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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Tomix :

Pensez-vous l'Europe devriez-vous interdire votre boeuf après que la France l'ait fait en Angleterre? Je seulement plaisante wink.gif

Sincèrement, je pense que l'on devrait interdire le boeuf Français et anglais, par mesure de sécurité, mais c'est beaucoup plus compliqué que cela.

Tu écris mieux Français que j'écris anglais.



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Originally posted by risa06:

what didn't make sence to you?????...ughhhhh...one more time....I have an accent....but....its a turn off FOR ME if a GUY (not a girl, guyfriend, a friend etc) has an accent....you know how some people get turned on if a girl/guy has an accent????....well its a turn off for me......DID YOU GET IT NOW?????????????....

OK...I really don't want to fight with you...but again explain to me how someone CANNOT have an accent. My point is every single person has an accent of some sorts. Are you trying to say that you are only turned on by guys with American accents? But think about it...aren't you just limiting yourself so much (turn-ons and turn-offs are all psychological, so it can be changed).


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Je ne pense pas que cette approche fonctionnera avec les filles américaines, mais vous pourriez toujours juger des Canadiens wink.gif

Je ne suis jamais allé au Canada, pourquoi, comment sont les filles là-bas??

Et qu'est ce qu'ont les américaines de spécial pour être si distantes???



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Originally posted by raver_mania:

OK...I really don't want to fight with you...but again explain to me how someone CANNOT have an accent. My point is every single person has an accent of some sorts. Are you trying to say that you are only turned on by guys with American accents? But think about it...aren't you just limiting yourself so much (turn-ons and turn-offs are all psychological, so it can be changed).

oh no baby smile.gif ...no fightin here...AT ALL smile.gif ....ok may be you are right....but I just don't know why....if a guy has an accent ...very hard one... like russian (mine) or lets say...hmmmm....any euro....or indian....I just don't like it.....of course I will talk to this person and will NEVER be rude......I just don't like the way it sounds......my girlfriends....they melting when they hear an accent....I don't.....may be b/c I HAVE ONE....I don't know......or may be b/c I haven't met someone who I would like so much....I don't know....but I don't like accents...thats all...and I know alot of people have them...... smile.gif


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

OK...I really don't want to fight with you...but again explain to me how someone CANNOT have an accent. My point is every single person has an accent of some sorts. Are you trying to say that you are only turned on by guys with American accents? But think about it...aren't you just limiting yourself so much (turn-ons and turn-offs are all psychological, so it can be changed).

Please don't fight!!!We're civilized people.

For my point of view I think that people with an accent are really cute, I've met an italian girl in my school and his accent was so cute that i fall down for her.

But i don't know how it could be a hurdle for you girl, if you don't like his accent, it's really not important and you don't have to say : this is not for me, he may have many other qualities you can discover, so don't stop to the accent...please.




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Originally posted by sosultan:

i double that raver. accent= turnoff?? forget about personality and the rest? i had no idea she is that ignorant...

Well, sosul, I wouldn't go as far as calling her ignorant (Tomix is ignorant for trying to judge a city's character by a TV show), but it definitely does come across as discriminatory. Its almost like saying I'm turned off by that girl cuz she's black, white, etc...I would still talk to them but I'm turned off by them.

Risa, its all psychological, and this, IMO, is not a great trait to have. Now, I'm not judging you, just making a comment on one of your characteristics.


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Well, sosul, I wouldn't go as far as calling her ignorant (Tomix is ignorant for trying to judge a city's character by a TV show), but it definitely does come across as discriminatory. Its almost like saying I'm turned off by that girl cuz she's black, white, etc...I would still talk to them but I'm turned off by them.

Risa, its all psychological, and this, IMO, is not a great trait to have. Now, I'm not judging you, just making a comment on one of your characteristics.

Im an ignorant on NYC, that's why im asking to you , and if im still an ignorant, it had to be your fault, because you don't have explain me...

And don't underestimate a TV Show, because, it's always based on true society's facts, but i don't know if they're real one, so please tell me.

And stop to be angry like that, we're just talking, we could have different thoughts.




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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Les Américains aiment être très indépendants, ils n'aiment pas être stéréotypés. Au Canada ils ne sont pas différents mais sont la plupart du temps français, partagent ainsi une certaine croyance. Ainsi où allez-vous matraquer, Rex?

Qu'entends-tu par matraquer???



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Yeah don't come down too hard on tomix, in Europe the sitcoms are generally called soaps and ARE based on society (loosely). TV tends to be more REAL, especially in France. It certainly DOESN't make him ignorant, if it does it makes you almost as bad as you do not know anything about French culture.

Tomix, in America sitcoms show a glammed up, unreal version of life.

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Ok, Ok ...I guess I was a bit harsh...to each their own...and who am I to judge or even pass comments. Peace smile.gif

Hey, if you're going to S&D I might actually meet you..haha...and I DO have an accent smile.gifsmile.gif


I guess I was also a bit harsh on you...sorry if it was very offensive. Yeah, it does make me as ignorant for not knowing the culture over there...

Like B2B said, the sitcoms here are a hyped version of reality...plus there are so many different kinds of people in NYC (or any city for that matter) that it would be impossible to portray general characteristics in any one sitcom. Hey, when you come here, I hope you have a great time (but just be careful with the Sex in the CIty assumptions smile.gif).


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Originally posted by raver_mania:


Ok, Ok ...I guess I was a bit harsh...to each their own...and who am I to judge or even pass comments. Peace smile.gif

Hey, if you're going to S&D I might actually meet you..haha...and I DO have an accent smile.gifsmile.gif


I guess I was also a bit harsh on you...sorry if it was very offensive. Yeah, it does make me as ignorant for not knowing the culture over there...

Like B2B said, the sitcoms here are a hyped version of reality...plus there are so many different kinds of people in NYC (or any city for that matter) that it would be impossible to portray general characteristics in any one sitcom. Hey, when you come here, I hope you have a great time (but just be careful with the Sex in the CIty assumptions smile.gif).

I'm not going to S&D....or that is what I think now smile.gif ......but hope to meet you soon smile.gif ....take care....~Lola~.........


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by Tomix:

I HOPE !!!!!!! cwm35.gif

(I only mean that the girls are free and desesperate to find a good man).


Sex and the city--->the sitcom

you know how to charm the ladies...don't you....desperate?.did you forget that we're from Jersey and NYC......desperate...my ass......i would think before typing next time......


"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."


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YES, in fact they are exact replicates of the type of women you will meet on your NYE visit. Think about it like this, television is ALWAYS just like real life, they never embellish anything. NYC is a veritable cornucopia of would be slutty/sexually frustrated/desperate women. they should be easy prey for two extra smooth parisian brotha's like yourselves.



we must cultivate our gardens...

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i really doubt the women on THIS board (or at clubs) are like that. but i know you could find some really desperate middle aged wasps if u go to all the single scene places that all the yuppies go to. theyre pretty pathetic actually.

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Originally posted by lightinggirl:

you know how to charm the ladies...don't you....desperate?.did you forget that we're from Jersey and NYC......desperate...my ass......i would think before typing next time......

Hey what's the problem with my question!!!

We're all desesperate to find somebody, im too, it's not for blaming you, just for to know...But i think you're angry with somebody special (i hope this isn't me???) cwm7.gif



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