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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Come On, Party People!


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Here I am, uncovering this awesome new world of club-messaging, only to frustrate myself in a tangled web..Every link I take, I convince myself that I'm about to crack the code, only to tumble back down into a world of ignorant bliss..Bliss??! How can there be bliss in a world of frustrations?

I can't be this dumb, I think to myself...I feel like Lisa Simpson in that one episode where she is the only one who can not solve the puzzle on the back of a box...With shame, I reveal to you my ignorance in figuring out how the heck I go about meeting people around here!

If only but one fateful hand will reach out and pull me into the world of enlightenment, I will be revived from my mundane life of work and wonderment....

Ok, peoples, I'm not as pathetic as this message sounds. Man, I hope not! cwm28.gif But, it's been a rough weekend, one of those weekends when you wonder why the hell you moved so far away from your friends...

Just looking for some cool people to meet. The ones that don't bail with lame excuses.


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Hi Sguid, actually, I wasn't complaining about not meeting new people. Okay, so I was delirious and disillusioned when I wrote last time. Life's a rollercoaster, what can I say...So, anyway, I just discovered this site last night and I was getting all confused about how to go about knowing people from the group, and I am not sure what the meetups are that you refer to. Explain, please! cwm38.gif

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first of all, how did you get your screen name . . .

it's a very close derivative of mine and as you can see, i'm the funniest one here . . .

just wondering because mr. crackorn wants to see your pic . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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First of all, it came from one of those fateful days when i discovered I was in the midst of an eggplant-eating frenzy. I was veggie for a while, you know. And second of all, who is mr. crackorn and do I get to see his picture?

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hey eggmok, I didn't get a dead link....


a couple of things:

This group meets up fairly regularly, so just keep an eye out for meetup postings (often titled ClubNYC meetup, or something close to that in the subject line of the post).

Getting yourself more known on the board is just a matter of posting and replying to peeps.

Anytime you don't see as many replies to a post that indicate there are more, just refresh the page (F5 key in Explorer). Usually means that the page was cached in your system and your browser was just displaying what it last had.... cwm35.gif

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Originally posted by eggplant:

Well then! I take my newbie whippings and lead you to this link: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.geocities.com/freakybeaky/freakybeaky.html" TARGET=_blank>www.geocities.com/freakybeaky/freakybeaky.html</A>

I am the one named Sheila.

i dont sdee anythign with the name sheila .. u gotta be more specific ....



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Sorry folks, I can't upload anything right now 'cause I'm at work frown.gif work sucks, I know...Anyway, I'll do it once I get back home...for now, if you can get to my website: www.geocities.com/freakybeaky/freakybeaky.html you will see links to several of my sites. Click on the Bruhaha Photos..It'll take you to a menu listing "random pics of the life" and then you can start wherever you want. You'll see that I have labeled all my pics. Also, if you wanna see older, scarier pics, you can go to my college site which is "Call Me Satin"..also on the cover page...Let me know if you have more probs!

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Harharharhahr..I have so deliciously decided to revive my thread from the depths of despair, and uploaded a sticky peanut buttery pic of me, despite sguid's harrassment yesterday! For those of you not technically undermined, my site link DOES work!

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hmm...interesting eggplant..nice pic..well i'm new to this site as well...and i am indebtful to this message board cos without it i would not have gotten tix to Oakenfold's last minute. Thank you mister Aztec...yes yes..had a great time...

i'm new to this site and i also don't know what the meet up post is...it is a post just like this titled clubnyc meet up?

i happen to like peanut butter myself.

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sup, kids-

Sheila, I can't believe that you'd stoop so low as to eat UTZ chips!!!

And in the BRIGHT GREEN bag!!!!!




Bonton, Baby!


You know what I was, you see what I am: change me, change me!

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Cool dudes, I live on Queens Blvd and 45th for about 6 months now. We got to Taylor's Hall a lot, just opened up down the street, mostly 'cause it's right there and we can roll outta bed and into the bar smile.gif

What the heck, UTZ is some good stuff!!!!! Come on, could you really tell the difference in a blind taste test?

What about beef stick? The kind with the processed cheese lying by its side? Now that's some good stuff! (drool, drool)

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