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Bush Country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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What a funny front page cover !!!!!!

After our long and "spirited" debates, I must admit, I'd pay money to be a fly on the wall of "some" of your houses when you found out Bush won w/ a record amount of votes in American history. With the wood shed shellacking that came w/ the gain in the House, Senate and Governorships.

I done told ya' meng! Blinded by hate. You couldn't see what I've been slapping you across the face with. The truth! Look, truth be told, you can't say I didn't warn ya'. Silent Majority has spoken. If you love this country, you'd appreciate that, dust yourself off and live to fight another day. The picture in your sig is cute and all, but HOLY MAKAROL, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY,,,




The agony of defeat. Look, this hurts me more that it hurts you. I would not stoop this low, extremely gratifying level if not for the constant lies, propaganda and personal insults you chose to embrace about the president of OUR United States of America. You know how I feel. I think I know what some of you believe. Let's deal w/ reality shall we? Bush won, fair and square. Majority and congress. Guess that means the lie you bought into about the 2000 election has gone down the tubes. That means everything you've invested emotion in based on that lie has been nothing more than a cruel ride you've been taken on.

Let's look @ the bright side, at least your guys (DEMZ) are one step closer to accepting reality. Your message stinks. It sucks ass.

I doubt you folks will start soul searching any time soon, but at least President George W. Bush has shoved you in the right direction. America does need 2 strong parties to be at it's best. Right now you boys are in the hurt locker. I tried to tell ya', but that's in the past. I guess ya'll were too hung up on the whole "sheep" thing? Anyway, I say you shake loose of that tick known as Michael Moore and the Hollywood elite and start LISTENING. I hope they stop telling their people what and how to think. I think 3 huge election losses in a row should challenge you folks to start looking in the mirror and start questioning yourselves and the direction the uber-left has dragged your party into. We need you guys. 4 REAL! C'mon now!

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Just because i wanted kerry to win does not mean i though he would. I actually thought bush would win by more to be honest with you. The only glimmer of hope came when i saw he was up and won penn.

SO if bush had the highest in a win does that mean kerry had the highest in a loss?

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.. When you sending me the new Sheep Of The Underground promo cd ?


When you switch your signature pictute from DICKS to CHICKS !!!!

Would you like it with a hot pink cover ????

Just because i wanted kerry to win does not mean i though he would. I actually thought bush would win by more to be honest with you. The only glimmer of hope came when i saw he was up and won penn.

SO if bush had the highest in a win does that mean kerry had the highest in a loss?

Yep....Sure did !!!!! Lots of people came out.

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