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Cops Were Busting Ballz Halloween!!!!!!!!

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Freakin Pigs had nothing better to do than mess with Catwoman on Halloween???? I was dressed up as a sexy Catwoman out for a night of fun with my friend. Was on the clubplanet guest list for deep, got into Penn Station around 11 p.m. tryed to get a cab one block up from Penn by Duane Reade, no luck. Came back down by the main entrance to get a cab, they just pulled away the blockades. A line just started to form. I saw a line of cabs pull up, went to get in the first available on. These little goodie-goodie chicks came running up. They were like ummmm... we were waiting get out!!! I said NO!!!We got this cab, we are not getting out, you get in the next cab. The cab driver was not moving. All of a sudden a Pig ( cop) on a horse came up, he asked who was here first. I said we were ( We were sitting in the fucking cab!!!!) the cop told us to get out and let the little chickens get in, he said we could get in the cab behind us. I asked him what was the big fucking deal , we were here first why couldn't the other girls get in that one. He started yelling, get out now!! So i did talking shit the whole way. Go to get in the other cab, the door was locked but the window was open, so I unlocked the door, we get in. The cab driver turns around and start yelling, I could even understand him, but apparently he said he was off duty!!! Jesus Christ!!! We get out of that cab, tryed to get in the other, and the Pig on the horse came up again, he had a friggin hard on for me!!!!! He was flippin out, he told me I was rude and grapped me by my jacket!!!!! I told him to get his fucking hands off me!!!! My girl friend was trying to pull him off me and we both had a hard time thats how hard he had me!!! He threatened to arrest me, I turn around and now there are 5 cops on foot surrounding me, telling me they are gonna arrest me, I said for what cursing???? I said FUCK, FUCK ,FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!!!!!! They really didn't like that, I said all I want is a fucking cab, get the fuck away from me!!!!!! The only reason they could think of to actually arrest me was.....oh" I smell weed!!!! :smoke: " I said are you fucking kidding me????? :jerkoff: Thats all you got!!! Real originial, If you smell weed it must be cause you are smoking it!!!!!!!! ( hahahahahah I'm such a smart ass I don't care !!!!!) I just got out of the shower there is no way the could smell weed on me, I said I only had 3 beers :beer: so far, and I'm not driving so u can't do shit to me fuck you get away from me!!!! They told me and my friend that we had to go one block back up towards Duane Reade or they were gonna arrest me!!!!!! I was pissed I kept yelling as I walked away :finger: FUCK THE POLICE, FUCKIN PIGS!!! And all kinds of anti cop comments, everyone who was around was cheering me on " Yeah Catwoman!!!!!" Went back up to where we started from waited another 20 minutes for a cab, finally got in one, get to Deep I was supposed to get in free, by the time we got there, the bitch at the front door was like $25 each, I said " We are on the guest list" she was like that ends at 12, I said I am on 2 of them this one is till 12:30 she was like $25!!! So we paid!! Fucking cops made us miss the guest list so we had to pay when we could have gotten in for free!!!!! Fuck the Pigs , Like I told them, They can all suck my ASS!!!!!!!!! :peeleft:

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what a class act you are.

i love stupid little girls who think they know it all.

over and above what i'm sure is a rediculous amount of embellishment,

what can they arrest you for?

how about disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and if that giant hunk of horseshit you tried to sell us about your friends physically trying to get the cop off you, how about assault on a police officer.

this story is such a load of crap its comical.

now run along......

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!

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To all you shit talkers Fuck off!!! I have no reason to lie, unlike some of you losers!!! I could give a shit if you believe me or not!!! I am no little girl, regardless what you think!!! "Know it all"??? Where would you even get that from??? What made you think I was a know it all??? Oh wait....it doesn't matter cause I could give a shit less what you think!!!!! As Far as Getting beat down "lady" and Spraga I think you 2 know a little more about getting beat down by cops than me. And wait yes you too can kiss my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!! You are right Bionic this is commical!!!!


awww...little girl is throwing her toys...awwwwww. And yeah, I got my ass whooped by cops soooooo many times. :rolleyes:

If you didn't really give a shit, you wouldn't have hit ENTER 40 friggin times you pill-popping moron!!

Get AIDS so people will have one less slore to worry about.


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The only moron in here is you!!! As far as pill popping AIDs Victim you shouldn't talk about your mother like that!!! I'm sure she wouldn't be too happy to know that her Asshole bastard child speaks so poorly of her. Yeah I knew you got your ass beat by cops alot just from reading your profile!! How old are you?????? 5???????? Give it up !!!! Go get a life LOOOOOOOOZZZZZZZZAAAAAA!!!!!!!

HAhahaaha this is fun thanks!!! keep up the "hard work"!!! You make it to easy to make you look stupid!!! Oh wait you do that enough on your own!!!!!! Next..........

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The only moron in here is you!!! As far as pill popping AIDs Victim you shouldn't talk about your mother like that!!! I'm sure she wouldn't be too happy to know that her Asshole bastard child speaks so poorly of her. Yeah I knew you got your ass beat by cops alot just from reading your profile!! How old are you?????? 5???????? Give it up !!!! Go get a life LOOOOOOOOZZZZZZZZAAAAAA!!!!!!!

HAhahaaha this is fun thanks!!! keep up the "hard work"!!! You make it to easy to make you look stupid!!! Oh wait you do that enough on your own!!!!!! Next..........

Ugh...my head is hurting reading this nonsense...anyone here speak "trailer park"?

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Spraga, Please give it up, don't be mad cause you got burnt by some chick and you live in the ghetto!!! I have never even seen a trailer, why don't you tell me what yours looks like so I can try imagine what kind of low life you really are!!!! Oh wait we already know that!!!! As far as wishing disease on people ....from earlier post.... go to the vet and get your self fixed so you don't multiply, we don't want more rabbid animals such as yourself running around and infecting other human beings!!!! You need to lighten up Retard before you get smacked like the bitch that you are, here let me bend over so you can ...... kiss my ASS!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! This is too fun....come on try to be a little more original!!!!!!!

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