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Arafat is Dead!!!


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Israel shoots down unarmed Palestinian children in the streets. That’s okay!

Palestinians wire people with explosives blowup buses. That’s terrorism!

Israel cross over into another country, blows up a car with a suspected terrorist in it, almost killing civilians.... That’s okay!

Palestinians fire missiles into Israel. That’s terrorism!

Israel drops bombs on buildings in the Gaza! That’s okay!

The Mossad carries out hits against Hammas leaders... That’s okay!

A vicious cycle!

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Actually, I read somewhere that according to Islam, a body must be buried withing 24 hours of death. Since Yasser Arafat's entourrage had to negotiate with various entities over the location of his tomb, he may actually have died even days earlier than when the world found out. :D

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The chaos that you mention was out of control. It did not show the followers of Arafat in a good light.

The Palestinians who cherish life and peace deserve better than the corrupt terrorist they have been stuck w/ for nearly 4 decades. Hopefully his death will allow better men than Arafat(not difficult to imagine considering what a scumbag he was) to step to the front and lead the Palestinians in their quest for a country.

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hopefully ,the Palestinians elect a leader with enough foresight and tenacity not to become a pawn for flawed american ideology.

What a hater !!!!!!

Arafat's trail of terror:

His PLO attacked and killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches during the 1972 Olympics in Munich

A PLO faction hijacked the Achille Lauro, an Italian passenger liner, Oct. 7, 1985, and demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Before surrendering, they killed wheelchair-bound Jewish-American passenger Leon Klinghoffer, and dumped his body overboard. The man who commanded the operation, Mohammad Abbas, was eventually captured by U.S. military forces in Iraq. He died in U.S. custody March 4, 2004, but not before committing other acts of terrorism.

Arafat provided funding for innumerable Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel, resulting in, as one Israeli writer put it, Arafat's becoming "a mass murderer of Jews."

Arafat gave the go-ahead for the current Intifida, now more than four years in duration, which has cost the lives of scores of Israelis.

Arafat authorized attacks by terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the latter group responsible for bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1980s, which killed a number of U.S. Marines, CIA operatives and other U.S. officials.

Served as the actual commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which has taken a leading role in shooting incidents and bombing attacks against Israeli civilians.

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak told Israel Radio on March 23, 1997, "Organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad have an understanding from the Palestinian Authority to carry out attacks."

In a memorandum captured in Operation Defensive Shield, the Secretary-General of the Fatah office in Tulkarm requested that Arafat provide $2,000 to each of 15 specifically named "Fighting Brethren" of the Tanzim military wing of Fatah. According to Israeli military sources, each of the "fighters" was involved in the planning or execution of suicide attacks, says Eli Kazhdan, a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

As late as September 2003, Israeli intelligence said orders for terrorist attacks were still emanating from Arafat's compound in Ramallah.

Feel free to post his postive accomplishments:

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