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Teens using less pot, but more ecstasy

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Teens using less pot, but more ecstasy

Study: One in 10 teens has experimented with ‘club drug’



NEW YORK, Nov. 27 — Teen-age marijuana use has dropped for a third straight year, but a jump in the use of the “club drug” ecstasy raised new concerns for parents, according to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s annual report.

THE NONPROFIT GROUP’S 13th survey, being released Monday, questioned 7,290 students in seventh through 12th grades nationwide. The margin of error is plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.

Use of ecstasy, a favorite at dance clubs and all-night raves, has doubled among teens since 1995, the survey found. One in 10 teens has experimented with the drug, it said.

The report found the number of teens who have tried ecstasy at least once had increased from 7 percent to 10 percent over the past year. In contrast, the 40 percent of teens saying they had tried marijuana was down from 41 percent last year.

It was the third consecutive drop-off in teen marijuana use since 1997, when 44 percent of teens said they had used the drug at least once.

“We appear to be turning a very important corner,” said Richard D. Bonnette, the partnership’s president and chief executive officer. “But as we turn one corner, troubling developments are coming at us from other directions — specifically with ecstasy.”



The survey found that more teens were turned off than on by marijuana. Fifty-four percent felt smoking pot would make them behave foolishly, up from 51 percent in 1997. Fewer believe most people will try marijuana: 36 percent now, compared with 41 percent in 1997. And just 21 percent said they had used marijuana in the past month, down from 24 percent in 1997.

Those numbers are significant because they address attitude changes since the partnership, along with the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, started a national anti-drug ad campaign in July 1998.

“This study confirms the trends we’ve seen over the last three years — a steady decline in the number of teen using drugs,” said Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. “This is very good news.”

The study found that the number of teens seeing anti-drug advertising on a daily basis has jumped significantly — from 32 percent in 1998 to 49 percent this year.

The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, launched in 1987, is a coalition of communications industry professionals aimed at reducing the demand for illegal drugs.

© 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Use of ecstasy has doubled among teens since 1995, the survey found. Some 40 percent of teens said they had tried marijuana, down one percentage point from last year.

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i heard that yesterday on some connecticut news channel . . . i was like mmmmmKay.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

"This study confirms the trends we’ve seen over the last three years — a steady decline in the number of teen using drugs,” said Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. “This is very good news.”

cwm27.gif HAHAHA yeah right!! Dream on Barry!! tongue.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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i was going ot post on this too i saw it on the news last night ... very funny .,.. good job, drug use over all is down, cept xtc is up about 50% .. yay !! good ,,, =-P .. this goes along with that other post about clubbing becoming main stream .. since whether u agree or not e has become or is at least believed by many people to be part of the club/rave experience ....

too bad more people weren't taking e when it was goood ..! they dont know what the missed . now they are stuck with this garbage ....



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whoever doent want their trees anymore ill be glad to take them off your hands


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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cant we just use them both equally?...why do we have to deprive one so much....

trees and e...learning to love together in equality

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

I scream I scream so much you know what I mean, this electric stream, my tears in league with wires and energy, my machine this is my beautiful dream dream dream, Of hurting no one, hurting no one, hurting no one, I'm hurting no one I wanna give you everything I wanna give you energy, I wanna give a good thing I wanna give you everything


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Hey lets be trend setters and use more pot then E, cause only cool people use E.

It's hilarious how you have bankers, lawyers, doctors all going to clubs now rolling out of their minds. Pop culture is a funny thing.


"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

- Albert Einstein


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