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I had those fuckers last night. Those things hurt my throat. They finally went away on their own, but I still tried the breath holding and drinking mad water. But they eventually went away when they wanted to go.


Also known as singultus & diaphragmatic spasm.

. Hiccups occur when a stimulus triggers the nerves which lowers the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the lungs from the abdomen), i.e. makes the diaphragm contract involuntary causing the person to take in a quick breath of air into the lungs. The nerves involved here are linked to the diaphragm.

The air then causes a brief closure of the glottis (located in the voice box, an opening between the vocal cords). The closure produces the "hic" sound.

. Most hiccups are harmless & they usually stop after a few minutes. Chronic hiccups are very rare. Those that last for months or years are usually called intractable hiccups.

. The longest hiccup ever known was experienced by an American pig farmer whose hiccups persisted from 1922 to 1987.

. Did you know that a fetus can have hiccups? They actually help strengthen the diaphragm & prepare the fetus for breathing.

. Most of the methods used to stop hiccups actually seek to alter the flow of air through the vocal cords so as to stop hiccuping.

Causes (common hiccups)

. Unknown causes

. Hot & spicy food

. Carbonated drinks

. Nervousness

. Sudden laughter

. Intense emotions

. Fumes

. Cold air or cold water

Causes (intractable hiccups)

. Excessive alcohol consumption

. Pneumonia

. Abdominal surgery

. Asthma

. Stroke

. Liver/kidney problems

. Brain tumor affecting the brain's breathing center

. Indigestion

. Side effects from certain medication

(e.g. muscle relaxants)

Home remedies

[Remedies to stop rhythmic hiccups, see which are the ones that work for you]

. Bend over the waist & drink a glass of water in that bending position.

. Munch ginger.

. Eat crushed ice.

. Drink water quickly.

. Suck on slices of fresh lemon.

. Swallow a teaspoon of vinegar.

. Gargle with cider vinegar.

. Hold breath for as long as possible.

. Ask someone to give you a fright.

. Bring a paper bag close to the mouth then blow into it & breathe in the air from the bag.

. Cover each ear with your fingers & press gently for a few minutes.

. Squeeze lemon juice to the back of the throat.

. Hold on to a small glass (4-ounce) of water & place your mouth to the opposite side of the glass that one would normally drink from. Bend slightly while taking a sip.

. Drink canned pineapple juice immediately after the can has been opened.

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