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Jose Canseco sings like a canary !


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I like how he names Raffy... No wonder the poor guy is hawking Viagara... :funny:

:laugh: so much for HOF material. I always wondered how he got the "extra" humpf to keep slugging

On a side note, where the fuck did the Tigers get the cash to sign Magglio Ordonez ? That franchise has had attendance rivaling a minor league team. In the last two years they have been on a mission to rebuild. Good for them, they are on track to finally get outta the basement and make some noise in the majors. But Pudge has to get off the juice man ! :laugh:

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:laugh: so much for HOF material. I always wondered how he got the "extra" humpf to keep slugging

On a side note, where the fuck did the Tigers get the cash to sign Magglio Ordonez ? That franchise has had attendance rivaling a minor league team. In the last two years they have been on a mission to rebuild. Good for them, they are on track to finally get outta the basement and make some noise in the majors. But Pudge has to get off the juice man ! :laugh:

Palmiero has denied allegations .so still will be a lock for the HOF with 3000 hits and 600 homeruns bandwagon boy

Everyone else emphaticaly denied Joses allegations including Pres. Bush

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your right Lola , this might make for an enteraining read

this is some funny shit, fake or not

from ESPN2

Put it this way: Jose Canseco's new book, to be released Monday, promises to set off a slightly larger firestorm than Jesse Orosco's new book, "Memoirs of a Left-Handed Relief Specialist," in which he details how the pressure of facing one batter per game once made him lash out at Tony La Russa for "ruining the game of baseball!"

In "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big," Canseco alleges that he personally injected Mark McGwire with steroids, that he introduced Texas Rangers teammates to steroids when he joined the team in 1992, and that he saw McGwire and Jason Giambi inject each other.

Most shockingly, however, while he writes that he had sex with hundreds of women, he says he did not sleep with Madonna, instead merely making out with her in her Manhattan apartment.

Apparently, Canseco's career strikeout total needs to be adjusted up to 1,943.

Critics were quick to jump on Canseco's allegations, but as always, Page 2 thinks you should decide the validity of Canseco's claims. In order to make a more informed judgment, however, we think you should be aware of a few more excerpts from the book. Luckily, we secured an advance copy.

Decide for yourself:

Page 14: Orel Hershiser scuffed the ball in the 1988 World Series.

Writes Canseco, "That geeky little nerd sharpened his belt buckle and would rub the ball on it. We all knew it was going on. We were the freakin' Bash Brothers and me and McGwire only got one hit apiece that World Series. But baseball didn't care. They didn't want a bunch of Latin and black players like me and Stew and Hendu winning the World Series. It's really a shame Hershiser had to resort to cheating to win, though. It tarnishes his legacy, if you ask me. And Gibson corked his bat. Just another cheater."

Page 41: Ran numbers for Pete Rose.

Writes Canseco, "I met Pete at the horse tracks in Miami in the offseason. That's where I used to get some of my stuff. I'd take the same stuff they shot horses up with. Anyway, I bumped into him once there and found out about his gambling habits. Truth is, I felt a little sorry for Pete. I knew he never bet against the Reds, so when we played Cincinnati in the 1990 World Series, I knew Pete had gone with the Reds. That's why I went 1-for-12 in the Series. I threw it for Pete so he could win a little cash."

Page 107: Denies giving steroids to NFL players.

Writes Canseco, "I know a lot of people think it's impossible that NFL players don't juice up, because some of those guys are even more ripped than I am! But they have steroid testing in the NFL. Those guys are all clean. In fact, I had NFL players ask me about steroids, but I said, 'Don't do it if you can get caught. Just play the game by the rules. You don't want your reputation to be ruined.'"

Page 235: Says he saved baseball after the World Series was cancelled in 1994.

Writes Canseco, "People like to credit Cal Ripken for helping save baseball or maybe Mac and Sammy for the great home run chase of 1998. Well, you already know about the steroids I gave Mac, without which he would have been lucky to hit 25 bombs a year, but I also helped keep Cal's streak alive. True story: We were playing the Orioles in 1994 and Cal gave me a call at my hotel. 'Jose,' he says, 'you gotta help me out. Kevin Costner is trying to make some moves on my wife and I wanna beat him up. But I don't want to break my hand or anything. Would you mind stopping by his movie set on the way to the ballpark and roughing him for up me?' Since Cal is such a great guy, I did just that. It's pretty easy to rough somebody up when you're in the middle of a 'roid rage, so I just injected myself before my little meeting with Mr. Costner. And Cal was able to keep his streak alive. And the next year when he broke the record and ran around Camden Yards, high-fiving all the fans? That was my idea."

Page 396: Says he made out with Tara Reid.

Writes Canseco, "Seriously. That's all we did. I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Page 443: Says he's the reason for the demise of the Yankees.

Writes Canseco, "After I joined the Yankees late in the 2000 season and led them to their third straight World Series title, I was sure we had a dynasty on our hands. But that winter, well, this is hard for me to admit, but I stole Derek Jeter's girlfriend from him. I think I was jealous about all the attention he was getting and wanted to get some revenge. I felt bad about it -- heck, I even went to therapy to help me better understand the inner feelings of inadequacy I've always felt which lead to my self-destructive behavior. Bottom line: Jeter got mad, complained to Steinbrenner, and that's why I wasn't brought back the next year. And of course the Yankees haven't won a World Series since."

Page 618: Gave Sammy Sosa his corked bat.

Writes Canseco, "I met Sammy while I was playing with the White Sox. We used to meet after games at Harry Caray's bar and trade recipes. Sammy was in a little slump that year and was starting to worry that he was losing some bat speed. I said, 'Sammy, remember, cheating is part of the game. I mean, how do you think I hit 814 career home runs?' ... Give or take a few. So I showed him how to cork his bat and gave him the bat I used to hit 42 home runs in 1988."

Page 891: Worked as an advisor to Theo Epstein and helped the Red Sox win the World Series.

Writes Canseco, "I've always wanted to stay in the game and run an organization, so after the Red Sox hired Theo, I studied all this 'Moneyball' stuff and learned about OPS and VORP and EQA and DIPS ERA and so on. I wrote a couple computer programs to help evaluate players, showed Theo the software and he hired me as a consultant. It was my advice to acquire Schilling and get Bellhorn and trade Nomar. Next thing you know, the Sox are World Series champs! I hadn't felt that good since the night I spent with Madonna in her Manhattan apartment! I think this is the first step in me becoming a GM someday. Hopefully some of things I've written in this book won't come back to haunt me and get me blackballed from the sport I love."

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Palmiero has denied allegations .so still will be a lock for the HOF with 3000 hits and 600 homeruns bandwagon boy

Everyone else emphaticaly denied Joses allegations including Pres. Bush

:doh: Thanks for clearing that up Einstein Jr ! Not in a million years would i have thunk that anyone would have denied these preposterous allegations !! I wonder if your IQ hits room temp in February !

Stick to research googleboy, its obvious at this point you got a vacuum b2in your ears :laugh: :laugh:

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your right Lola , this might make for an enteraining read

this is some funny shit, fake or not

from ESPN2

Put it this way: Jose Canseco's new book, to be released Monday, promises to set off a slightly larger firestorm than Jesse Orosco's new book, "Memoirs of a Left-Handed Relief Specialist," in which he details how the pressure of facing one batter per game once made him lash out at Tony La Russa for "ruining the game of baseball!"

In "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big," Canseco alleges that he personally injected Mark McGwire with steroids, that he introduced Texas Rangers teammates to steroids when he joined the team in 1992, and that he saw McGwire and Jason Giambi inject each other.

Most shockingly, however, while he writes that he had sex with hundreds of women, he says he did not sleep with Madonna, instead merely making out with her in her Manhattan apartment.

Apparently, Canseco's career strikeout total needs to be adjusted up to 1,943.

Critics were quick to jump on Canseco's allegations, but as always, Page 2 thinks you should decide the validity of Canseco's claims. In order to make a more informed judgment, however, we think you should be aware of a few more excerpts from the book. Luckily, we secured an advance copy.

Decide for yourself:

Page 14: Orel Hershiser scuffed the ball in the 1988 World Series.

Writes Canseco, "That geeky little nerd sharpened his belt buckle and would rub the ball on it. We all knew it was going on. We were the freakin' Bash Brothers and me and McGwire only got one hit apiece that World Series. But baseball didn't care. They didn't want a bunch of Latin and black players like me and Stew and Hendu winning the World Series. It's really a shame Hershiser had to resort to cheating to win, though. It tarnishes his legacy, if you ask me. And Gibson corked his bat. Just another cheater."

Page 41: Ran numbers for Pete Rose.

Writes Canseco, "I met Pete at the horse tracks in Miami in the offseason. That's where I used to get some of my stuff. I'd take the same stuff they shot horses up with. Anyway, I bumped into him once there and found out about his gambling habits. Truth is, I felt a little sorry for Pete. I knew he never bet against the Reds, so when we played Cincinnati in the 1990 World Series, I knew Pete had gone with the Reds. That's why I went 1-for-12 in the Series. I threw it for Pete so he could win a little cash."

Page 107: Denies giving steroids to NFL players.

Writes Canseco, "I know a lot of people think it's impossible that NFL players don't juice up, because some of those guys are even more ripped than I am! But they have steroid testing in the NFL. Those guys are all clean. In fact, I had NFL players ask me about steroids, but I said, 'Don't do it if you can get caught. Just play the game by the rules. You don't want your reputation to be ruined.'"

Page 235: Says he saved baseball after the World Series was cancelled in 1994.

Writes Canseco, "People like to credit Cal Ripken for helping save baseball or maybe Mac and Sammy for the great home run chase of 1998. Well, you already know about the steroids I gave Mac, without which he would have been lucky to hit 25 bombs a year, but I also helped keep Cal's streak alive. True story: We were playing the Orioles in 1994 and Cal gave me a call at my hotel. 'Jose,' he says, 'you gotta help me out. Kevin Costner is trying to make some moves on my wife and I wanna beat him up. But I don't want to break my hand or anything. Would you mind stopping by his movie set on the way to the ballpark and roughing him for up me?' Since Cal is such a great guy, I did just that. It's pretty easy to rough somebody up when you're in the middle of a 'roid rage, so I just injected myself before my little meeting with Mr. Costner. And Cal was able to keep his streak alive. And the next year when he broke the record and ran around Camden Yards, high-fiving all the fans? That was my idea."

Page 396: Says he made out with Tara Reid.

Writes Canseco, "Seriously. That's all we did. I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Page 443: Says he's the reason for the demise of the Yankees.

Writes Canseco, "After I joined the Yankees late in the 2000 season and led them to their third straight World Series title, I was sure we had a dynasty on our hands. But that winter, well, this is hard for me to admit, but I stole Derek Jeter's girlfriend from him. I think I was jealous about all the attention he was getting and wanted to get some revenge. I felt bad about it -- heck, I even went to therapy to help me better understand the inner feelings of inadequacy I've always felt which lead to my self-destructive behavior. Bottom line: Jeter got mad, complained to Steinbrenner, and that's why I wasn't brought back the next year. And of course the Yankees haven't won a World Series since."

Page 618: Gave Sammy Sosa his corked bat.

Writes Canseco, "I met Sammy while I was playing with the White Sox. We used to meet after games at Harry Caray's bar and trade recipes. Sammy was in a little slump that year and was starting to worry that he was losing some bat speed. I said, 'Sammy, remember, cheating is part of the game. I mean, how do you think I hit 814 career home runs?' ... Give or take a few. So I showed him how to cork his bat and gave him the bat I used to hit 42 home runs in 1988."

Page 891: Worked as an advisor to Theo Epstein and helped the Red Sox win the World Series.

Writes Canseco, "I've always wanted to stay in the game and run an organization, so after the Red Sox hired Theo, I studied all this 'Moneyball' stuff and learned about OPS and VORP and EQA and DIPS ERA and so on. I wrote a couple computer programs to help evaluate players, showed Theo the software and he hired me as a consultant. It was my advice to acquire Schilling and get Bellhorn and trade Nomar. Next thing you know, the Sox are World Series champs! I hadn't felt that good since the night I spent with Madonna in her Manhattan apartment! I think this is the first step in me becoming a GM someday. Hopefully some of things I've written in this book won't come back to haunt me and get me blackballed from the sport I love."

If these are truly taken from the book, I"m definately buying this over the weekend... thats the funniest shit I've ever read :laugh:

I love the Cal Ripken called me to rough up Kevin Costner... ROFLAMOOOO :laugh:

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:doh: Thanks for clearing that up Einstein Jr ! Not in a million years would i have thunk that anyone would have denied these preposterous allegations !! I wonder if your IQ hits room temp in February !

Stick to research googleboy, its obvious at this point you got a vacuum b2in your ears :laugh: :laugh:

Good one peckerhead

You should check out a google site everyonce in a while and check out numbers before you go shooting your mouth off and displaying your usual lack of knowledge round here.

THeres a fine line between your attempt at humor and your admission of ownership by your usual pathetic responses.

Kepp rootin for the PATS bandwagon boy

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Kepp rootin for the PATS bandwagon boy

bandwagon boy ? thats original googleboy, trying some reverse insults now, are we ? Lame is all i can think of. Think about it, in NE, we got one football team and one baseball team...hmmmm.... bandwagon ? Ok moron, you just outdid yourself, with no help no less ! :laugh: See, in NYC, you got two of everything!. Two hockey teams (which suck major balls btw), two football teams which cant win for shit with a salary cap in place, two baseball teams that outspend everyone in the damn league...and oh yeah, too many beggars to boot :laugh:

For a clown that researches shit for everything, i'm dissapointed in you :nono: if you could have taken the effort to click on my fabulous sn, you could have had the opportunity to visit my homepage :idea: Go to the PATS website/chat and ask about "magellan" and come back and talk to me about wagon jumping. Been there from way back asshole. And just to back it up, visit the Raiders website/chat and ask about magellan....(the raider chat is notorious for going down 5 games into the season, so you can also check out "fansinblack.com") ask them when I allegedly did some wagon jumping action...they know it, i know it, been there from waaay before the 1st superbowl title. But i wont hold it against your illiterate ass, you cant come up with anything sensible without googling shit :laugh:

Once again, you have proved that speaking your own mind produces nothing but garbage. Choke on the PATS 3rd SB in 4 years sucker!! Thus, you are owned...prove me wrong asshole !! Hope the yamkees spending atleast gets you to the playoffs . Nuff said.

P.S I thought you were done editing your posts..what happened ?

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oooooh did i touch a nerve BANDWAGON boy

stay down until i tell you to get up.

and heres the edited part , since i actaully just sifted through your shit disguised as a post.

WHere have i ever stated i was done or dont edit posts ?

Also i want to thank you for gettin us all that thrilling info regarding the other websites that you spend your miserable existence on, im sure your posts on there ,are as scintillating as they are here .

BEsides the entertainment value your rantings give me, more importantly they make me appreciate my life that much more.

once again thanks skippy

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oooooh did i touch a nerve BANDWAGON boy

stay down until i tell you to get up.

and heres the edited part , since i actaully just sifted through your shit disguised as a post.

WHere have i ever stated i was done or dont edit posts ?

Also i want to thank you for gettin us all that thrilling info regarding the other websites that you spend your miserable existence on, im sure your posts on there ,are as scintillating as they are here .

BEsides the entertainment value your rantings give me, more importantly they make me appreciate my life that much more.

once again thanks skippy

Its pretty obvious that without copy & pasting shit, you are pretty much useless around these boards.

P.S the word "keep" does not have 2 'P's btw :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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