. God created everything and He did not create hate, only love. Hate does not exist, only an illusion of the feeling of hate is what the mind experiences. If one can disavow the conception of hate, the only substitute is love. The mind cannot experience the truth and untruth simultaneously, it must believe in one or the other. If the mind is experiencing love, hate is eradicated from the beliefs and therefore only the truth is known; if of course the love you are experiencing is true love and not false-love (and for that, entire books have been written).


first of all, its neither here nor there, but i am religious myself, and my father happens to be a minister. so after 23 years of living in a very very religious household i can absolutely tell you that as far as the bible is God is concerned, i know what i am talking about.

secondly i would like to add, that i didnt even read what you wrote, only the first line of that monologue there, and i can prove to you, with specific verses and scriptures if you prefer, that you are wrong. it says in the bible, philosipher, that God created man, and because of the sins of eve we became sinners. and it says, in the bible, that we are sinners from birth, but through faith and seeking salvation through Christ that we can be forvigen for our sins.

lol, im sure you're very spiritual hun, but if you wanna start going with this then its on, ive heard nothing but every single arguement about any aspect of religion from birth til now. and i may be able to educate you if you wish.

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....you just made me so horny......wishing you were here.......... :makeout:


some people just talk and need to be abused for the asinine things that come out of their mouths. just dont act like you're an authority on something when someone could read what you say, and immediately know that you're dilusional.

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i highly disagree.

you can love someone, and hate specific qualities about them, and on the flipside, hate someone and yet love certain things about them. its not a complete black and white, one side or the other ideology. there's a vast spectrum between the two where gray areas can make one extreme or the other not feasible.

I completely agree with you. Or if you dont hate them, highly dislike or dispise.

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some people just talk and need to be abused for the asinine things that come out of their mouths. just dont act like you're an authority on something when someone could read what you say, and immediately know that you're dilusional.

.....well, idk about all that......it's not always our place to teach simply because we are in the position to do this......just be wary of the consequences of such actions.....the counter point to what you said is that some people will put people in their place but will not listen when it's their turn......lol........so yeah, why dont we both shut up now and make out for a while?......

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secondly i would like to add, that i didnt even read what you wrote, only the first line of that monologue there, and i can prove to you, with specific verses and scriptures if you prefer, that you are wrong.

lol, im sure you're very spiritual hun, but if you wanna start going with this then its on, ive heard nothing but every single arguement about any aspect of religion from birth til now. and i may be able to educate you if you wish.

You may know what you are talking about when it comes to christian God and the Bible, I will not argue you on that. I know very little about the bible, and even less about christianity. If you want to start quoting the bible, feel free, some it is pretty juicy.

But you cannot "prove" me wrong by quoting scriptures, I have to belive the bible to be the truth before I will accept it as proof. Now I will agree that many passages in the big book of christianity is right on for growing next to god, but many of the scriptures have been tainted by translations, paraphrasing, unruly kings, and sinning men. The boundries of christianity keep me from growing closer God so I choose not to use it.

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