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Battle for Fallujah

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It is being reported that we now control 70% of the city. This offensive should help add stability to Iraq. The city was the base of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi but it is suspected that he fled pre-invasion. However, this will undermine his ability to organize and hide.

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and dip our bullets in pig blood while we are at it.

(lets see how many come out here and defend these fuckers)

Fuck that dude - seriously how can you say that - pigs blood, blasphemy! :eek: Allah will strike you down with vengence!


Seriously though - beheaders, kidnappers and car-bomb makers - can die and go to hell in a river of pigs blood!

Real insurgents with some legitimate concern - hopefully these are the ones giving up right now, and negotiate out.

CIvilians killed - a big no no.

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and dip our bullets in pig blood while we are at it.

(lets see how many come out here and defend these fuckers)

Fuck that dude - seriously how can you say that - pigs blood, blasphemy! :eek: Allah will strike you down with vengence!


Seriously though - beheaders, kidnappers and car-bomb makers - can die and go to hell in a river of pigs blood!

Real insurgents with some legitimate concern - hopefully these are the ones giving up right now, and negotiate out.

CIvilians killed - a big no no.

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what about the bombs that drop on hospitals that kill children, mothers, seniors? will they meet their marker to?

Seriously vic, its time to get a hold of reality. While bombs hitting the wrong spot is a tragedy, keep in mind this is war and we are all humans. Mistakes are going to happen. I hate to chalk it up to this, but what else can you say?

Damned if we do. Damned if we dont. We had to go in and take the city. As a result, people are going to die. If we dont go in and take the city, people are still going to die.

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Seriously vic, its time to get a hold of reality. While bombs hitting the wrong spot is a tragedy, keep in mind this is war and we are all humans. Mistakes are going to happen. I hate to chalk it up to this, but what else can you say?

Damned if we do. Damned if we dont. We had to go in and take the city. As a result, people are going to die. If we dont go in and take the city, people are still going to die.

you are basically fighting for your belief system and will do anything that you deem necessary to preserve it, they are doing exactly the same. it sucks on both ends, it sucks being a civilian stuck in the middle of it all, but if you go out and condemn what they do, you should also condemn what your side is doing. for them a bomb falling on a house killing a family justifies them going out and kidnapping a westerner and killing them. in the overall spectrum of things, what is the difference between the two acts? both are killing bystanders in the conflict.

they are definding what they think its right, same way you are invading to preserve your way of thinking. and as an end result people are going to die.

if you want to get hold of reaility you should really see the entire picture of this conflict, which we have talked about over and over on this forum.

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you are basically fighting for your belief system and will do anything that you deem necessary to preserve it, they are doing exactly the same. it sucks on both ends, it sucks being a civilian stuck in the middle of it all, but if you go out and condemn what they do, you should also condemn what your side is doing. for them a bomb falling on a house killing a family justifies them going out and kidnapping a westerner and killing them. in the overall spectrum of things, what is the difference between the two acts? both are killing bystanders in the conflict.

they are definding what they think its right, same way you are invading to preserve your way of thinking. and as an end result people are going to die.

if you want to get hold of reaility you should really see the entire picture of this conflict, which we have talked about over and over on this forum.

Great post Vic!

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what about the bombs that drop on hospitals that kill children, mothers, seniors? will they meet their marker to?

We pulled out and we have been attempting to help them rebuild. In the meantime they kidnapped people like this poor lady...


Margaret Hassan, the director of CARE International in Iraq. This lady has been in Iraq for over 20 years and opposed UN sanctions and the war. She ran hospitals and fed poor Iraqis. In other words she was as big a friend to the Iraqis as you will ever find.

But, soon she will probably be beheaded by al-Zarqawi, who has renamed his organization al-Qaida in Iraq.

So, as a humanitarian gesture, we are sending in the marines!!! I pray for the death of every insurgent and the safety of ever American soldier.


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targeting mosques, hospitals, and leaving civilians without medical facilities and power will do wonders for Allawi with his people. pissing off the Sunni‘s is also not too wise of a move. Allawi is being used as a pawn yet again. the insurgents are not idiots; Allawi is playing right into their hands. cause dismay among the Iraqi‘s and move to another area and carry on their business. what a fawking mess!

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targeting mosques, hospitals, and leaving civilians without medical facilities and power will do wonders for Allawi with his people. pissing off the Sunni‘s is also not too wise of a move. Allawi is being used as a pawn yet again. the insurgents are not idiots; Allawi is playing right into their hands. cause dismay among the Iraqi‘s and move to another area and carry on their business. what a fawking mess!

The United States does not target mosques and hospitals. You are thinking of the insurgents who blew up a bomb at a newly opened water treatment plant where a celebration was being held in an attempt to kill as many children as possible.

Allawi just recognizes that you cannot deal with murders and that a nation cannot be held hostage.

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We pulled out and we have been attempting to help them rebuild. In the meantime they kidnapped people like this poor lady...


Margaret Hassan, the director of CARE International in Iraq. This lady has been in Iraq for over 20 years and opposed UN sanctions and the war. She ran hospitals and fed poor Iraqis. In other words she was as big a friend to the Iraqis as you will ever find.

But, soon she will probably be beheaded by al-Zarqawi, who has renamed his organization al-Qaida in Iraq.

So, as a humanitarian gesture, we are sending in the marines!!! I pray for the death of every insurgent and the safety of ever American soldier.


and special shout out to this poor child caught in the middle of things, of course we do not know who he is, but there are many like him.


yes, and i also pray for every marine to come back safely, including my two cousins deployed there even though they do not agree with what the US is doing there. and i especially pray for an end to this conflict and letting the Iraqis determine their own fate, which will probably result in more bloodshed and an instalment of a fundamentalist regime just like Iran once the US pulls out-that will be a BIG improvement over Saddam.

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The United States does not target mosques and hospitals. You are thinking of the insurgents who blew up a bomb at a newly opened water treatment plant where a celebration was being held in an attempt to kill as many children as possible.

Allawi just recognizes that you cannot deal with murders and that a nation cannot be held hostage.

you keep believing that. the first target hit was a hospital... the area has been under surveillance for weeks by the US. you think we are just dropping random 500 lbs bombs, hoping we hit something?? if the scumbag insurgents are using hosptials, etc then use ground troops to confirm that before you decide to just blow things up. Allawi recognizes he needs to try and clean house before the elections. he should at least be honest enough to say that; instead of masquerading around like he gives a sh*t about his brothers and sisters as he called them.
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and special shout out to this poor child caught in the middle of things, of course we do not know who he is, but there are many like him.


yes, and i also pray for every marine to come back safely, including my two cousins deployed there even though they do not agree with what the US is doing there. and i especially pray for an end to this conflict and letting the Iraqis determine their own fate, which will probably result in more bloodshed and an instalment of a fundamentalist regime just like Iran once the US pulls out-that will be a BIG improvement over Saddam.

But, the difference between the US and the Insurgents is we regret the civilian deaths caused in the war and the insurgents target them.

Remember this in March?

"Four contractors working for the US army have been killed and their bodies mutilated in the Iraqi city of Falluja. The group were shot and burnt in their cars, before a cheering crowd dismembered the corpses and hung two of them from a bridge."

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