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Kerry Won...Here are the facts


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This site is like conspiracy central. The exit polls were wrong all over the country-in states w/ and w/o paper.

If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell ya.

This is Hysterical - John Kerry said all votes would be counted and they were - Guess what - bush has an even bigger lead. 52 - 47% that was the final Tally . Yeah Kerry won. "That Plus crap is crap"

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Kerry Who ????????????

I laugh at this as well. This was predictable and just verifies that no matter what. There are a few who will go down kicking whining and screaming. After all, no one likes to lose so it is somewhat understandable to see these reactions. Some might think it is smarter to learn from your losses instead of deny the defeat but ohh well. You can lead a mule to water but can't force it to drink.

Some tried to imply Bush was not even worthy of winning the election in 2000. Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 and most of his supporters screamed that from the mountain tops and planted the seed of illegitimacy. 2 yrs. later, America spoke again and gave Republicans the majority in both houses of congress. Regardless of what was staring them right in the face, democrats insisted on regurgitating the myth of President Bush's illegitimacy. Let's review shall we? Bush wins a close one in 2000, Demz believe it's just a fluke. There's no way America would disagree w/ them, Right? Then comes 2002 mid-term elections and POW, Republicans clean house. Take congress and governorships. Still, these same OMNISCIENT democrats choose to point blame and invent conspiracy rather than soul search. Finally, 2004 presidential election, President Bush wins the popular vote by almost 4,000,000 (yes, 4 million and counting,,,,still counting absentee votes). President Bush wins the electoral vote. Republicans gain even more seats from both houses of congress and increase even more governorships. America again spoke LOUDLY. Apparently the last 2 times fell upon deaf ears.

Ironically, there are still those who've yet to be successful which keep trying to push their failed propaganda. Why would anyone in their right mind take the advice of 3 time LA-LA-LA,,,,LOOOOOSERS is mind bogling.


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Obviously whining isn't going to make a bit of difference at this point.

All we can really do is sit back and see what Bush does to this country in the next 4 years. All I have to say is that if there are another couple thousand dead American kids all over the battlefields of Iraq (with no real improvement in the situation), the economy goes downhill some more, the rest of the world develops even more hatred and animosity to towards this country, and in the whole process Bush lines his and his cronies' pockets some more..............I hope that all you who voted for him are pleased.

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Some of you Kerry supporters need to show some self respect and stop grasping for every pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you lost. Case closed.
Igloo - Its almost as if they want things to go wrong. The Democratic party will only survive the next few elections if things go wrong in this country - Well lets see - Free elections in Afghanistan - The economy is rebounding at an incredible pace (337,000 new jobs last month and the stock market is growing) Oh thats right all 337,000 new jobs were at Mcdonalds. - The Democratic party has leaders to choose from - People I may vote for but I already see people is the public and private life screaming for Hilary Clinton. Do you people learn anything??? That Liberal agenda is not the way to go - get new leaders and we will see you in 4 years
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Igloo - Its almost as if they want things to go wrong. The Democratic party will only survive the next few elections if things go wrong in this country - Well lets see - Free elections in Afghanistan - The economy is rebounding at an incredible pace (337,000 new jobs last month and the stock market is growing) Oh thats right all 337,000 new jobs were at Mcdonalds. - The Democratic party has leaders to choose from - People I may vote for but I already see people is the public and private life screaming for Hilary Clinton. Do you people learn anything??? That Liberal agenda is not the way to go - get new leaders and we will see you in 4 years

The GOP could only hope the DNC rolls out Hillary in 2008.

And hopefuly the DNC embraces more of the moveon.org, Hollywood, and Michael Moore crowd supported by the elite media again.

And the Democratic Leadership Council will be repeating exactly what they are saying about this election: .".....But we have to face facts: We got our clocks cleaned up and down the ballot."

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Brings up some very interesting issues.


if the link doesn't work, refresh the page and it should, it's probably getting a million hits.

I see you are still posting BS on this board, Get a fucking life, you God damned dems got beaten, majority has spoken, Bush is our president, DEAL WITH IT MORONS!

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Igloo - Its almost as if they want things to go wrong. The Democratic party will only survive the next few elections if things go wrong in this country - Well lets see - Free elections in Afghanistan - The economy is rebounding at an incredible pace (337,000 new jobs last month and the stock market is growing) Oh thats right all 337,000 new jobs were at Mcdonalds. - The Democratic party has leaders to choose from - People I may vote for but I already see people is the public and private life screaming for Hilary Clinton. Do you people learn anything??? That Liberal agenda is not the way to go - get new leaders and we will see you in 4 years

That is exactly right. They want something to mess up. They wait for bumps in the road and then scream bloody murder. Their attitude is just pathetic.

As for the Hillary thing, that would lock us into at least 4(and probably 8) more years in the White House. When Hillary and Obama are your stars and the leader of your party cant get re-elected, its time to start thinking about a new path. Fortunately they are way too hard headed for that so the GOP is looking strong for years to come.

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I see you are still posting BS on this board, Get a fucking life, you God damned dems got beaten, majority has spoken, Bush is our president, DEAL WITH IT MORONS!

As a Conservative Republican - I nominate Hilary Clinton in 2008 - She will be the best thing to ever happen to our party. :bowdown:

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